Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dream #292 (December 14, 2010)

This is a bit insane, but very interesting.

I was working for a large company with Kevin Chupps. We each had our own cubicle in a skyscraper, and we were in the future (I'm fairly certain of that). As we were filling out paperwork, a messenger came with a new job for the two of us, given to us by the big boss of the company (he was actually a giant). The job was to enter into an alternate universe and kill ten people, videotaping the murders as they take place (yes, I know this is sick).

Well, we could not say no to this boss, for he would probably destroy everyone we knew if we were to double-cross him. Furthermore, we were informed that we would not actually be killing anybody, for what we were doing would not actually be real. It was a bit confusing, but I still fest wrongly about it.

Anyway, we were sent into this cyber world where our bodies were transformed into pixels, then sent via computer into the alternate world.

Kevin and I were both armed with video cameras. The first person we killed by strangling. It wasn't as gruesome as I thought it would be, for the target was unsuspecting of an attack and was unable to fight back. I felt awful for the rest of the dream, however, for the weight of death was upon me.

Then we shot a few people, some in the chest and one in the head, and got some quality footage of the incidents. (How could I have been so cruel?)

Finally, we entered a log cabin to kill the last two people (I'm pretty sure the amount of people I remember killing don't add up to ten, so my brain must have skipped a couple, for which I am grateful). Unfortunately, though we were in an alternate reality, I knew the two people we were supposed to kill: Carrie Badertscher and Amber Kreider. They didn't quite look the same as they do in real life, but I could tell who they were supposed to be. I didn't want to go through with the slaughter, but I had become accustomed to the violence, and I was no longer as affected by it. Kevin and I both pulled out knives and attached them to the front of our video cameras as if they were bayonets. Then, with a howl and a great force, Kevin stabbed Amber in the face as I went to stab Carrie. At the last moment, however, I turned my knife from Carrie's face, for I couldn't go through with it. Instead I landed the knife in her side. At this point, Amber was dead, and Carrie was stunned so that she could not move or react. Fortunately I don't think she knew who I was in this alternate reality (which is a little sad, if you think about it), so there was no look on her face of a person being betrayed by a friend. However, I had mortally wounded her, so I decided to finish her off by stabbing her in the heart so that she would not suffer.

Then I awoke, disturbed more than ever by what goes on in my mind.

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