Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dream #94 (January 17, 2010)

I was going to say that my dreams have been more true to life lately, but I'm not so sure that is true.

In this dream, I was on vacation by myself. As usual, the sky was so black that I could only see the scenery right beside me. It was as if I was suspended in space for much of the dream. It was fall, and the leaves had already turned orange and red, and looked quite beautiful.

I walked along a gravel path to my campsite. I was apparently camping alone in a small orange tent. On my way back to the site, I noticed that somebody had brought a large, above-ground pool with them and had it set up by their camper. Another family was sitting by a fire roasting squirrels. After I finally made it back to my site, I realized that four RVs had decided to park almost literally on top of my tent. So much for solitude (analyzing the dreams I have had the last two nights, it seems that I strongly desire solitude, though I cannot find it).

After I stood for a minute staring at my poor, surrounded tent, the owners of the RVs approached me. One was Kelly Lusk, the sister of my boss at summer camp. Another was Adam Konkey, a classmate of mine in high school, whom I have not seen for almost two years. The other two, a middle-aged man and a young guy, were people I did not know. Then the young man apologized for parking so close to me and asked me if I and the other RV owners wanted to ride on his motorcycles (apparently he had brought several with him). We all agreed and took off (somehow each of us wore motorcycling gear, including sweet suites and helmets).

While we were on the road, a gang of enemy cyclists appeared out of nowhere and confronted us. They weren't they typical bearded men in ripped flannel shirts; they had more of a nineties European look to them. They ambushed us, halted us, and commanded us to give them all our valuables.

Filled with adrenaline, I decided to fight back. After a serious of crazy karate and James Bond moves that I cannot even describe or really remember well, I had defeated every last one of the enemy cyclists. The group I was riding with returned to the camp, stopping at a one-room church on the way back to ask for forgiveness.

When we arrived back at the campsite, Kelly offered to grill for all of us. While she was making the food, I had a long conversation with Adam Konkey.

Then I awoke. Unfortunately I did not get to eat the burgers that were nearly finished in my dream. I'm sure they would have been tasty.

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