Monday, April 23, 2012

Dream #447 (April 23, 2012)

This was a blast.

I slept a very long time last night because I was having so much fun.  I dreamt that I was inside of the world's largest supermarket playing a treasure hunt/obstacle course/disc golf game.  There were hundreds of teams, each made up of three people.  I was participating with my brothers, Mike and Matt.

This is how it worked: each team had to tee off from a certain location, but the basket (goal) that they were aiming at was entirely up to them.  However, in order to advance to another basket, you had to make  it into the first basket in three shots.  If you failed, you simply had to start again at the previous tee.  Nobody was allowed to explore without launching a disc in a certain direction and retrieving it.  There were several stories to this supermarket, and all sorts of secret passageways, hidden baskets, and trap doors.  There were also some crazy obstacles: the aisles of products, wild animals roaming about, pits of hot lava, 100 foot cliffs, and more.

Matt, Mike, and I started out the game very well.  Matt accidentally launched his disc to the side instead of straight in front of him, which led him to the discovery of a convenient and hidden basket.  However, to get over to where he threw the disc, we had to cross a very narrow piece of wood that bridged the gap over a steep and deadly drop-off.  Luckily Matt made the goal in three shots.

From there, I launched my disc over a lava pit filled with alligators into what I thought was a dead end.  When I went to fetch it, I found a secret goal that led to a secret passageway to a secret basement.  It was dark and confusing, but we came out on the other side in good shape (Mike made the shot in complete darkness in only two throws).

Then we were in an open market with no other competitors.  After my first throw there, I ran through the aisles of cereal, grabbing any box that interested me.  Matt scolded me, for I was being distracted from the game (by the way, the victors of the game would become kings of the country in which the game was being held).  I snapped back into concentration and threw one of the best throws of my life, landing clear across the store only about ten feet from a goal.

We played for a long time with similar situations until finally I discovered a crazy passageway that led to the underground center of the whole place.  There were people there skating in dirt, playing a completely different game.  They would skate in circles with a partner and try to accomplish something (I don't know what) before all piling into the center of the dirt rink.  I was distracted by this strange game for a few moments, but Mike pointed out an enormous, mutant guard dog that was blocking a room behind him.  This creature was about fifteen feet tall and twenty feet wide.  It had fangs as large as my whole body, and it drooled gallons of saliva.  This must be the dog that blocked the crown goal (a basket made up of gold with three crowns resting on it).  Mike sacrificed his disc by throwing it high, which caused the dog to jump in the air, allowing me to throw low beneath it.  I made it through, but Matt, Mike, and I still had to get there, so Matt also sacrificed his disc to the air.  When he did so, we all ran underneath the dog and discovered that I had made a whole in one in the crown goal.

I wondered if we really had done it, and if we were the first ones.

Then I awoke.

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