Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dream #289 (December 1, 2010)


I began this dream with my little brother Mike and my friend Kyle Heffelfinger inside of a grocery store. We were looking at lettuce when we noticed that a lot of people around us were beginning to get clumsy, running into shelves and falling over too easily. One older man hit the ground very hard, so Kyle, Mike, and I walked over to see if he was alright.

The man began to shake and turn green. His skin started to rip, and green roots emerged from his blood. In front of our eyes, he turned into a celery-like zombie, and believe me, this was a grotesque sight to see. Then, almost causing me to wet myself, the celery zombie jumped to his feet, let out a bizarre squeal, then attempted to slice us with his sharp arms. We immediately began to run away.

As we ran out of the store, we noticed that almost everyone had turned into a celery zombie, and those who had not yet were being attacked by those who had.

We hopped into an old mini-van, and Kyle began to drive us away from the horror. When we got onto the street, there were celery zombies everywhere. To cut down on the number of zombies in the world, Kyle began intentionally hitting them head on with the van, causing them to break and fall to the ground. He had no mercy on these former humans, but we were in a time of fear and crisis. Unfortunately for us, the van broke down after a few miles.

Luckily we were in an area that had not yet been infected by the celery zombie virus, so we were able to take shelter in a restaurant, with the intention of warning the people in there.

As we walked in through the front door, I accidentally tripped on lip below my feet, causing me to fall to the ground. This legitimate clumsiness made Kyle and Mike believe that I was starting to lose control of myself as the people in the grocery store had, so they instantly ran away from me. I, however, had just tripped was not actually becoming a zombie, so I chased after them, pleading for them to wait for me. We all got so distracted with the chase that we didn't notice everybody in the entire restaurant turn into celery zombies. When Kyle and Mike finally realized that (which was after we ran through the whole restaurant), they entered a private conference room with no windows and only two doors, and bolted it shut behind them. I was left outside as hundreds of celery zombies were coming toward me.

I shouted and pleaded with them, begging for their mercy, but they had none. Finally, with all my might I busted through the door and showed them that I was not a zombie. While they finally accepted that fact, we realized that my determination had destroyed the only safe place near us, and we were totally exposed to the oncoming mass of zombies. Then we decided that we were going to fight through them to get to the exit.

We ran head on into the massive group of zombies, punching them in their faces, kicking them in their stomaches, and tripping them up. We were so agile that we made it to the exit unharmed.

Then my dream flashed forward and Kyle, Mike, and I were helping a few other humans clean up the town. All the zombies had died, and only a few people remained.

Then I awoke.

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