Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dream #290 (December 2, 2010)

This is not nearly as interesting as the last several dreams, but there are some neat elements.

I was driving a car to Ohio with the intention of going to my friend Jason's house. The car is where the dream took place, but the people in the car, and the seat in which I was sitting, changed often.

To start with, I was driving. I was conversing with Jason Suter about what I want to do in life. As I was doing so, the conversation continued, but I was in the passenger seat and Jason was driving. When I finished, I was back in the driver's seat, and Joanna Suter (Jason's sister) responded to what I had just said, saying something about how difficult it is to see what is coming in life. I commented back something about not even knowing what the next second holds, and as I did so, I was again in the passenger seat while Joanna was driving. When I finished my statement, I was back to the driver's seat talking to Joanna, and this time Jason was in the back seat (which had been empty up until that point).

During this entire conversation, I didn't think anything of the odd shifts in space that were happening.

I soon awoke and realized that the dream was strange (Inception got it right as far as that goes).

I managed to fall back asleep.

I was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church. It was the middle of the night, and the only light in the whole place was an amber glow coming from the candles in the window (which are fake in reality, but were real in the dream; that's interesting) and the Christmas tree in the sanctuary.

There were a bunch of older people from Koontz Lake that I know, including Phil Bridges, Marsha Reese, and several others that I can't remember right now. Everyone was huddled together, trying to stay warm (the heat wasn't working apparently). Nobody seemed to care that I was wearing my pink snowsuit that I purchased at CHKD, which I wore for the short film "Chapter One: The Crustacheous Period" (which will be on YouTube soon).

I soon awoke from that dream.

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