Monday, May 9, 2011

Dream #391 (May 9, 2011)

This was interesting.

The first part of my dream took place on a long and narrow wooden boat. A bunch of people my age were on it with me, and we were all there for some sort of job training. The only person I knew there was Brittany Coleman, a former classmate of mine at Regent University.

Everyone on the boat was rowing, but each rowing station was slightly different. A few stations were merely rowing, but other stations had extra responsibilities. The person in the front had to lead the team and guide the boat. The second person was the navigator. The third kept track of time. Somewhere in the middle was the cook and the cook's assistants. I was merely a rower, but the instructor, who was standing near the front of the boat, saw how hard I was working, so he promoted me to navigator (a job that, in real life, I would be terrible at). Brittany had been promoted to time keeper not long before that, so she was right behind me, which was comforting to me (since she was the only person I knew). A few minutes later, after I had done very well navigating, the leader of the boat (the person in position #1) made a horrible error and, against my instructions, steered the boat into a mess of seaweed. Now it was my time to shine.

The instructor bumped me up to position #1 and Brittany was promoted to my former position. I surprised myself and was an excellent ship leader. I managed to get the boat out of the seaweed and directed it to the port where we were heading. I broke the record for the longest amount of time in position #1, for I kept it for the rest of the day.

When we landed at the port, all of the students set up a table and chairs, and we sat and ate dinner. I again was next to Brittany, and she began talking to me about my musical interests. I hardly know this young woman in real life, and I'm a bit confused why she was in my dream.

Then I switched to a very different dream.

I was shooting a film. It was a mock horror film about three metal people who were attacking civilians. I first shot the metal people in stop-motion in front of a green screen, moving them frame by frame. One had a sword, another had a shield, and the other had a knife. After I finished shooting a couple of angles of these strange metal creatures I had created, I shot a scene in which some civilians were fleeing from them. Jim Kubley, Ben Borke, and Matt Erdel (all friends of my older brother from Bethel College) were driving in a little blue car, and I directed them to scream as they passed by the camera. It only took a few takes.

After that shot, I was finished with the film.

I took the metal characters and placed them in the front yard of my house (the house I owned in my dream was unlike any house I have been in). I went down to a wrap party in my half-basement (it was only partially underground, for there were a couple windows that looked into the front yard. There I saw Craig Robinson (Darryl from The Office), Paul Bettany, and a bunch of other people I don't know partying and drinking punch.

Then I looked out the window and noticed that my metal creations were moving on their own. I didn't believe it at first, but when the door to the half-basement burst open, and they were standing there with their weapons, I knew it was real. The first thing they did was stab Paul Bettany to death as nearly everyone else fled the room.

The only brave soul was Craig (I had ran and hid in a closet; I was watching through a crack in the door). He grabbed a Louisville Slugger and began swinging at the metal villains. This caused them to flee the house and run down the street. We were safe, but my creations were not defeated. I exited the closet and thanked Craig for his bravery, then told him that I was going to hunt down my monsters (I felt obligated to do so, for it was I who had created them).

I grabbed a saber (I don't know why that was my weapon of choice) and left the house and began my hunt. I followed their tracks (they were quite distinct) into a two-story house down the road. There was no sign of them inside. I did some more thorough searching and found a bed with a lump in the middle of it. I wondered if they were hiding under the covers, so I ran to the bed and unveiled what was hidden.

It was a thirty-year-old man dressed in a Jester's outfit. He giggled at me, then covered himself back up. I looked up and saw that he had a skylight with a gorgeous view of the stars above.

Then I awoke.

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