Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dream #392 (May 10, 2011)

I had a few dreams last night.

The first dream (that I remember) took place inside of a restaurant/bar (similar to Buffalo Wild Wings). Prairie Camp was conducting counselor interviews there, and I was making sure all of the potential counselors understood what they were to fill out in the massive amount of paperwork they received when they walked in.

The restaurant was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was a bit eerie. Occasionally Carrie Badertscher (the camp director) would open the door of the office to ask the next person to come and interview with her. She was wearing a glowing neon green jacket, and her shoes glowed as well, and every time she opened the door, the room would exhale a cloud of smoke behind her.

Zach, a camp counselor in real life, walked into the room after a little while. He came over to the bar where I was sitting, and we had a long conversation about camp.

Then I switched over to another dream.

I was driving an old bluish green car on a fenced-in basketball court, trying to find a parking spot. I drove through a couple of large gates (that were made for cars) to other areas. Finally, at the last court, I found a parking spot.

When I got out of my car, my body began to ache, and I fell to the ground. Then I transformed into a gorilla.

I ran about, shouting and beating my chest, then I climbed the large fence and leaped to the ground. There were a few people around, and I scared them so much that they called the police.

Soon afterward, there were flashing lights and sirens getting nearer to me, so I ran and hid behind a large tree. I turned back into a human.

When I emerged, I was only wearing cut-off jean shorts (I never wear jeans). There I found my brother, who had brought a mad scientist with him (he resembled the character Hubert J. Farnsworth from Futurama). The scientist then ordered a back hoe to dig a grave for me. Then some strong men threw me in it, though I didn't fight them. The scientist told me that I would be cured if things worked out as he planned. Then the back hoe began dumping dirt on me, burying me alive. I turned into the gorilla and leaped out of the dirt on top of me. As I did so, my gorilla body was pealed from me, and I was forever cured.

I thanked the scientist, then returned to my car. When I tried to leave, I discovered that the opening in the fence through which I had come was sealed shut, and there was no way out.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was doing some homework in the upper level of a tall building. The room in which I was studying had several old desktop computers in it, and many students were working at them. When I finished working on the study guide to my history class (it consisted of a bunch of multiple choice and matching questions), I looked out the window of the room and saw that there was a giant castle next door.

I ran down several flights of stairs, walked across the grass, and entered the castle.

I found my way into a great hall, with many banners on the walls, an enormous fireplace, and a long wooden table in the center of the room. At the head of the table sat Jim James (My Morning Jacket lead singer and songwriter), and the rest of My Morning Jacket was sitting around the rest of the table. Jim James was king, and he was adorned with many decorations, a purple robe, and a golden crown. He then sat me down and showed me an invention that his wizard had made.

The invention was a pen. Interestingly enough, I was impressed with it, for I had never seen one in this dream world. I took it and tried to write with it on a chalkboard nearby, but Jim corrected me and handed me a piece of paper to write on. The technology blew me away. I thought about how much fame and fortune I would acquire if I had invented something like the pen.

Then I awoke.

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