Monday, November 29, 2010

Dream #287 (November 29, 2010)

This is far less intense than my most recent dreams. I kind of like the intense ones sometimes, but I needed a break.

In the dream I had recently moved to Virginia Beach to prepare for a three-month tour of the world that I was going to take with a bunch of missionaries. We planned on going to Portugal, Spain, South Africa, China, Brazil, and more. I was very nervous about this trip, for I did not really know what I was getting myself into. At the same time, I was very excited to acquire some new experiences and friendships.

Unfortunately, I did not get to visit these places in my dream, for I still had three weeks in Virginia Beach before taking off. The first thing I did was go disc golfing at the dunes in North Carolina (I've never actually been there). Interestingly enough, my brother Mike and Kyle and Kody Heffelfinger were all there. My dream skipped forward to hole 9, which was at the base of a very steep and very tall dune. I kept getting frustrated with it, as did those with me, for we were unable to throw the disc more than ten feet in the air, and it would slide back down every time. We didn't know how to finish the hole and thought it impossible until a couple of other guys came and, without any effort, launched the discs all the way to the top of the dune with one throw.

Then my dream skipped forward to another night. I was outside the Regent Communications Building, waiting for somebody to let me into the school. My friend Jon Ayee walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to help out with a film he was working on, and I said I definitely would.

We went inside and I was asked to mix the sound and hold the boom microphone (which is always what I'm asked to do). The film was being directed by Dan McCullum, and it was, of all things, a musical. It takes a lot for me to enjoy a musical, so I was not too excited about what I was going to be doing for the next several hours.

The lighting setup for the shot that was happening was very interesting. It involved some medical and dental lighting equipment that was being reflected off of many small mirrors. It was pretty cool.

We soon started the first take, and the lead actor began to sing. At first, I was annoyed, but eventually and strangely, the song grew on me and I began tapping my foot. Before I knew it, I was bobbing my head and enjoying the music coming from his mouth. Then Dan cut the take, claiming he needed to rearrange everything.

This meant that I had a long break, so I, for some reason, hid under the actor's chair. At the time, Jeff Kreider was sitting there, and I wanted to hide from him. He soon asked, "Where did Joe go?" and I laughed to myself. I snuck out from under the chair and ran to the bathroom, which had a monitor that allowed me to know when I would be needed. I pulled out a deck of cards and began playing solitaire.

Then I awoke.

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