Friday, April 27, 2012

Dream #450 (April 27, 2012)

I dream.

Last night I was sitting in the sanctuary of Koontz Lake Missionary Church, watching Oregon-Davis High School's graduation ceremony.  The sanctuary had the same pews and carpet of the one in real life, but it was shaped more like O-D's gymnasium.

The graduation was just as boring as any graduation.  The only reason I was there was because I had created a series of videos that were shown there.  Right before my final video was played, Mr. Ash (a Health/P.E. teacher there) began to give a speech.  It was hilarious, and he managed to offend several people in the crowd by making fat jokes and telling stories of some of the stupidest things the students did throughout the years.

He was booed off the stage.

They played the final video I had made and people about me were whispering to each other, asking where I had taken the footage from.  Other people answered them, saying that I had pulled it all from basketball season videos.

After these comments were made, I decided to go upstairs.  When I did so, I was in my parents' home (apparently the entire church was in my father's basement).  I walked through the kitchen and living room, outside, and over to my neighbor's house across the street.  I peered inside and found that nobody was there.  I made my way back to my house.  However, as I walked, the weather took a nasty turn.  The sky became stone-gray, and the winds blew at incredible speeds.  Yellow masses began to fall from nowhere.

I ran back into my house and found my dad preparing some food to take downstairs.  He saw me come in and scolded me for being outdoors under such harsh conditions.  He asked me if I had seen or heard the tornado warnings going off in the house, and I told him no.

Then my parents' wild boar ran up to me and began viciously playing with me, which intimidated me, for I knew that wild boars could be quite ferocious and dangerous (my parents don't own a boar in real life; could that have went unsaid?).  My dad saved me by telling me to rub the boar's stomach.  I did so, and it submitted to me while grinning strangely at me.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was standing on a pier with my Grandpa Baughman and my brothers, Matt and Mike, and I was teaching them how Grandpa and I would fish for sharks.  As I explained, Grandpa went out on some sort of water glider (it looked like a skateboard without wheels, and it could hover over the water).  He glided about in circles until finally a great white shark sprang from the water and bit into it.  I explained that the glider had some sort of scent and taste that attracted sharks so that they wouldn't try to bite the rider.  After the shark bit into it, I grabbed a giant hook that was tied to the end of a long black rope and tried to hook the shark.

I missed.

At this point, the great white was becoming quite furious, and Grandpa sensed that he was in a bit of danger.  I quickly gathered up the rope and threw the hook out again.

Another miss.

The shark was now tossing Grandpa about (though not biting into him yet).  Just as it opened its enormous and terrible mouth, I threw the hook down its throat and, with the help of Matt and Mike, pulled it in.

We dragged it to shore and cut the creature open.  We found that most of its organs and all of its meat were missing, and we came to the conclusion that somebody else had already harvested the fish, leaving only its heart (apparently that was enough to keep it alive).

Then I awoke.

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