Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dream #295 (December 18, 2010)

This was great fun.

I dreamt that I was living in the suburbs. It was a bright sunny day, and I was walking down the street passing all the houses that all looked, for the most part, the same. I knocked on the door of a house in a culdesac and one of my former campers answered the door (his name is Drew). I talked with him for a while to see how he was doing.

When we finished I walked back from where I had come. When I arrived at my parent's home (it was not my home in the dream), a man came running toward me from the shed behind my house. When he got close enough, he informed me the the house-blimp that my friends were on was in need of my assistance, but it had already taken off and was a mile into the air.

I had to come up with a way to help them, so I got my little brother out of the house and told him to follow me to the shed. When we got there, we pulled out an old dune buggy that had helicopter parts attached to it, along with a big parachute. It was pretty rusty, but it would have to do. I spent the next several minutes trying to convince my brother to join me in saving the people aboard the blimp. He was very stubborn, but finally I broke him.

We had an insane and thrilling ride up to the blimp in our buggy/helicopter thing. Somehow we managed to pilot it right into the loading dock on the house-blimp. When we got on, I saw the problem with the engine and immediate fixed it with little effort.

After all problems were fixed, I decided to go parachuting with some of the members on board. Mike flew the buggy back to the ground while I and a Will Smith/Ben Smith combo, who was talking to the character Carl Winslow from Family Matter, (Ben Smith is a friend of mine; he was somehow mixed with the famous Will) strapped on some parachutes and jumped out of the plane.

It was an awesome fall, and both our parachutes worked. I don't think I need to ever go skydiving after the experience I had in my dream, for it was truly amazing.

When we landed, I decided I wanted to go again. So my brother flew me back up there in the buggy/helicopter and this time we both parachuted down. As I was falling, I heard my cell phone going off, playing the Eels' song "Railroad Man," which is my ringtone in real life. I wanted to answer it, but I could barely control my body.

Unfortunately I awoke before landing.

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