Monday, May 23, 2011

Dream #394 (May 12, 2011)

Here is another belated dream post.

I dreamt that I was visiting an enormous tower that I had built for a short film in high school (this tower exists only in my dream). I had built it entirely out of junk that I had taken from various junkyards in the area. It was unbelievably tall, reaching thousands of feet into the air. I couldn’t even see the bottom from the top.

I walked up several flights of stairs and looked at my surroundings. The junk making up the tower consisted of old cars, aluminum siding, sleds, flowerpots, gardening equipment, bicycles, chunks of brick, and more things I can’t now remember.

When I made it to the top, I found that a mall had moved into the space there. I walked into a J.C. Penny’s store and was fascinated at what my creation had become. I found a television and watched my old high school film. I was a bit disappointed in the storyline, but the set and the camerawork was quite good actually, which surprised me (I don’t know why it surprised me, for I was standing within the very tower I had built for the film).

Then Peter Badertscher (my former youth pastor at Koontz Lake Missionary Church) ran up to me and informed me that there was a shoe thief on the loose. He and I immediately began sprinting out of the store and toward the road that wrapped around the top of the tower, for we both thought it would be the thief’s most likely method of escape.

We were right. We discovered the shoe thief there shooting at civilians with a small pistol.

Then I awoke.

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