Friday, May 6, 2011

Dream #387 (May 5, 2011)

Another high school dream.

I dreamt that I was living in a house with a couple of my former Oregon-Davis High School classmates, Nathan Ferch and Brandon Johnston. The mailman delivered a letter to our home, and Nathan opened it up with his letter opener. He read a message from the government informing us that Oregon-Davis had a flawed educational system when we were students, and, in order for our degrees to be legitimate, we had to take another semester's worth of high school classes (sounds like a dumb comedy movie).

That day was the first day of classes, so the three of us got ready for school and walked out to Nathan's van (he doesn't have a van in real life) and left for school. There was about two feet of snow on the ground, and it was very chilly outside.

We took our time getting to school and finding our classrooms, for none of us were too enthusiastic about starting up school again. When we walked into our first class, we saw many other of our former classmates who had to return: Adam Pflugshaupt, Justin Egger, Austen Corneil, Alik Hall, and Michael Kaser. Some other O-D students were there, including Morgan Ferch (Nathan's younger sister who still attends O-D), Kelsey Minix, and Andrew Hesters.

Teaching the class, which was Earth/Space Science, was Mrs. Awald. I knew the class would be too easy and that I would learn nothing, so I had a very bad attitude when she started lecturing on simple mathematics. I sighed quite often and quite loudly, which earned me several furious glances from Mrs. Awald. I finally made her crack, and she screamed at me and told me to go to the office.

When I got to the office, I tried to find somebody who could help me enroll in a more interesting class. However, the place was insanely busy. It resembled an old telephone operator station, with wires running everywhere and ladies receiving and connecting calls at an amazing rate. I decided to sit in the corner of the room and wait until somebody helped me.

Then I awoke.

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