Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dream #286 (November 28, 2010)

Another war dream.

I was living in the Medieval, and a great battle was taking place. There were knights, both good and bad, scurrying about, slaying each other in the twilight of my dream. I was sneaking around dark alleys in the castle corridors, trying to avoid death and pain. I ran into a couple of enemies, but I managed to overtake them (but I had the mercy to let them live). I was very quick with my little short sword.

I was wearing baggy old clothes, and I knew that I was no knight. In fact, I was a peasant in the dream. The only reason I was fighting was because I was fond of the prince and princess (who were soon going to be in charge of the land in which I was living). In fact, this royal couple was a couple I know in real life: Mike and Rachel Phipps.

As I snuck around the deepest and darkest parts of the enormous castle/city, I ran into Princess Rachel. She was wearing a great white dress and gave off a glow so bright that I was forced to look at the ground when I encountered her.

She was glad to see me, for she could not find her Prince Michael, and she was alone. I told her that I would do my best to protect her, but I was not nearly as good a fighter as Mike (Prince Michael). In fact, I was more of a runner (I often fled battles because I was too reluctant to kill).

She and I ran swiftly through the dark corridors, with such silence that we were about to sneak by even the alert enemies. There was one time where I was forced to fight a man, who had thought it would be great to slay the princess of the great city. Luckily I put a stop to that, but at the cost of the other man's life, who was the first person I had ever killed. I stopped and thought about my actions, for too long.

Before I knew what was going on around me, I heard Rachel shout. I turned around and saw a large, armor-clad knight swinging a sword toward my chest. There was no time for me to dodge the blow, and he cut me across my un-armored chest, causing me to fall to the ground. The knight went to capture Rachel, but she had managed to disappear. I was glad for her, but I noticed that I had a pool of blood all around me. It was indeed my blood, and I knew that I was going to die.

I was alone in a dark place that was, to me, getting even darker. I began to fade when I saw the glow from Rachel's dress illuminate the area around me. She had risked her life and come out of hiding to be with me as I passed away. I smiled, laid my head back, and began to embrace for the death that was about to hit me.

However, I lasted longer than I anticipated. I was able to have one last conversation with Rachel. She asked me what it was like to enter death. It seems like the last thing you would want to talk to a dying man about, but I appreciated the question. I told her that it was terrifying, for I did not know what the 'other side' would be like. I had my faith, but I still had no idea where exactly I was going. I told her that I was, as I breathed my final breaths, able to comprehend more things about life than I had ever been able to comprehend while I was in the prime of my life.

At that point, I laid my head back and died.

Then I awoke.

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