Monday, May 2, 2011

Dream #384 (May 2, 2011)

Another college dream.

I dreamt that I was taking film classes again. The building where I sat and listened to a lecture delivered by a middle-aged woman, was dimly lit and consisted mainly of colors near middle gray. The woman used a chalk board, and all the students, including myself, were taking notes in notebooks (I still use notebooks, though most students have converted to laptops).

After the lecture was completed (I believe it was all about Sergei Eisenstein's teachings on color), all the students rushed down the several flights of stairs (located directly in the center of the building) to the exit.

When I left the building, I hopped in the back of a blue truck that drove to Doug Miller's house in the woods (Doug was a former professor of mine). There was a great bonfire burning in his backyard, and several film students were there celebrating something. I walked over to a circle of people who were discussing something that interested me (I don't now remember the subject of conversation). Michael Kaser (who didn't go to film school) was leading the conversation, and Caitlin Geeslin, Nathan Galvez, and Jordan Miller (all former film school classmates) were listening to what he had to say.

When I tried to enter the circle, I could not, for nobody would allow me to do so.

I believe that is the moment when I awoke. I'm having a flashback of a former dream right now, and I can't remember if it is one I had long ago, or if it is one I had last night. I shall search through the archives (though searching for this dream may be difficult).

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