Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dream #108 (January 31, 2010)

This was intense.

The dream began in Koontz Lake Church in the middle of the night. My two brothers and I were cleaning the fellowship hall because a large and messy event had just taken place there. While my older brother Matt vacuumed and my younger brother Mike took down the streamers, I violently flipped over all the tables in order to jar the dust off of them.

After several minutes of this cleaning, a large white van pulled up to the church doors near the fellowship hall, its headlights blinding us. Matt and Mike walked outside to see who was there, while I looked on from the side door window. As Matt and Mike neared the van, the side of the vehicle slid open, revealing four men. One of those men was carrying a shotgun, and he blasted to deafening shots in my brothers' direction. They both immediately fell to the ground.

Not wanting to give away my position, I kept myself from running after them. Instead, I snuck downstairs and called my father, telling him to come to the church immediately. I then went back upstairs and again looked out the window. It was a miracle. My brothers were up walking around, for apparently they only acted as if they were killed. I snuck outside and joined them, and together we found our way around the van and walked quietly toward the road in hope that our father would soon arrive.

Suddenly, we heard the door open behind us, and one of the intruders opened fire upon his with his shotgun. Not a moment too soon, my father swerved into the church parking lot and threw open the passenger door of his Buick. Matt then Mike then I jumped into the door, somehow all fitting up front in the car, dodging the several shots that were fired at us.

I next found myself at church the next day. As my father gave his sermon, I stood out in the church foyer, wondering if he had turned the previous night's story into a sermon illustration already. Then I saw Jessica Smith peering into the sanctuary, for apparently she had arrived late and was scouting the pews for a place to sit. Just then I remembered that something crazy had happened to me, so I walked over to her to tell the story. However, when I started talking with her, we never got around to discussing my adventures.

After the conversation, church let out, and the foyer became filled with nicely dressed people.

Then I awoke.

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