Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dream #400 (May 28, 2011)

Dream #400. Holy guacamole.

I dreamt that I was with Brent Thomas in the gymnasium at Prairie Camp. All the campers were in there playing with special paper airplanes that Brent and I had assembled earlier that day. They buzzed about in the air much longer than typical paper airplanes do. The campers were also bouncing small rubber balls all over the place. These balls had a 101% bounce, so they never stopped bouncing and increased their speed with every contact of a surface. The gym was a crazy place to be, so I took half of them out to the climbing tower and had them entertain themselves there.

I awoke eventually. I wish I could have had a more eventful dream for #400. Maybe #401 will be better.

Dream #399 (May 27, 2011)

Yet another alien dream.

I dreamt that I was working at Prairie Camp. However, camp was much different than it is in real life. Everything was dark, and unquenchable fires were burning all about. A camp assembly was being held at a large set of bleachers. The seats were all full of extra terrestrial campers, and the humans had to sit on the ground next to the bleachers.

Suddenly, the alien campers began shooting the human campers with their laser blasters. This, of course, upset me greatly, and I tried to get my bosses (different than my bosses in real life) to kick the aliens out of the camp, but they told me that they wanted species diversity. It bothered me that they didn't take the death of several campers seriously.

Then the aliens received a stern warning not to kill anyone else. They promised that they wouldn't, but when I was explaining a game later that night, they began shooting campers again. I became very angry with my superiors, and I let them know my opinions. Then a bunch of men in black suits came and shut the camp down, ordering everyone to leave.

I sat by the exit to the camp (which was a small carpeted room) and watched the campers and their parents leave in a single file line. The only people in this line that I knew where Brent Thomas and Bud, Cris, and Dori Walterhouse. As Dori walked by me, her young face turned old, which startled me.

Then I awoke.

Dream #398 (May 26, 2011)

This was strange.

I dreamt that I was cruising down a back road in Hamlet, Indiana with my brother Mike Baughman. I was driving a blue car from the 80's. We were moving right along until the car suddenly hit a nasty bump that caused the passenger door to fly open. I stopped the car immediately.

Mike and I got out to observe the damage. We discovered that we hat hit two wooden blocks with weird, thick antenna sticking out of each of them. I picked them up and put them in the car. I was about to drive away when I noticed in my side view mirror that my wallet and some of my other possessions were lying by the side of the road where we had hit the wood blocks. I got out of the car and got my things.

I then drove to a house in the country where a graduation party was being held. There were several people there, and I was telling them my story about what had happened. Then one of the guys there informed me that somebody had place those weird wood blocks in the road so that he or she could steal my wallet. It was a weird technology.

Then a young guy walked out of the house and informed everyone that aliens had just contacted Earth for the first time.

I then left the party with Mike and drove down the road, contemplating what it all meant.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dream #397 (May 23, 2011)

I was on vacation from blogging.

I dreamt that I was in my front yard with my little brother. We were having a bake sale.

There were several wooden table set up under the pines trees there, filled with various breads, cakes, muffins, roles, pies, and more tasty treatsies. Now, my brother (Mike Baughman) and I don't bake very often, but this dream made me want to learn the art form. There was so much good food.

Well, not very many people came to our bake sale. There was an old lady who was dripping with perfume, weighed down by several pearl necklaces, who purchased a few loaves of bread, but that was our only customer.

After a while, Morgan Ferch (my neighbor) walked across the street and asked how things were going. I informed her of our lack of business, then offered her a piece of carrot cake to take back home to her family. Then, suddenly, she began to strangle me.

This strange reaction was the result of my older brother (Matt Baughman) throwing his dog into my bed (in real life), causing me to come painfully into consciousness.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dream #396 (May 14, 2011)

Another dream.

I dreamt that I was at a campground with Kevin Chupp and Mike Baughman (my younger brother). We were living in a cabin there, for we were the overseers of a teen retreat that was taking place. We had just returned from the grocery store, where we had purchased the groceries for the week: Craisins, cereal, milk, chips, and a frozen turkey.

There were a bunch of teens playing Frisbee with disc golf discs in our front yard when we returned. Mike and Kevin went inside the cabin to put away the groceries while I stayed and played around with the young guys. Brandon Snodgrass (a camper of mine from years ago) was there playing with Kevin’s yellow Beast (a kind of disc). I asked him where he had found it, and he told us that they had borrowed the discs from our house. I wasn’t too upset with that, for I was glad the guys were having fun.

When I walked into the cabin, I found Stan Marks there telling Mike and Kevin about his wedding plans. I asked him how he was doing, and he told me that he wanted to watch Star Wars. I thought that sounded like fun, so I walked over to the DVD player and popped in Episode II (why did I choose that one?).

Then I awoke.

Dream #395 (May 13, 2011)

A short little dream.

I dreamt through the legend of Sleeping Bear (I stayed at the Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan that night). I watched from a sand dune as a mother bear’s cubs drown in Lake Michigan and as the spirits of the cubs formed the islands there. (It’s a bogus story, and very sad, so worth checking out.)

I awoke at some point.

Dream #394 (May 12, 2011)

Here is another belated dream post.

I dreamt that I was visiting an enormous tower that I had built for a short film in high school (this tower exists only in my dream). I had built it entirely out of junk that I had taken from various junkyards in the area. It was unbelievably tall, reaching thousands of feet into the air. I couldn’t even see the bottom from the top.

I walked up several flights of stairs and looked at my surroundings. The junk making up the tower consisted of old cars, aluminum siding, sleds, flowerpots, gardening equipment, bicycles, chunks of brick, and more things I can’t now remember.

When I made it to the top, I found that a mall had moved into the space there. I walked into a J.C. Penny’s store and was fascinated at what my creation had become. I found a television and watched my old high school film. I was a bit disappointed in the storyline, but the set and the camerawork was quite good actually, which surprised me (I don’t know why it surprised me, for I was standing within the very tower I had built for the film).

Then Peter Badertscher (my former youth pastor at Koontz Lake Missionary Church) ran up to me and informed me that there was a shoe thief on the loose. He and I immediately began sprinting out of the store and toward the road that wrapped around the top of the tower, for we both thought it would be the thief’s most likely method of escape.

We were right. We discovered the shoe thief there shooting at civilians with a small pistol.

Then I awoke.

Dream #393 (May 11, 2011)

Here’s a dream.

I began the dream inside of my house with my brother Mike Baughman, my parents, and the Shoup family (father, mother, and their daughters, Lindsey and Katie). We were playing around in the hallway (I was climbing up the walls like Spider-Man while the other ‘kids’ threw shoes at me), when my dad interrupted us to inform me that I needed to take the others to the Shoup home to pick up a game that they had forgotten to bring.

So, I led Mike, Lindsey, and Katie out of my house and down State Road 23. It was quite dark outside, with only a few streetlamps to guide me in the right direction. Eventually, though in real life the Shoups live much further away, we arrived at the house.

We began searching for the game there, but for reasons unknown, we didn’t turn on any lights to aid in our search. We took so long and made such a disturbance of the peace with all of our banging about that several teenagers from the area thought a party was going on in the house. They came to the door and tried to get in, but I explained that there was no fun to be found there. Unfortunately, I was too late, for the police had arrived.

A young officer sat down and interrogated me, for he thought that we were planning some wild party. After I explained myself, he understood me fully, and even helped shoo the teens from the property.

After the officer left, Mike realized that he had lost his glass eye (both of his eyes are normal in real life), so we had yet another item to search for. We looked all about the house.

I went upstairs and peeked under a cabinet and discovered a pair of sweatpants I had left there before. When I picked them up, dozens of glass eyes fell from the pockets. I looked around and tried to find Mikes. It didn’t take me long.

When I handed Mike his glass eye, he pointed out that it had been scribbled on with a brown crayon, and he wondered if that would look strange.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dream #392 (May 10, 2011)

I had a few dreams last night.

The first dream (that I remember) took place inside of a restaurant/bar (similar to Buffalo Wild Wings). Prairie Camp was conducting counselor interviews there, and I was making sure all of the potential counselors understood what they were to fill out in the massive amount of paperwork they received when they walked in.

The restaurant was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was a bit eerie. Occasionally Carrie Badertscher (the camp director) would open the door of the office to ask the next person to come and interview with her. She was wearing a glowing neon green jacket, and her shoes glowed as well, and every time she opened the door, the room would exhale a cloud of smoke behind her.

Zach, a camp counselor in real life, walked into the room after a little while. He came over to the bar where I was sitting, and we had a long conversation about camp.

Then I switched over to another dream.

I was driving an old bluish green car on a fenced-in basketball court, trying to find a parking spot. I drove through a couple of large gates (that were made for cars) to other areas. Finally, at the last court, I found a parking spot.

When I got out of my car, my body began to ache, and I fell to the ground. Then I transformed into a gorilla.

I ran about, shouting and beating my chest, then I climbed the large fence and leaped to the ground. There were a few people around, and I scared them so much that they called the police.

Soon afterward, there were flashing lights and sirens getting nearer to me, so I ran and hid behind a large tree. I turned back into a human.

When I emerged, I was only wearing cut-off jean shorts (I never wear jeans). There I found my brother, who had brought a mad scientist with him (he resembled the character Hubert J. Farnsworth from Futurama). The scientist then ordered a back hoe to dig a grave for me. Then some strong men threw me in it, though I didn't fight them. The scientist told me that I would be cured if things worked out as he planned. Then the back hoe began dumping dirt on me, burying me alive. I turned into the gorilla and leaped out of the dirt on top of me. As I did so, my gorilla body was pealed from me, and I was forever cured.

I thanked the scientist, then returned to my car. When I tried to leave, I discovered that the opening in the fence through which I had come was sealed shut, and there was no way out.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was doing some homework in the upper level of a tall building. The room in which I was studying had several old desktop computers in it, and many students were working at them. When I finished working on the study guide to my history class (it consisted of a bunch of multiple choice and matching questions), I looked out the window of the room and saw that there was a giant castle next door.

I ran down several flights of stairs, walked across the grass, and entered the castle.

I found my way into a great hall, with many banners on the walls, an enormous fireplace, and a long wooden table in the center of the room. At the head of the table sat Jim James (My Morning Jacket lead singer and songwriter), and the rest of My Morning Jacket was sitting around the rest of the table. Jim James was king, and he was adorned with many decorations, a purple robe, and a golden crown. He then sat me down and showed me an invention that his wizard had made.

The invention was a pen. Interestingly enough, I was impressed with it, for I had never seen one in this dream world. I took it and tried to write with it on a chalkboard nearby, but Jim corrected me and handed me a piece of paper to write on. The technology blew me away. I thought about how much fame and fortune I would acquire if I had invented something like the pen.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dream #391 (May 9, 2011)

This was interesting.

The first part of my dream took place on a long and narrow wooden boat. A bunch of people my age were on it with me, and we were all there for some sort of job training. The only person I knew there was Brittany Coleman, a former classmate of mine at Regent University.

Everyone on the boat was rowing, but each rowing station was slightly different. A few stations were merely rowing, but other stations had extra responsibilities. The person in the front had to lead the team and guide the boat. The second person was the navigator. The third kept track of time. Somewhere in the middle was the cook and the cook's assistants. I was merely a rower, but the instructor, who was standing near the front of the boat, saw how hard I was working, so he promoted me to navigator (a job that, in real life, I would be terrible at). Brittany had been promoted to time keeper not long before that, so she was right behind me, which was comforting to me (since she was the only person I knew). A few minutes later, after I had done very well navigating, the leader of the boat (the person in position #1) made a horrible error and, against my instructions, steered the boat into a mess of seaweed. Now it was my time to shine.

The instructor bumped me up to position #1 and Brittany was promoted to my former position. I surprised myself and was an excellent ship leader. I managed to get the boat out of the seaweed and directed it to the port where we were heading. I broke the record for the longest amount of time in position #1, for I kept it for the rest of the day.

When we landed at the port, all of the students set up a table and chairs, and we sat and ate dinner. I again was next to Brittany, and she began talking to me about my musical interests. I hardly know this young woman in real life, and I'm a bit confused why she was in my dream.

Then I switched to a very different dream.

I was shooting a film. It was a mock horror film about three metal people who were attacking civilians. I first shot the metal people in stop-motion in front of a green screen, moving them frame by frame. One had a sword, another had a shield, and the other had a knife. After I finished shooting a couple of angles of these strange metal creatures I had created, I shot a scene in which some civilians were fleeing from them. Jim Kubley, Ben Borke, and Matt Erdel (all friends of my older brother from Bethel College) were driving in a little blue car, and I directed them to scream as they passed by the camera. It only took a few takes.

After that shot, I was finished with the film.

I took the metal characters and placed them in the front yard of my house (the house I owned in my dream was unlike any house I have been in). I went down to a wrap party in my half-basement (it was only partially underground, for there were a couple windows that looked into the front yard. There I saw Craig Robinson (Darryl from The Office), Paul Bettany, and a bunch of other people I don't know partying and drinking punch.

Then I looked out the window and noticed that my metal creations were moving on their own. I didn't believe it at first, but when the door to the half-basement burst open, and they were standing there with their weapons, I knew it was real. The first thing they did was stab Paul Bettany to death as nearly everyone else fled the room.

The only brave soul was Craig (I had ran and hid in a closet; I was watching through a crack in the door). He grabbed a Louisville Slugger and began swinging at the metal villains. This caused them to flee the house and run down the street. We were safe, but my creations were not defeated. I exited the closet and thanked Craig for his bravery, then told him that I was going to hunt down my monsters (I felt obligated to do so, for it was I who had created them).

I grabbed a saber (I don't know why that was my weapon of choice) and left the house and began my hunt. I followed their tracks (they were quite distinct) into a two-story house down the road. There was no sign of them inside. I did some more thorough searching and found a bed with a lump in the middle of it. I wondered if they were hiding under the covers, so I ran to the bed and unveiled what was hidden.

It was a thirty-year-old man dressed in a Jester's outfit. He giggled at me, then covered himself back up. I looked up and saw that he had a skylight with a gorgeous view of the stars above.

Then I awoke.

Dream #390 (May 8, 2011)

This will be short.

I dreamt that I was riding in the back of a red sports car that Alik Hall was driving. Michael Kaser was in the passenger seat, and my little brother Mike Baughman was with me in the back. My brother and I were playing some sort of Batman game on an Xbox connected to a little plasma screen TV.

Alik drove around the parking lot as we played the game. I remember thinking it was a great way to spend my time, since I had no job.

I awoke eventually.

Dream #389 (May 7, 2011)

Here is a dream.

I dreamt that I was shopping in a large department store. I was with a hispanic guy that I don't know in real life, and we were looking at various cereals.

As we searched, a man walked up to us and tried to sell us winter coats. It was winter in my dream, but I already had a coat.

We decided to leave after that incident, and we returned to a cabin in the woods where we lived. Several middle aged people were there dining, and when we got back, they asked us if we had brought back any cereal. We said, "No," then turned and headed back to the store.

When we began to look at the cereals again, we noticed that there was a trivia contest question on each box. The contest was put on by the store, and the winners would get a bunch of free cereal from them. All the questions had to do with old Disney cartoons, so I knew most of the answers.

We had to get ten questions right before getting the cereal. We answered 8 very easily, but we were stuck on the last two. Then I had a brilliant idea to go find different kids books within the store based on the Disney movies so that I could find out the answers without leaving.

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dream #388 (May 6, 2011)

This was wacky.

My family and I were participating in a community-wide scavenger hunt, which began at Oregon-Davis Jr/Sr High School. By the way, my family in the dream was not my family from real life. This mother had black hair and resembled the mother of a friend of mine from early elementary school, and the father was slimmer and shorter than my real father. I had a younger sister and brother in the dream, and they both were brats.

Our family got together in the gymnasium of the high school to discuss our plans for the hunt. My dad mapped out a route, with a little input from my mom, then we ran outside and hopped in our old van and took off.

As we were driving down a busy road nearing a great bridge that ran over a wide and deep river, we were suddenly hit by horrible traffic. We were stopped for quite some time.

After sitting in the van, doing nothing, for several minutes, a bunch of Chinese men in uniform overtook our van by force. The soldiers sat with us while one of them took over the driver's seat.

Because of their military position, they were somehow able to bypass the traffic and take us to their headquarters. Each of us were pulled out of the van and interrogated, in Chinese. None of my family knew what was going on or why we had been taken over.

Thankfully, the Chinese returned our vehicle to us and we were able to return to Oregon-Davis in peace.

When we got back, we walked into the gym and watched the awards ceremony, where various groups were given recognition and prizes for their scavenger hunt achievements.

Then I awoke.

Dream #387 (May 5, 2011)

Another high school dream.

I dreamt that I was living in a house with a couple of my former Oregon-Davis High School classmates, Nathan Ferch and Brandon Johnston. The mailman delivered a letter to our home, and Nathan opened it up with his letter opener. He read a message from the government informing us that Oregon-Davis had a flawed educational system when we were students, and, in order for our degrees to be legitimate, we had to take another semester's worth of high school classes (sounds like a dumb comedy movie).

That day was the first day of classes, so the three of us got ready for school and walked out to Nathan's van (he doesn't have a van in real life) and left for school. There was about two feet of snow on the ground, and it was very chilly outside.

We took our time getting to school and finding our classrooms, for none of us were too enthusiastic about starting up school again. When we walked into our first class, we saw many other of our former classmates who had to return: Adam Pflugshaupt, Justin Egger, Austen Corneil, Alik Hall, and Michael Kaser. Some other O-D students were there, including Morgan Ferch (Nathan's younger sister who still attends O-D), Kelsey Minix, and Andrew Hesters.

Teaching the class, which was Earth/Space Science, was Mrs. Awald. I knew the class would be too easy and that I would learn nothing, so I had a very bad attitude when she started lecturing on simple mathematics. I sighed quite often and quite loudly, which earned me several furious glances from Mrs. Awald. I finally made her crack, and she screamed at me and told me to go to the office.

When I got to the office, I tried to find somebody who could help me enroll in a more interesting class. However, the place was insanely busy. It resembled an old telephone operator station, with wires running everywhere and ladies receiving and connecting calls at an amazing rate. I decided to sit in the corner of the room and wait until somebody helped me.

Then I awoke.

Dream #386 (May 4, 2011)

This will be short, for I don't remember anything except for one scene.

I was driving in an old red car in pouring down rain. Kevin Chupp was in the passenger seat sweating. He was nervous because I was driving poorly. Escalating his fears, I received a text message and began to reply (I don't typically text and drive). As I was punching numbers, I ran a red light. When I realized what I had done, I slammed on the brakes, causing the car to skid and spin out.

I awoke soon afterward, I believe, though I could be mistaken.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dream #385 (May 3, 2011)

The second dream was nuts (and felt very real).

The first part took place in my grandfather's basement. I was with my mother, and she was playing Super Mario Bros. As she entered into a little bonus tube, I entered into the world of Mario and joined him as he hopped up to the top of the screen, slamming his head into floating boxes to retrieve coins.

Then I switched over to another dream.

I was superhuman. I looked a bit like Batman, but was much taller and more muscular. In fact, I had the ability to change my height at will.

I was standing in a line at an amusement park, waiting to go through a haunted maze. After a fairly long wait, it was finally my turn to enter. The maze was dark, and I could barely see where I was going. Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of me, and Storm and Toad (from the X-Men comics), entered into my reality through it. Storm informed me that they had come to destroy me on the 7th of May and they would do their best to weaken the next few days so that I could be killed at the appointed time. I asked why they were going to kill me, and Storm informed me that I was a great hero to many people. Apparently both Storm and Toad were villains in this dream.

Then they both attacked me, using their special mutant powers to fight. However, I had some powers of my own. I opened my mouth and let out a scream. As I did so, bats flew out from my throat and blinded my enemies, giving me time to escape the dark maze. Before I left, I gave Toad a blow to the head so that he wouldn't follow me.

I escaped into what resembled the carpeted gym at California Road Missionary Church I remember from my childhood. There I told some of my friends about the death threat. Then Joanna Suter walked out from behind a line of clothes that were hanging there to try. She was wearing a strange black and red robe, similar to that of Dracula. She wasn't a vampire, but, rather, some sort of sorceress. She informed me that I could hide out with her relatives, who were a group of nomadic herdsmen.

I journeyed with her to a vast open area where only grass and hills and sky could be seen. After climbing one of the taller hills, I looked down into the valley, where hundreds of tents (which matched Joanna's red and black dress) were hidden by the surrounding hills. It was a perfect place for me to camp out until May 7th passed. I looked up and saw a great castle off in the distance and wondered what kingdom it belonged to.

I met Joanna's uncle, who was a human version of Pa Grape from Veggie Tales. He showed me into his little tent. The interior resembled my grandfather's basement (strange, huh?). The guy even had the same slide projector and screen as my grandfather. Joanna and I watched a few of her uncle's slides before bed. When we grew tired, Joanna left the tent, and I curled up beside the couch (I don't know why I didn't sleep on the couch) and fell asleep.

I was awakened by a shrill screech, and I realized that, in my sleep, I had made a terrible mistake. Sometime in the night, I had made myself grow twenty feet tall, which knocked down the tent and exposed me to the night sky. A phoenix had discovered me (apparently the fiery bird was also trying to kill me) and was calling out for others like it to help slay me.

I reacted quickly. I jumped to my feet then plucked the bird out of the sky with my right hand and threw it to the ground, burning my hand on its fiery feathers in the process. I shrunk back down to a more reasonable size and ran to Joanna's uncle to ask what I should do.

When I found him, he was wearing a robe of gold, and all the tents had been changed to the same gold color overnight. He told me they were no longer herding sheep. Instead, they were herding bull. Just then, dozens of bulls ran into the tent in which I had slept.

I decided to return to the carpeted gymnasium.

When I got back, Clayface (a villain from Batman) was there waiting for me. He turned himself into a ball of solid clay and rolled at me. Instead of trying to dodge him, I folded myself up into a ball and rolled at him. We slammed into each other, but because he was hardened clay at the time and I was solid muscle, he shattered and I remained relatively unharmed. Unfortunately, the pieces of Clayface were able to group back together. This guy was going to be tough to beat.

We began to box, each delivering painful blows to each other, but nobody winning the fight. Finally, I leaped off of a nearby wall and ran my shoulder through Clayface's chest. I shattered him yet again. This time, however, I began rubbing the various pieces of him into the carpet so that he would harden even more and become crumbly. I then started punching these crumbly pieces as hard as I could, smearing the pieces of him all over the place. Finally, life left the clay and I had won.

I walked back over to the line of drying clothes and hid there as I caught my breath.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dream #384 (May 2, 2011)

Another college dream.

I dreamt that I was taking film classes again. The building where I sat and listened to a lecture delivered by a middle-aged woman, was dimly lit and consisted mainly of colors near middle gray. The woman used a chalk board, and all the students, including myself, were taking notes in notebooks (I still use notebooks, though most students have converted to laptops).

After the lecture was completed (I believe it was all about Sergei Eisenstein's teachings on color), all the students rushed down the several flights of stairs (located directly in the center of the building) to the exit.

When I left the building, I hopped in the back of a blue truck that drove to Doug Miller's house in the woods (Doug was a former professor of mine). There was a great bonfire burning in his backyard, and several film students were there celebrating something. I walked over to a circle of people who were discussing something that interested me (I don't now remember the subject of conversation). Michael Kaser (who didn't go to film school) was leading the conversation, and Caitlin Geeslin, Nathan Galvez, and Jordan Miller (all former film school classmates) were listening to what he had to say.

When I tried to enter the circle, I could not, for nobody would allow me to do so.

I believe that is the moment when I awoke. I'm having a flashback of a former dream right now, and I can't remember if it is one I had long ago, or if it is one I had last night. I shall search through the archives (though searching for this dream may be difficult).

Dream #383 (May 1, 2011)

I'm sorry for being a bit delayed and brief with my dream descriptions. I'm laking motivation. I feel like I'm on an island, occupied only by myself, where everything I create and pour my effort into is viewed and appreciated only by me.

All I remember about this dream is that I was outside a long line of storage units. It was dark, and I stood and stared at them for a long time.

Eventually a group of people came and formed a circle about me.

I switched to a different dream in which I was in the back lot of Koontz Lake Missionary Church playing the blues on my father's acoustic guitar. Teenagers were running about, trashing the area, tearing down walls, throwing sticks at the garage, busting up picnic tables, and more, all as I sat and played. Later on, Brent Thomas walked up to me and told me how surprised he was at my abilities.

Then I awoke.

Dream #382 (April 30, 2011)

A little recollection from this date.

I dreamt that I was in a dungeon. I was directing a children's camp there with Tim and Sue Matteson.

I chased the kids around the damp stone corridors, the torture devices, and the stoves, having fun all the while. Nobody seemed to pay attention to the setting.

At one point, one child cried out that the big red ball had been lost, so I spent a long time searching for it. We found nothing.

Finally, Tim Matteson returned to the dungeon (he had gone to buy groceries), and I asked him if he could locate the ball. He found it in less than a minute.

Then I awoke.