Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dream #277 (November 4, 2010)

This was interesting. And long.

The first part of the dream started in the Koontz Lake church parking lot in the middle of the night. I pulled my car into it (my car was a blue car that resembled my friend Dan's car). At the time there was only one truck in the whole parking lot, but by the time I got out of my car, several other vehicles had parked there.

When I got out, I found that my father was asleep in the truck. I tapped on the window and woke him from his slumber. He then got out, and I noticed he was wearing a long brown robe. He led me to the front of the church where I was meant with a pulsing fear in my veins.

At the front of the church I saw two lions and two tigers. One lion and one tiger were sitting just to the left of the front door of the church, and the other two were prowling around. As my dad led me to them, I often hesitated in taking the next step. Then I saw that my little brother Michael (who was his young self from ten years ago) laying helpless next to the sitting felines.

I then understood why my dad was leading me there. As we slowly and calmly (we had an outward calmness that was merely a front) approached my brother, the prowling lion and tiger walked in front of us and prevented us from going any further. I looked up and saw Michael Kaser in the distance, running away from the scene. I also saw my grandfather standing behind me, watching his son and me as we tried to save my brother.

Then I lost all calmness and sprinted past the both lions and tigers and picked my brother up off the ground. Once I did so, all four great beasts began to chase me, but something told me that, though I was sprinting as fast as I could, the beasts were letting me get away, for they did not catch up to me.

I ran behind the church and saw a crazy sight. There were all kinds of mystical creatures there;the most prominent and memorable of them all was the a great white beast, standing 30 feet tall, with a lion-shaped body, great falcon-like wings, and a beaked face with fiery eyes. The beast struck me with such a fear that I immediately took shelter in the church by entering its side door.

When I did so, I entered a maze filled with more terrifying beasts. I scrambled through the maze, trying to find a safe place. After sprinting by many giant animals, I found a shallow basement, where I briefly found safety. After relaxing in there for a short while, my grandfather found me and led me out of it, claiming that it would not remain safe much long. He then took me to a locked room. He told me to take my brother into that room, but I did not trust him, for I heard a great amount of noise coming from the room, hearing footsteps that resembled those of the tiger I had seen earlier. However, my grandfather was persistent and, eventually, he pushed me into the room.

I fell into the room, afraid of what I would find. Then my grandfather closed the door behind me. I turned the light on and had a face-to-face encounter with a cat. Not a great cat, just a small house cat.

Then I switched over to a different dream altogether.

I was at Prairie Camp. I was rushing around trying to gather up all the children there, for it was time for them to go. I was more rushed than usual, for several large military vehicles (tanks and such) were driving onto the grounds from all directions.

Finally, all the kids had gone to the front entrance, where they were to be picked up by their parents. When I was getting ready to head over there, I saw my little brother with a game of Monopoly sitting on a picnic table in front of him. I joined him, because he needed someone to play with. I began to set up the game, with his help, when I discovered that much of the money was missing, along with some of the cards. I decided to go look for them, for I thought maybe I had used them for another game.

As I searched for the missing game elements on the camp playground, I remembered I needed to go help check the kids out. I ran over to the front entrance where a large storage trailer (the kind found on semi-trucks) was sitting. I crawled inside of it and was amazed at the amount of boxes there. I never found out what they held.

When I left the storage container, I found Carrie Badertscher (my boss) with her sister Kelly at a table set up for check-out. She was telling Kelly my dream that I had the night before (Dream #278), and they were both laughing at my misfortune in the dream.

Then I entered yet another dream.

I was with my little brother Mike and our neighbor Morgan. Somehow Morgan had gotten a large wad of white chewing gum stuck in her hair (which is a reverse of a real memory; Mike once stuck a wad of gum in my hair when we were little, and Morgan's mother removed it for me). Mike and I tried my best to scrape it out, but was unsuccessful. As we tried this, Nemo (my parents' cat) jumped up on Morgan's head and liked the gum right off. Unfortunately for her, the cat saliva had turned Morgan's hair into a greasy, sticky mess.

Then I awoke.

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