Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dream #280 (November 18, 2010)

This was so strange.

In the first part of the dream, I was assembled into a small band of special forces, put together to stop a military uprising in a dark city. The other members of the team were Kevin Chupp, Mike (my brother), and several other people I didn't know. Mike, Kevin, and I went off on our own to take care of the city park. Kevin snagged a tank and drove that around with Mike. I wasn't sure what to do, until this odd feeling came on me. I started to sparkle a little bit, then I became as light as air, and before I fully realized what was happening, I was flying around above the trees.

As I flew high in the sky, I looked down upon the city park, searching for trouble. I soon found a bunch of hoodlums shooting fireballs at cars and destroying public property, while severely injuring many people. I immediately swooped down to confront the teenagers.

They were quite the violent bunch. One picked up a fire hydrant and threw it at me, causing water to burst from the ground. I dodged the hunk of metal and came back with a flying attack. Unfortunately, I was too light to cause any harm to him. Even so, he was still surprised at my ability to fly, so I was able to fly away from him before he could capture me.

At that moment, I noticed something strange about my left arm. Near my shoulder, the hair was much thicker and darker than it had been before. Furthermore, black rubber hoses were growing from my armpit, which really disturbed me. It didn't hurt at all physically, but it was very hard on me emotionally. I looked like a freak.

Then the hoodlums began taking advantage of my mutation. I would try to fly away, but the hoses had grown long enough that they could yank me back with them and pull me to the ground. They had fun throwing me around, slamming me into the asphalt road. After a couple of painful minutes, I was saved when Kevin and Mike showed up in the monstrous tank. They began absolutely destroying the destructive devices the teens were using. The hoodlums quickly fled the scene, for Mike and Kevin were displaying a great teamwork that appeared to be unstoppable (Mike on the guns, Kevin driving).

Just then, my dream jumped ahead to after the war. It was dark, and I was wearing torn clothing. I looked like a homeless man, and probably smelled like one as well. To make matters worse, I was dragging along the long, dark rubber hoses that were rooted somehow in my left armpit, and I walked very slowly.

After some wandering, I arrived at Carrie Badertscher's house. I entered through the sliding glass doors without knocking and wandered downstairs. It was dark down there, but I could just barely see Carrie and Amber sitting on a couch, lit only by the old black-and-white movie they were watching. I said hello to them in a deep voice that didn't seem like it belonged to me. However, neither of them reacted at all. I said it a little louder. Amber didn't even put down her popcorn. As I began to turn to walk away, Carrie, without turning her head from the television, said something to me something like, "Where have you been?" "Away," I mumbled, then turned and walked back up the stairs.

When I made it to the top, my friend Jon Andrew Castleberry was there waiting for me. He looked at my armpit for a very long time, which made me feel uncomfortable. However, after he finished studying it, he told me he could help me out. His hands began to glow, then he placed his left hand on my shoulder and, with his right hand, he grabbed the black rubber hoses. They began to smoke and squeal, and with a single pull, he managed to pull all of them out. My armpit immediately returned to normal. Jon Andrew was about to throw the hoses in the trash, but I asked him to hand them to me. I grabbed them, took them back into the basement, and with a great joy (it was like the first time I was happy for a long time), I showed the removed hoses to Carrie and Amber.

Then I switched to a different dream. Interestingly enough, the dream still involved Carrie and Amber. I was with them in a small circle of grass that was surrounded all around by brick walls. Stella was also there. This is sad, but Stella, in this dream, was twice her height, Caucasian, and extremely obese. I kept telling Carrie, "This cannot be Stella," but she told me, over and over, that it was. I tried to play with her, but she could not move due to her extreme weight. I did not see the same Stella in this girl, but her mother continued to tell me it was Stella. I did not want to believe it.

Then I switched to another dream, again involving Carrie. We were sitting on thrones in a great room, along with Amber, David, and Amy (all Prairie Camp employees). The Prairie Camp counseling staff was sitting below us and telling us some of the things they had learned from the orientation we had just given them. One of the guys began to explain back to me a game I had previously told him about involving dragons and such, and he did it well. Then Katie Zook talked about proper cooking methods in the kitchen, which is interesting, because they don't do the cooking. Then, another guy began to sing a song that I had written, but he had messed up one of the verses. I knew that I had never told him about the song, so I asked him where he had heard it. He told me that he had written it, which I knew was untrue.

Then I awoke.

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