Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dream #108 (January 31, 2010)

This was intense.

The dream began in Koontz Lake Church in the middle of the night. My two brothers and I were cleaning the fellowship hall because a large and messy event had just taken place there. While my older brother Matt vacuumed and my younger brother Mike took down the streamers, I violently flipped over all the tables in order to jar the dust off of them.

After several minutes of this cleaning, a large white van pulled up to the church doors near the fellowship hall, its headlights blinding us. Matt and Mike walked outside to see who was there, while I looked on from the side door window. As Matt and Mike neared the van, the side of the vehicle slid open, revealing four men. One of those men was carrying a shotgun, and he blasted to deafening shots in my brothers' direction. They both immediately fell to the ground.

Not wanting to give away my position, I kept myself from running after them. Instead, I snuck downstairs and called my father, telling him to come to the church immediately. I then went back upstairs and again looked out the window. It was a miracle. My brothers were up walking around, for apparently they only acted as if they were killed. I snuck outside and joined them, and together we found our way around the van and walked quietly toward the road in hope that our father would soon arrive.

Suddenly, we heard the door open behind us, and one of the intruders opened fire upon his with his shotgun. Not a moment too soon, my father swerved into the church parking lot and threw open the passenger door of his Buick. Matt then Mike then I jumped into the door, somehow all fitting up front in the car, dodging the several shots that were fired at us.

I next found myself at church the next day. As my father gave his sermon, I stood out in the church foyer, wondering if he had turned the previous night's story into a sermon illustration already. Then I saw Jessica Smith peering into the sanctuary, for apparently she had arrived late and was scouting the pews for a place to sit. Just then I remembered that something crazy had happened to me, so I walked over to her to tell the story. However, when I started talking with her, we never got around to discussing my adventures.

After the conversation, church let out, and the foyer became filled with nicely dressed people.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dream #107 (January 30, 2010)


I began this dream in the office of my boss at Prairie Camp, Carrie Badertscher, which was inside of California Road Missionary Church. It seems that Prairie Camp had been moved to California Road instead of its usual location on Prairie Street. Anyways, Carrie explained to me that she wanted me to run camp by myself; there were going to be no counselors, nor other staff members. I was on my own. I tried persuading Jeff Kreider to join me, but he refused. We argued on a basketball court in front of a gorgeous purple sunset.

I next found myself inside the first week of camp. I had all of the kids playing a large game of water balloon toss, but the game was getting out of hand. Luckily, my father walked over from the house by the church (where we used to live years ago) and helped me control the kids.

Suddenly, it was the weekend, and all the kids were home. Several adults were camping out inside of the gymnasium of the church, including Jonathan Ayee, an enormous Russian guy named Ewan, and a young woman named Mary (those three people were the most important in the dream).

As I was preparing for bed (I was in a room that looked similar to my grandfather's basement), I heard several shrill screams originating upstairs in the gym. I rushed up there to see what was the matter and discovered a large werewolf trying to devour Mary. I ran at the monster and shouted, scaring it off for the moment. I asked Mary to see if she was alright, but she had already fallen back asleep.

The next day, I met with Jonathan Ayee and investigated the scene of the previous night's horrors in order to discover who might be the one guilty of turning into the werewolf. After a thorough investigation, we came to a solid conclusion that Ewan had turned into the monster (of course, we blamed the Russian). Unfortunately, by the time we discovered the monster's identity, night had already taken over, and everyone was asleep.

I rushed over to Mary's sleeping quarters to warn her of the upcoming danger. When I roused her, I explained the situation and almost asked her to sleep with me so that she would be safe. However, I realized that would be a little awkward, and I didn't want to sound as if I was just trying to get her to be alone with me, so I suggested that we switch spots. For some reason, she ignored my warnings and fell back asleep. Not satisfied, I climbed over the other sleepers (who were all lying on the ground, each covered head to toe in a white sheet) and camped out in the adjacent kitchen, keeping my eye on Mary by peering over a countertop.

Minutes later, Ewan, in werewolf form, began to approach Mary. He was drooling.

Then I awoke.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dream #106 (January 29, 2010)

This has some odd parts in it, and is also split into sections.

The dream began in a camp dorm room, very early in the morning (far before sunrise). I awoke before all of my campers in hope that I could shower before they awoke. I quietly gathered my soap, shampoo, towel, and change of clothes, and I snuck away to the nearest shower. Now, this shower was the exact same model, shape, and size as the shower in my room at Regent University (tight and square). However, the shower was in the middle of a yellow floor that spread endlessly into space (I could not see any walls; everything was an abyss).

The quick shower I had planned did not occur, for my body would not respond to my brain properly. I don't know if it was because it was so early or because of the tightness of the shower, but the shower, in dream time, took 45 minutes. When I was finally done, I rushed back to the dorm room. Unfortunately the campers had all risen, and they were already destroying everything due to a lack of supervision. Not knowing how to properly handle the situation, I ran into the wall, full force.

I next found myself in my living room with my two brothers, my father, and two infants I had not previously met. One baby was wearing a blue onesie and a white bonnet, and the other was wearing red pajamas. After several minutes of playing with them, the babies managed to wander outside into the front yard, which was covered in over a foot of snow. Right as the babies walked outside, the front yard became the site of an extreme and deadly snowball war between opposing junior high, white trash gangs.

Concerned for the safety of the miniature humans, my two brothers and my father ran outside to protect them. They were immediately pelted ferociously with balls of snow and ice, which must have felt more like cannon balls at the time. I watched on out the front window at the massacre, but I did not lift a finger to help. Then one of the gangs managed to launch a snowball with a circumference of over twenty feet right at the window. Needless to say, the entire wall collapsed, exposing my home to nature and to adolescence.

Fortunately the gangs had made a peace pact, and they both left my property. My family, along with the infants, returned into the wrecked home, not looking me in the eyes as a result of my cowardice. They took shelter in a small closet in the kitchen that does not exist in real life.

I knew that I needed to comfort them, but I did not have any idea how, for there was no way I could face them now. Then I had a grand idea: I could provide them with music from my pink iPod. This would surely lift their spirits.

I immediately grabbed some connecter cables, along with my pink iPod, and ran to find a way to reach the third floor, which was where the loudspeakers were stored. I was no longer in my house, but in a large mansion, and in this mansion, several middle-aged and older women I know were preparing for a large feast for an unknown occasion. I finally found the stairs, and after running over three tables of lasagna with my feet bare, mozzarella cheese sticking between my toes, I balanced my way up the rail (the steps were all broken, leading down to a deathly fall into the dark cellar). Once I was up the rail, I saw the loudspeakers (apparently they had been moved into the second floor). I darted for them, but was stopped short when I realized that I had left my iPod plugged into an outlet on the first floor. I tried to push my luck, but I disconnected the pink music player from the power, the connection broken at a difficult spot to reach on the rail.

After a long and drawn out event, mostly focused on me reconnecting the wire, I was finally ready to grace my family and guests to the unknown event with some of my wonderful and brilliant music. I pushed play, and everything was all better.

I still did not want to go back downstairs (I actually didn't know how to get back down, for in the process of reconnecting the iPod wires, I broke the rail of the stairs). With nothing else to do, I entered an adjacent room and discovered a room full of foosball tables.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dream #105 (January 28, 2010)

This dream took place in three parts.

In the first part, I was in a college classroom on the upper floor of a city office building. The professor, a thin-bearded, flannel shirt-wearing middle aged man was pacing back and forth in front of the large, blown-out window as he taught my fellow students and I how to properly eat a steak. Each student had a good-looking steak in front of him (the class was made up of all males; my subconscious may be sexist), and the piece of cow in front of me was particularly large.

Just as the teacher was instructing me, I used my left hand to cut my meat, manipulating the fork with my right, so that my classmates and I might become stronger with our weaker hand. I was already skilled at working all eating utensils with both of my hands, so I was a little ahead of the game.

Right before my first bite of juicy steak, I found myself in an arena of sorts. I was in a large, blue, robot suit, complete with a rocket launcher controlled by my right hand and a jet pack on my back. I was competing in a tournament called "Dominion" (which is the name of a card game I've played several times, nothing like what I was doing in my dream). I jetted from station to station, gathering wheat, oats, and barely and throwing the grains in a duffel bag that was thrown across my shoulder.

I had a pretty passive strategy, only once getting into an air battle with an opponent (the red robot). I was doing quite well, but the dream quickly shifted.

I next found myself outside of a large brick house, that looked similar (only on the outside) to the house I lived in when I was a very young child. I was walking with my sister (I don't have a sister in real life, that I know of) when an old man and two young men ripped her away from beside me. The two boys dragged my sister inside while the old man cuffed me to a nearby bike rack. Not eager to give in, I kicked the old man in the back of the head by propping my back up against the rack and propelling my feet forward. Somehow the odd movement broke me free from my shackles, and I was able to follow the two boys into the house.

I discovered that they had put my sister in an attic and chained her to an old bunk bed (I could see her even though I was not in the attic with her). I snuck past the two boys by opening up a container of ice cream in another room, its scent drawing their attention. Once the way to the attic was clear, I opened up the ceiling, climbed up the latter, and freed my sister.

Suddenly, I found myself back in time, again chained to the bike rack. Had I dreamed about freeing my sister?

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dream #104 (January 27, 2010)

I did not sleep much last night, for I returned home late and woke up early. I nonetheless dreamed a dream.

I was eating fruit in a state park, enjoying the scenery, and running from the bad guys. I seemed to be wearing a military uniform of sorts, and I was as quick and agile as a cat running from my little brother. I finished the fruit while leaping over a fence (it was a red fruit), spitting the seeds to might right before landing.

I climbed trees, swung on vines, slipped down water slides, hopped atop passing cars, and even jumped onto the back of a bird at one point. The chase was endless.

In fact, it only ended when I awoke. For the entire run of the dream I had a fear of the two men that were chasing me, yet I did not know who they were or why they wanted to catch up to me so badly. Maybe they just wanted to see me.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dream #103 (January 26, 2010)


I will no describe this in its full, boring details.

For much of the night I was half awake and half asleep (actually, the exact ratio of consciousness compared to unconsciousness is not known). I kept thinking that I was subbing for a third grade class, and every time I finished teaching one subject, I realized that I was not in school but in bed. This happened far too many times. Fortunately, after a night of little pure sleep, I did not have to actually substitute teach this morning.

Sorry about that one. Maybe my subconscious is running out of material (which, realistically, should have happened years ago).

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dream #102 (January 25, 2010)

I'm so tired.

At the beginning of this dream I was shooting around in a high school gym with my little brother before his basketball game scheduled fro that night. I was mainly shooting fifteen foot jump shots mixed with occasional lay-ups. However, I suddenly was overcome by an urge to dunk the basketball. So I half-heartedly jumped up toward the rim with the ball, and to my surprise, I easily dunked with both hands left hanging on the rim. I spent the next several minutes dunking crazy dunks. It was a lot of fun.

A little later, my friend Nathan Galvez picked me up from the gym and drove me in his Jeep to a campsite he had reserved. The whole way there I wanted to start a conversation with him, but was unable to do so. I felt intimidated by him for some reason. Even so, I was comfortable enough to prop my feet up on the dashboard and lean my chair back all the way. Finally we arrived at the camp. It was the middle of the night, and the only visible thing in the world was the booth where we were required to pay for the parking and campsite. Nathan put the Jeep into park and exited the vehicle in order to talk to the ranger.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dream #101 (January 24, 2010)

It's like a new start.

This is not exciting.

Last night's dream took place in my yard. I was trying out for a professional football team (I don't know why), and for one reason or another the try-outs were being held in my back yard. There were numerous high school and college-aged people there, all doing different drills, and all of them wearing jerseys of various colors representing NFL teams.

I was trying out for wide receiver, so I had to do a drill where I and another receiver would start in my back yard, run around opposite sides of my house, and catch a football that was launched by a machine over my roof and into my front yard. Whoever caught the ball got to stay in the drill while the unlucky or unskilled athlete had to go home and try again next year (or realize his talent level and never try again).

I succeeded so many times at this drill, beating player after player, that I cannot remember how many catches I made (it may have been due to a home-field advantage). Finally, on the very last drill that decided who would get to go to the pros (which was completely unfair because I had been doing this drill over and over while my opponent was still fresh), I had an excellent start. Unfortunately, the Baughman/McSherry yearly Easter egg hunt had commenced moments before my last drill began. My little cousin Ian (who actually is not so all that little any more) happened to be picking up a bright orange plastic egg from the grass right below where the football was going to land.

As the shadow of the football grew upon Ian's head, I made the quick decision to pull Ian out of the way as my opponent caught the ball, running through the spot that Ian was once crouching. I had failed to become a profession football player (thank goodness). I sat down on the grass, contemplating my failure.

After a long moment of pondering, I awoke.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dream #100 (January 23, 2010)

100 Dreams.

Last night's dream was very long and very detailed, but I will only give you a more bare-bones description so that I do not ruin it.

The dream began in an airport terminal that looked more like an indoor park, complete with trees, a playground, and park benches. I was sitting on one of the benches tying my shoe (which were white with neon green and orange stripes on them) when my life in the dream was drastically changed. A puff of smoke filled the air in front of me and a blue wizard with a long white beard emerged form the air. He had a special task for me.

He took me to a high point in another universe where I could look down and see all of that universe's planets. There were many planets of various shape, size, and color, and the view was amazing. The wizard then informed me that I was to clear each planet of all evil before I could return to work.

I immediately agreed and warped to the first planet (the biggest one, which happened to be green and gaseous). The planet was indeed green when I arrived. I started my chore by jumping on the heads of all the things that appeared evil to me. Fortunately for me and for the dwellers of that planet, evil and good were easily discernible.

After hours of jumping on the heads of the 'bad-guys' (like in Super Mario), I had successfully cleared the planet of evil. I had done such a good job that I didn't want to leave the place when the wizard came to warp me to the next planet. It was nice to have only good around me for once.

Because I had been 'tainted' by purity, the wizard sent me back to the same time and place from which I had initially come (the airport). Apparently once I had tasted perfection, I would never be able to destroy evil again (try making sense of that. It's one of those things upon which you can force some sort of meaning).

Then I awoke.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dream #99 (January 22, 2010)

I have little time to post this, but I'll do the best that I can.

This dream took place at a large conference geared towards middle aged men and women. The conference was held at an enormous hotel with an enormous event hall. The carpeting of the entire building was a disgusting green color (similar to the carpets in the Regent Communications School) that nearly made me sick.

At the onset of the dream, Kevin Chupp and I were prepping the speakers and hosts of the mammoth event that was about to take place in the event center. We gave them massages, inspirational speeches, and other basic preparations. Finally, the show began, and Kevin and I found our seats in the third-level balcony.

The first person to come onto the stage was a middle-aged woman with two large, inflated crocodiles. I immediately got out of my seat and walked out of the event center, with Kevin behind be saying, "Where do they find these clowns?"

As we left the event center, we passed a gorgeous piano that I absolutely had to play. However, as I went to sit down, two typical junior high kids sat down before me and began banging horridly upon the blessed instrument.

Kevin and I then decided to leave down a secret slide that was behind a secret door in the wall.

We landed on a pile of laundry and old food and continued on our journey to a now unknown destination. On our way, we passed by a violinist who was digging through a refrigerator. Seeing us, she asked, "Do you guys happen to know where I could get some V Special Juice?"

Then I awoke, which explains why I remember that last question so well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dream #98 (January 21, 2010)

I'm so close to 100.

This dream began in the middle of the night in the small upper room of a woman's house. My little brother, Zach Richie (my brother's friend), and I were playing poker there, betting animal skins and furs.

Suddenly I was dropped from the sky into a swimming pool the size of a lake in the middle of a desert. The pool was deeper than I could fathom, but I was not going to be freed from the water until I touched the bottom (I don't know who was going to free me; I just did what I knew needed to be done). Several times I made it nearly fifty feet down, but I wasn't even close to the bottom. Then I decided to go for it. I sunk down, even past the point where I knew I should return to the surface to get air.

I began to loose consciousness (interesting), but an unexpected and gracious force propelled me up and out of the water.

I was then in another dream.

I found myself in the middle of a high school basketball practice. I was in my old gym, but all the lights were off and about fifty players were stretching their legs on the court. My old coach, Coach Hannah, instructed all of us to begin our hula-hoop exercises. Unfortunately we did not use hula-hoops; instead we used copper wire with cans attached to it. It was very painful.

I realized that I was not quite as physically fit as I was when I actually played basketball, so I snuck off and hid under a metal bunk bed without any mattresses that happened to be residing in the corner of the gym.

My coach soon found me, pointed a bright spotlight upon me, and verbally harassed me in front of the rest of the athletes.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dream #97 (January 20, 2010)


This dream started in my neighbor's house, which, in my dream, was about five times its actual size. It was the middle of the night, and Nathan Ferch (my neighbor and old high school classmate) was hosting a candlelight feast. Also present were Katelyn Presnell, Michael Wayne Presnell, Rick and Lita Hall (the parents of a friend of mine), Nathan's parents, and some other older people.

Nathan and I quickly grew bored of the feast, so we decided to go outside and enjoy the snow at midnight. Together we built a monument dedicated to our old, dead dogs and, if I can say so myself, quite an impressive snow fort. We spent the next several minutes launching snowballs at the cars passing by.

Suddenly my dream jumped a year into the future. I was alone in my house waiting for the usual guests to attend the midnight candlelight feast, but nobody showed up. Maybe it was because I only had carrots and smoothies on the menu. I sat alone for a long time. Finally I gave up waiting and took a walk outside. There I ran into my other neighbors, Donald and Hillary. They were riding on the back of a ten foot horse along with about five friends of theirs. Because I had some extra smoothies already made up, I invited them all into my house (except for the horse, of coarse), and they enjoyed the smoothies and left.

Moments later, people began to arrive. Michael Wayne and Katelyn Pressnell, their sister Tracy and her husband Chris, Eric de Araujo, and a Emily de Araujo, and a bunch of other people I didn't know well were all there within seconds of each other (I don't know why these people decided to make a visit into my dream, for I haven't seen them for a while). Because I had already given away all the smoothies, I frantically began mixing ice cream and fruit in a blender. For one reason or another, I had to suck the mixed contents out of the blender with a straw and spew them into the cups of my guests. If this was not already bad enough, the blender exploded, splattering its contents all over my guests.

Then, out of nowhere, Cheryl (mother of the Presnell family), came in to save the day (or the night). She invited everyone to her home.

Suddenly we were all feasting on the largest amount of good food I have ever seen in the biggest house I had ever been in (I believe we were on the seventh or eighth floor of the house). After the dinner was finished, the guests needed to be entertained before going to bed, so everybody split up and went into different rooms of the house.

Then, as if it were completely normal, Michael Wayne and Cheryl cloned themselves, each creating several copies of each other. Then they went into all the rooms and entertained the guests. I stopped by several of the rooms to check on everybody and was impressed with Michael Wayne's amount of talents. One of his clones did a magic show, another preached a strong sermon, and a few others did an acrobatic act. Meanwhile, the Cheryls each gave interesting lectures on Biology, Psychology, Sociology, and Mathematics.

Overall, the night was fantastically entertaining. I grew very tired near the end of the dream, so I grabbed my sleeping bag and slept on a spiral staircase (it was somehow comfortable).

I woke up in the morning, refreshed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dream #96 (January 19, 2010)

There are so many things from my life in this dream, yet they are in strange places. Also, this dream is quite long. Sorry.

The dream began in the morning in my apartment (which does not exist). I lived on the 30th story of a fancy place with a beautiful balcony. However, Dennis Stone, my roommate at school last semester, was my roommate, which was a little awkward. We both woke up at the same time, and we both prepared for the day together. By the way, the dream had a cliche movie beach look to it, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I was headed to Bethel College to substitute teach. When I arrived, I discovered that I was filling in for Chris Stakowicz, a crazy art professor at Bethel. He left me a note of what to do for the day's class (there was only one class). His writing was just as bizarre as his lectures. he instructed me to test his drawing class by having them draw abstracts on the large windows of the classroom. Furthermore, I was supposed to judge the creativity and originality of each student's work. He wanted the students to know how to paint for someone else besides him (which makes a little bit of sense, but is still odd and unfair). By the way, the classroom was also on the 30th floor of a building.

The students (including Kevin Chupp and Emma Miller, old Bethel classmates) arrived, and I did just as I was instructed. All of the drawings were indeed abstract, except for the drawing of a bald eagle created by Kevin Chupp. The realism was abstract for an abstract piece, so I gave him an A. I gave mediocre grades to the others because many of them seemed to have no purpose to their work.

After the class was over, I decided to relax and float on an inner-tube down a river that ran through a beautiful jungle. I was accompanied by Neil and Jamie Silveus, Calvin and Dori Walterhouse (both pairs are brother-sister combinations), and some other strangers. We floated for a long time. Near the 'end' of the river, I decided to speed up to see if I could catch the two leading tubers (Dori and Jamie). However, when I caught up to Neil, he told me that the girls were miles ahead of us because they were training for the Olympic Games.

When I finished, I saw the two girls (or are they women now? I'm not sure of when the transition takes place) sitting on the bank, drinking tomato juice. I waved at them and proceeded to hit the showers.

My dad and little brother were both bathing in the showers, which were community-style with red tiles on the floors, walls, and ceiling. I washed up quickly (I'm not a big fan of public showers) and began to dress myself. I don't think I remember undressing, actually.

Then I awoke.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dream #95 (January 18, 2010)

Well, well, well.

This dream started out in a strange way. Before any sort of action occurred there was a movie poster for the dream entitled "Psychic" with a picture of Kenan Thompson placed against a white background (T. James style). Then the dream commenced.

In this dream I was Kenan Thompson (this might have been inspired by the short clip of "Good Burger" I watched the night before), yet I was still me.

The action began in the middle of a state college campus. Four other men, one woman, and I were all dressed in Army fatigues, standing at attention as a drill instructor shouted obscenities at us for no particular reason. After several long minutes of this, the sky suddenly turned from light blue to pitch black, and the great detail of the campus was lost. For some reason this occurrence caused me to giggle, making the instructor even more angry with me.

After doing about one hundred push-ups, the yelling was over, and I was able to go on my way. (This is my favorite part of the dream). My method of transportation was a yellow scooter, the kind that kids play on in elementary school (a one-foot square piece of plastic with four wheels and a small hole in the middle). I laid on the device, ventral side down, and scooted face-first toward my destination.

As it turned out, I was headed for the grocery store. I headed down the sidewalk of Centerville Turnpike (a real road) and turned right on Indiana River (another real road). There a middle-aged woman with a baby carriage stopped me and asked me what I was doing.

For no apparent reason I was offended, and I kicked the poor woman.

Suddenly I found myself attracted to a very small building across the street. I left the woman and entered it.

There I found my older brother and an arcade basketball-shooting game. The game was the only thing in the neon-red room. He had been waiting for me so that we could attempt to beat the record.

After a couple tries, we came within two points. I was tired, so I explored the little building some more. I exited the only door in the room (the one I entered previously had disappeared) and found myself in an identical room. There my little brother and his friend Zach Richie were eating Oreos and drinking milk. They told me that they had already broke the record.

Then I awoke. I'm still not sure why the dream was entitled "Psychic."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dream #94 (January 17, 2010)

I was going to say that my dreams have been more true to life lately, but I'm not so sure that is true.

In this dream, I was on vacation by myself. As usual, the sky was so black that I could only see the scenery right beside me. It was as if I was suspended in space for much of the dream. It was fall, and the leaves had already turned orange and red, and looked quite beautiful.

I walked along a gravel path to my campsite. I was apparently camping alone in a small orange tent. On my way back to the site, I noticed that somebody had brought a large, above-ground pool with them and had it set up by their camper. Another family was sitting by a fire roasting squirrels. After I finally made it back to my site, I realized that four RVs had decided to park almost literally on top of my tent. So much for solitude (analyzing the dreams I have had the last two nights, it seems that I strongly desire solitude, though I cannot find it).

After I stood for a minute staring at my poor, surrounded tent, the owners of the RVs approached me. One was Kelly Lusk, the sister of my boss at summer camp. Another was Adam Konkey, a classmate of mine in high school, whom I have not seen for almost two years. The other two, a middle-aged man and a young guy, were people I did not know. Then the young man apologized for parking so close to me and asked me if I and the other RV owners wanted to ride on his motorcycles (apparently he had brought several with him). We all agreed and took off (somehow each of us wore motorcycling gear, including sweet suites and helmets).

While we were on the road, a gang of enemy cyclists appeared out of nowhere and confronted us. They weren't they typical bearded men in ripped flannel shirts; they had more of a nineties European look to them. They ambushed us, halted us, and commanded us to give them all our valuables.

Filled with adrenaline, I decided to fight back. After a serious of crazy karate and James Bond moves that I cannot even describe or really remember well, I had defeated every last one of the enemy cyclists. The group I was riding with returned to the camp, stopping at a one-room church on the way back to ask for forgiveness.

When we arrived back at the campsite, Kelly offered to grill for all of us. While she was making the food, I had a long conversation with Adam Konkey.

Then I awoke. Unfortunately I did not get to eat the burgers that were nearly finished in my dream. I'm sure they would have been tasty.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dream #93 (January 16, 2010)

The following was not a bad dream, though it was not particularly great.

In the beginning I was creating a stop-motion film. The subject of the short was a live squirrel that I was somehow able to manipulate. My assistant was a young, chubby kid, who had built me a sand castle in the middle of a dark forrest lit by several torches here and there.

After a successful time of shooting, things began to go wrong; the squirrel stopped cooperating, the wind picked up and became almost dangerous, and the little boy managed to fall onto the sand castle, raising it to the ground. I finally gave up after the final mishap.

I next found myself on a beach (it was still very dark out, with a few lights coming from torches that were suspended in space). I was again making a stop-motion animation, this time with a hispanic adolescent as my subject. The guy was rather easy to work with, with a pleasant disposition at all times. After shooting some very neat long-exposure shots with my hispanic subject, some of my old friends and acquaintances, including many old Prairie Camp counselors, whom I was not too excited to see at the time, showed up and began asking me if they could be in the short film. Because I'm a pushover, I allowed them each to have their own part.

Unfortunately, because stop-motion takes a lot of patience, everyone began to get antsy, which ruined several shots. Finally everyone quit and began to play in the ocean, which ruined where I was shooting.

Upset, I sat down at the edge of a nearby dock, watching everyone else have fun in the dim lit, dark blue water. After several minutes of this, the crowd of friends and acquaintances came onto the peer, invading my space, and threw me into the ocean. It was then that I noticed I was wearing jeans and a belt (which is a very rare occurrence). When I hit the water, I painfully discovered the water to be only about a foot deep.

After slowly getting to my feet, I noticed that my pink iPod and my cell phone were both missing. I decided to leave.

I found myself in a small, plain, white room with aqua blue carpeting. There were no windows or decorations on the wall to break up the empty space. There wasn't even texture on the walls. I sat alone in the room, pitying myself. Then the group of people interrupted the silence again by filling up the room until it was uncomfortable. They began to play leapfrog, in spite of the lack of space.

I found a corner where I could escape from everybody. I soon felt a tap on the shoulder, so I turned around to see Katie Zook (a camp counselor) standing in front of me. She said she would help find my iPod and cell phone, so we left for the beach.

When I arrived there, I found Nathan Galvez waiting there for me, holding my cell phone in one hand and my pink iPod in the other.

Then I awoke. This dream was rather interesting, for it seems to be filled with many symbols that are open for interpretation.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dream #92 (January 15, 2010)

Another one.

At the onset of the dream, I was sitting on the floor of a very tight room filled with many other people all of which I did not know except for my brother Matt and his wife Brittany. For some reason I remember that we were being held temporarily captive there.

Anyways, we were all eating sack lunches. I was sinking my teeth into a nasty red delicious apple (I'm not a big fan of that particular kind) when, for no apparent reason, Matt tossed my orange and my apple out the door.

Annoyed, I climbed over the hoards of people filling up the floor and fell out the door (the outside of the door looked strangely similar to the church lobby at Koontz Lake). I looked upon my battered fruits, both with horrible bruises and dents, in deep sadness. I picked them up as if they were dying puppies and, with them in my arms, I gently carried them back to my brother. "Look what you did."

Then I decided to go to the bathroom. There were two stalls there (one of which was designated for the handicapped) and no urinals, for it was a unisex bathroom. I walked into the appropriate stall, considerate of a potential handicapped person that might need to relieve themselves. After a couple of minutes of playing Sudoku while sitting on the toilet, two guys and a girl walked into the handicap stall, not noticing me.

One of the guys laid himself on the ground, propping his head against the toilet, and I recognized him to be the older brother of my friend Jacob Bartlett (whom I have not seen for quite some time). They were discussing his secret life, for they thought they were in a private place, but I overheard everything. Apparently, in my dream, Justin Bartlett was going to start a bakery after getting in and out of prison (which was supposed to be good for his image). That was interesting.

Suddenly, while eavesdropping, I awoke.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dream #91 (January 14, 2010)

This is lame.

The entire length of the dream, I paced about my living room, waiting with anticipation for the arrival of the Eels new album on vinyl. Nothing strange happened, except for the resurrection of my two dead dogs (Sadie and Tristan), who were waiting for the album along with me.

I awoke, never receiving the packaged I hoped for.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dream #90 (January 13, 2010)

I'm sorry that this one is a little late, but this is the only time I've had access to a computer all day.

This dream was a little disturbing and, as usual, strange. It began inside of a dorm room, in which Kevin, three other guys, and I all lived. The room was quite messy at the time, with clothes strewn everywhere. There were only two beds, and the floor was covered with sleeping bags. The room was not very large, but when I was not paying attention to the walls, they seemed to spread out much wider than they were (that sounds weird, but that is how dreams are sometimes: boundaries are inconsistent).

Anyway, Kevin and I had a little scheme; we were going to rob a house of all its cash.

We first snuck out the window by sliding down freakishly long scarves (red, green, and brown in color) and running through the field of the campus amidst very tall grass. After running, we appeared in the middle of a city of one-story buildings. We snuck into one of the larger buildings and began scrounging around the place in search of cash. We were in luck, for we discovered over ten thousand dollars in small bills.

After we had gathered the money, we rolled it all up into an old green army blanket and threw it out the window. Next Kevin and I climbed out the chimney, onto the roof, and escaped down a drain pipe to pick up the money and head back to the dorm. Unfortunately, when we were almost all the way back, I realized that we had left a reclining chair and a couch behind at the house (I know this makes no sense whatsoever).

Then the feeling hit me. It was the worst feeling of guilt that I had ever experienced. It was the kind of feeling that one gets when that person discovers that the consequences of his/her actions are irreversible and life-altering (in a negative way). I knew that I would eventually end up in jail. I couldn't even enjoy the money we stole.

Suddenly, I jumped from that scenario into another. I was at my grandfather's house. It was the middle of the night and, though I still suffered from the strong feelings of guilt, I was almost in a completely different dream. My little brother was also with me, and we were going through all of our old action figures. We initially planned just to look at them to bring back memories, but we quickly fell into the strong temptation of actually playing with the toys. The only light in the room, by the way, came from two Christmas trees in the corner by a large window that looked into a black abyss.

I played with toys for the remainder of my dream.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dream #89 (January 12, 2010)

Long time no dreams. Well, actually I have been dreaming, but I have been forgetting them very quickly/I have been busy if only in the mornings when I wake up/I have lost motivation for posting my dreams (I thought that I was the only one looking at them, which should be enough motivation in itself). All that aside...

Last night's dream was so bizarre that I cannot let it pass while keeping an undisturbed conscience (and I have been persuaded to start this thing back up again by Deighluh).

This dream began in the fellowship hall of my church. There was a large party going on (it seemed to me like a birthday party, for pin the tail on the donkey was being played in the Northwest corner). Numerous people were playing numerous games, and it seemed like they were all having fun. However, I sat at a table (that resembled only the lunch tables I ate at when I was in high school) with Michael Card (interestingly enough, I used to think he was dead until this year) and Jeff Kreider, saying nothing and keeping to myself, having no fun at all.

I sat there for several minutes, not even once taking advantage of Michael Card's presence. Finally, in the midst of all the chaos and euphoria in the room, Chuck Zook, an old friend of mine, approached me with a large box of orange, fried chicken wings. He said to me, "Have a ball," Then he began shoving the chicken in my mouth. Though it was quite tasty, I found myself choking and gagging, then leaving the fellowship hall in anger.

I next found myself in the third story of a large mall/shipyard. There were escalators everywhere (which comforted me; the escalator is the only thing in a mall that brings me joy), and I took advantage of them. After several free and exciting rides, Professor Keuthan took me aside and told me that our ship was leaving.

Together we walked down to our ship, entered it, and climbed into its hold, which was dark, musty, and disturbingly quiet. Next, Keuthan handed me a kettle that I did notice he was carrying, which contained my family's dog, Penny (his dog in the dream), and shoved me into a trap door, which dropped me into a tight, dark, and raunchy space that I desperately tried to flee.

I shouted at the top of my lungs, which are pretty shallow, so nobody heard my cries.

After several minutes in the darkness, I awoke.