Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dream #385 (May 3, 2011)

The second dream was nuts (and felt very real).

The first part took place in my grandfather's basement. I was with my mother, and she was playing Super Mario Bros. As she entered into a little bonus tube, I entered into the world of Mario and joined him as he hopped up to the top of the screen, slamming his head into floating boxes to retrieve coins.

Then I switched over to another dream.

I was superhuman. I looked a bit like Batman, but was much taller and more muscular. In fact, I had the ability to change my height at will.

I was standing in a line at an amusement park, waiting to go through a haunted maze. After a fairly long wait, it was finally my turn to enter. The maze was dark, and I could barely see where I was going. Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of me, and Storm and Toad (from the X-Men comics), entered into my reality through it. Storm informed me that they had come to destroy me on the 7th of May and they would do their best to weaken the next few days so that I could be killed at the appointed time. I asked why they were going to kill me, and Storm informed me that I was a great hero to many people. Apparently both Storm and Toad were villains in this dream.

Then they both attacked me, using their special mutant powers to fight. However, I had some powers of my own. I opened my mouth and let out a scream. As I did so, bats flew out from my throat and blinded my enemies, giving me time to escape the dark maze. Before I left, I gave Toad a blow to the head so that he wouldn't follow me.

I escaped into what resembled the carpeted gym at California Road Missionary Church I remember from my childhood. There I told some of my friends about the death threat. Then Joanna Suter walked out from behind a line of clothes that were hanging there to try. She was wearing a strange black and red robe, similar to that of Dracula. She wasn't a vampire, but, rather, some sort of sorceress. She informed me that I could hide out with her relatives, who were a group of nomadic herdsmen.

I journeyed with her to a vast open area where only grass and hills and sky could be seen. After climbing one of the taller hills, I looked down into the valley, where hundreds of tents (which matched Joanna's red and black dress) were hidden by the surrounding hills. It was a perfect place for me to camp out until May 7th passed. I looked up and saw a great castle off in the distance and wondered what kingdom it belonged to.

I met Joanna's uncle, who was a human version of Pa Grape from Veggie Tales. He showed me into his little tent. The interior resembled my grandfather's basement (strange, huh?). The guy even had the same slide projector and screen as my grandfather. Joanna and I watched a few of her uncle's slides before bed. When we grew tired, Joanna left the tent, and I curled up beside the couch (I don't know why I didn't sleep on the couch) and fell asleep.

I was awakened by a shrill screech, and I realized that, in my sleep, I had made a terrible mistake. Sometime in the night, I had made myself grow twenty feet tall, which knocked down the tent and exposed me to the night sky. A phoenix had discovered me (apparently the fiery bird was also trying to kill me) and was calling out for others like it to help slay me.

I reacted quickly. I jumped to my feet then plucked the bird out of the sky with my right hand and threw it to the ground, burning my hand on its fiery feathers in the process. I shrunk back down to a more reasonable size and ran to Joanna's uncle to ask what I should do.

When I found him, he was wearing a robe of gold, and all the tents had been changed to the same gold color overnight. He told me they were no longer herding sheep. Instead, they were herding bull. Just then, dozens of bulls ran into the tent in which I had slept.

I decided to return to the carpeted gymnasium.

When I got back, Clayface (a villain from Batman) was there waiting for me. He turned himself into a ball of solid clay and rolled at me. Instead of trying to dodge him, I folded myself up into a ball and rolled at him. We slammed into each other, but because he was hardened clay at the time and I was solid muscle, he shattered and I remained relatively unharmed. Unfortunately, the pieces of Clayface were able to group back together. This guy was going to be tough to beat.

We began to box, each delivering painful blows to each other, but nobody winning the fight. Finally, I leaped off of a nearby wall and ran my shoulder through Clayface's chest. I shattered him yet again. This time, however, I began rubbing the various pieces of him into the carpet so that he would harden even more and become crumbly. I then started punching these crumbly pieces as hard as I could, smearing the pieces of him all over the place. Finally, life left the clay and I had won.

I walked back over to the line of drying clothes and hid there as I caught my breath.

Then I awoke.

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