Monday, April 30, 2012

Dream #451 (April 28, 2012)

I wouldn't mind turning this dream into a screenplay.

I began the dream watching a movie, but by the end of the dream, I was in the movie.

The opening scene was very well shot.  The lead character was in shadow, walking about the entrance of a high school.  Suddenly, a buff bald student walked into the front door and a trap, set by the lead character, was triggered, causing the door to collapse on the muscular fella.  He saw the lead running off, so he began to chase him.

Then the lead character did something brilliant.  He hid in a dark corner, but made it obvious to his pursuer, timing his going behind the corner with a loud-mouthed, bratty female walking from behind the corner.  Right as she did so, the bald strongman gave her a right hook across her jaw, knocking her unconscious.  The lead character had put down two enemies with one punch.

As the bald guy proceeded to do all he could to revive the chick, the main character sat down at a table in the cafeteria, thinking his actions had gone unseen.  However, Jake and his posse slid down the table and sat next to me.  At that moment, I became the main character.

To understand who Jake was, one must understand the story of the school.  This school had been overrun by students and had become a closed society made up only of teenagers.  From this society, an authority emerged under the name of Brown.  Brown had gained his power by putting together the school's strongest, most violent, and most scheming individuals and taking snuffing out all opposition with violence.  He led the school by fear, but most everybody respected him.  Those who did not would never dare display disrespect in public.  Rumors of torture and gruesome murder prevented them from doing so.

Jake was the one exception.  He had a small, but growing, group of followers who shared his vision of overthrowing Brown using primarily nonviolent tactics (though he had been known to stray from this on occasion).  He was sitting next to me, and he passed me a paper with a symbol on it.  I knew that it meant he wanted to meet with me in private.  I knew the code, and I accepted by placing the note under my tray.

The posse sat with me as I finished my meal, talking about the recent prank I had pulled on the bald brute.

When I went to throw my trash away and put up my tray, they left.

I returned to my dorm and read for a while.  All the walls in every room of the dorm had been painted red by Brown and his followers as a reminder of their power to all.  After I finished reading, I left with the intention of finding Jake.

On my way, I ran into Anna, a half Asian female who was the love of Jake's life.  As I passed her, she gave me a smile, which meant that she knew of my adoption into the group (or so I thought).

The first meeting took place in a tree house, which belonged to Greg, a drum-playing friend of Jake.  In the center of this tree house sat a large, golden drum set.  Underneath the bass drum was a trap door that led to a tiny padded room where Jake would have secret meetings as Greg played loudly on his drums. Greg was playing when I arrived, but he stopped after a few moments.  Fisher, Jake's book-keeper, exited from beneath the bass drum and motioned for me to take his place.

I went down there and sat face-to-face with Jake.  He began to explained to me why I was important to the uprising.  I was cunning, smart, and quick, but most of all, I worked against Brown and his violent authority.  After making me swear my allegiance to him, he told me how their operation worked.  They had been selling marijuana to outsiders (people outside the community; even communication with outsiders had been forbidden by Brown), making enough money to stock up a supply of 'tools' with which the establishment could be overthrown.  He then mentioned that what the resistance lacked was a man on the inside and that there was no better time than to fill this void, for Brown had recently slaughtered his right-hand man for disloyalty.

I knew that I was the man who was to take on this role, and I began to fear everything.

Jake then dismissed me.  As I left, he told me to be in Brown's Supply Shop at 4:00 p.m.

Time moved forward, and I found myself in the shop, looking at tools and groceries.  To buy these things, one had to use Brown Passes, which were rationed out on a weekly basis.  I had none of these passes, so I just browsed the products.

Shortly after I arrived, Brown and his bodyguards entered the room.  People froze as he walked about them, fearing any slight move would rub Brown the wrong way.  As he walked through the statues of people, he made eye contact with me, and made his way over to me.  He stopped in front of me briefly, then passed me.  As he passed, he touched my elbow, which meant that I was to meet him outside.

I followed his posse out, and discovered his entire circle of leadership there waiting for him.  Brown proceeded to stand on an apple box and shout to all listening.  He declared that Bobby, his former right-hand man, was gone, and that he needed a new "loyal fox"to be by his side.  Many men stepped forward, willing to fill the influential role, but Brown motioned for them all to back away.  Then, after describing the qualifications for the role, he announced me as the greatest candidate and pulled me up onto the box with him.

I was afraid.  I wondered if he wanted me close to him because he knew my position.  He claimed that I had proven to be the most cunning of men in the entire society, and that he sensed pure and perfect loyalty in me.  During this speech, the bald strongman I had out-witted earlier that day was glaring at me, nostrils flaring.  I smiled back at him, knowing now that I was safe from his retribution, though I feared he would play a role in my discovery.

Then Brown wanted to have an induction ceremony right then and there.  He handed me a gun and had his minions bring forth a dog that I was to shoot.  I knew the dog belonged to a friend of mine who had recently been caught stealing by Brown's thugs.  Knowing the importance of my position, I aimed the gun at the dog and fired, hitting it in the eye.

After that ordeal, Brown released me for a short while.  I made my way to the store restroom, where I knew of one of Jake's hideouts.

The men's restroom had several stalls, and most of them were very dirty due to the absence of a janitor, but one of them was exceptionally gross.  The toilet seat was covered in poop, as were the walls of the stall, and it was an overwhelming smell any time the door was open.  This was all a front, however, for a secret room behind the toilet seat.  I entered the stall and moved the seat from the wall with little effort  Behind the seat was a crawl space, which I entered, pulling the toilet back into place behind me.  At the end of the crawl space was the secret room, and there I found not Jake, but Anna.  She greeted me with a hug and asked me how I felt.  I was still shaking from the act of slaughter I had committed against the dog, and I broke down before her.  She consoled me and told me that I was going to play the most important role in bringing down the monster from power.  She then told me to meet her at The Gardens later that evening to help get my mind off of my business.

There was a brief moment of silence after she spoke those words, followed by the noise of a person entering the crawl space behind the toilet.  Then Jake entered the room, and Anna quickly removed her hand from my back and stood to greet him as he entered.

Jake smiled at her and hugged her, then sat down next to me.

He shook my hand and congratulated me, and welcomed me into his circle of leadership.  I shook my head but didn't say much, for I wasn't sure how excellent a situation I was in, or how great a cause I was fighting for.  As I looked at Jake, I saw a darkness in his eyes that reminded me of Brown in a way.  I shook that feeling off quickly, though, blaming my recent terror on such thoughts.

Jake proceeded to instructing me on all the important information he needed me to retrieve as I worked with Brown.  I followed along and assured him that I would be able to do as he asked.

Then it was time for me to leave.  After I entered the crawl space, I looked back and saw Anna nod at me, as if to remind me of her offer.

I returned to my room and sat at my desk doing nothing but pondering over the days events.

Before I knew it, 8:00 p.m. had come upon me, and it was time to meet Anna.

I grabbed my jacket and walked briskly from my room, all the way to The Gardens, where I found her sitting at a bench, alone.

Then I awoke.

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