Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dream #449 (April 26, 2012)

This was a bit odd.

In this dream I was taking a cinematography class that was being taught by Pam Miller (a former professor of mine) and the cast of Community.  The room was carpeted like a church built in the seventies and had desks that looked like they belonged in an elementary.  I was excited for class because I had read all the books that we were instructed to read, or so I thought.  When Jeff Winger began to teach his portion of the class, he instructed the students to pull out their Arabic instruction books, which were six inches thick.  I didn't remember that book being assigned, but I found it underneath my desk among the other books.  I was confused.

I felt so lost, for I was supposed to have learned to speak Arabic for Cinematography class so that I could understand the art in a deeper way (I'm not sure how that was supposed to work).  After a few minutes of discussion in Arabic, there was a class break.

I went into the hallway and drank from the fountain next to the bathroom.  A former Regent classmate of mine, Austin Brooks, approached me.  I hadn't spoken to him for years, and we talked for a long time about the art of the camera.  He told me that he never read any of the books assigned, and I argued with him that they were quite helpful, though I was still a bit confused about the whole Arabic thing.

After the break, Pierce (Chevy Chase's character from Community) was teaching the class.  For some reason, my desk had been moved to behind him while everybody else was before him.  I sat there for a while, but felt a bit strange being looked upon by the rest of the class, so I moved my desk back to a normal spot.  This created much noise, and many accusing eyes struck me as I made the shameful walk back to the rest of the students.

I decided at that point to leave the school building through the fire exit.  The alarm sounded as I left, and everyone in the room went crazy.

Outside I found Troy, Abed, Britta, and Jeff fighting with a band of vultures.  These vicious birds would swoop down and chomp at the poor, defenseless characters.  I tried to save them, but by the time I ran up to them, the vultures had carried the characters away.

I found a vulture that had strayed from the pack.  He was eating out of a garbage bin when I approached him.  He confided in me, expressing that he didn't like how mean vultures had to be to fit in.  I told him that I understood.  He then agreed to help me save the characters that the other birds had taken.

I grabbed a large tree branch, hopped on the bird's back, and we took off after the others.  We caught up with them quickly, and a great battle ensued.  I managed to whack each bird carrying a captive until all the captives were free-falling to the ground.  Miraculously, they all managed to grab onto a wire before hitting the ground, and my bird friend safely lowered each to the asphalt below.

Then I awoke.

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