Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dream #107 (January 30, 2010)


I began this dream in the office of my boss at Prairie Camp, Carrie Badertscher, which was inside of California Road Missionary Church. It seems that Prairie Camp had been moved to California Road instead of its usual location on Prairie Street. Anyways, Carrie explained to me that she wanted me to run camp by myself; there were going to be no counselors, nor other staff members. I was on my own. I tried persuading Jeff Kreider to join me, but he refused. We argued on a basketball court in front of a gorgeous purple sunset.

I next found myself inside the first week of camp. I had all of the kids playing a large game of water balloon toss, but the game was getting out of hand. Luckily, my father walked over from the house by the church (where we used to live years ago) and helped me control the kids.

Suddenly, it was the weekend, and all the kids were home. Several adults were camping out inside of the gymnasium of the church, including Jonathan Ayee, an enormous Russian guy named Ewan, and a young woman named Mary (those three people were the most important in the dream).

As I was preparing for bed (I was in a room that looked similar to my grandfather's basement), I heard several shrill screams originating upstairs in the gym. I rushed up there to see what was the matter and discovered a large werewolf trying to devour Mary. I ran at the monster and shouted, scaring it off for the moment. I asked Mary to see if she was alright, but she had already fallen back asleep.

The next day, I met with Jonathan Ayee and investigated the scene of the previous night's horrors in order to discover who might be the one guilty of turning into the werewolf. After a thorough investigation, we came to a solid conclusion that Ewan had turned into the monster (of course, we blamed the Russian). Unfortunately, by the time we discovered the monster's identity, night had already taken over, and everyone was asleep.

I rushed over to Mary's sleeping quarters to warn her of the upcoming danger. When I roused her, I explained the situation and almost asked her to sleep with me so that she would be safe. However, I realized that would be a little awkward, and I didn't want to sound as if I was just trying to get her to be alone with me, so I suggested that we switch spots. For some reason, she ignored my warnings and fell back asleep. Not satisfied, I climbed over the other sleepers (who were all lying on the ground, each covered head to toe in a white sheet) and camped out in the adjacent kitchen, keeping my eye on Mary by peering over a countertop.

Minutes later, Ewan, in werewolf form, began to approach Mary. He was drooling.

Then I awoke.

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