Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dream #283 (November 25, 2010)

I missed a few days, but here are a bunch in a row.

I was in a large field of grass waiting for my ride to come and pick me up. I was standing next to Kevin Chupp, and my friends Stan Marks and Joanna Suter were standing across the field from us. I then decided to create a game to pass the time. We would take turns throwing stones toward each other, and if the stone landed five feet away from the opponent or closer, the thrower would get to move around and the opponent would have to stay still in that spot. Now, in the beginning, we all had to stay still, but Stan soon landed a rock just inches from my right shoe, so he was free to move about.

Soon after that, we had all landed rocks close to other people. In the meantime, Stan had climbed up a tower to try and avoid being hit. However, his plan backfired when I landed a rock right beside him, pinning him up there for a long time. I was running free when I noticed that about twenty other people had joined the game; there were rocks flying everywhere. In a few moments, I was startled by a car that nearly hit me in the back. It screeched to a halt right beside me and the passenger window rolled down, revealing Joanna in the driver's seat. "They never said anything about cars."

She drove me to a rock pile that was a half mile down the road so we could load up. However, when we arrived, we were ambushed and pinned to a spot just a few feet from the pile while our opponents took off in Joanna's car.

Then I awoke.

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