Monday, April 30, 2012

Dream #451 (April 28, 2012)

I wouldn't mind turning this dream into a screenplay.

I began the dream watching a movie, but by the end of the dream, I was in the movie.

The opening scene was very well shot.  The lead character was in shadow, walking about the entrance of a high school.  Suddenly, a buff bald student walked into the front door and a trap, set by the lead character, was triggered, causing the door to collapse on the muscular fella.  He saw the lead running off, so he began to chase him.

Then the lead character did something brilliant.  He hid in a dark corner, but made it obvious to his pursuer, timing his going behind the corner with a loud-mouthed, bratty female walking from behind the corner.  Right as she did so, the bald strongman gave her a right hook across her jaw, knocking her unconscious.  The lead character had put down two enemies with one punch.

As the bald guy proceeded to do all he could to revive the chick, the main character sat down at a table in the cafeteria, thinking his actions had gone unseen.  However, Jake and his posse slid down the table and sat next to me.  At that moment, I became the main character.

To understand who Jake was, one must understand the story of the school.  This school had been overrun by students and had become a closed society made up only of teenagers.  From this society, an authority emerged under the name of Brown.  Brown had gained his power by putting together the school's strongest, most violent, and most scheming individuals and taking snuffing out all opposition with violence.  He led the school by fear, but most everybody respected him.  Those who did not would never dare display disrespect in public.  Rumors of torture and gruesome murder prevented them from doing so.

Jake was the one exception.  He had a small, but growing, group of followers who shared his vision of overthrowing Brown using primarily nonviolent tactics (though he had been known to stray from this on occasion).  He was sitting next to me, and he passed me a paper with a symbol on it.  I knew that it meant he wanted to meet with me in private.  I knew the code, and I accepted by placing the note under my tray.

The posse sat with me as I finished my meal, talking about the recent prank I had pulled on the bald brute.

When I went to throw my trash away and put up my tray, they left.

I returned to my dorm and read for a while.  All the walls in every room of the dorm had been painted red by Brown and his followers as a reminder of their power to all.  After I finished reading, I left with the intention of finding Jake.

On my way, I ran into Anna, a half Asian female who was the love of Jake's life.  As I passed her, she gave me a smile, which meant that she knew of my adoption into the group (or so I thought).

The first meeting took place in a tree house, which belonged to Greg, a drum-playing friend of Jake.  In the center of this tree house sat a large, golden drum set.  Underneath the bass drum was a trap door that led to a tiny padded room where Jake would have secret meetings as Greg played loudly on his drums. Greg was playing when I arrived, but he stopped after a few moments.  Fisher, Jake's book-keeper, exited from beneath the bass drum and motioned for me to take his place.

I went down there and sat face-to-face with Jake.  He began to explained to me why I was important to the uprising.  I was cunning, smart, and quick, but most of all, I worked against Brown and his violent authority.  After making me swear my allegiance to him, he told me how their operation worked.  They had been selling marijuana to outsiders (people outside the community; even communication with outsiders had been forbidden by Brown), making enough money to stock up a supply of 'tools' with which the establishment could be overthrown.  He then mentioned that what the resistance lacked was a man on the inside and that there was no better time than to fill this void, for Brown had recently slaughtered his right-hand man for disloyalty.

I knew that I was the man who was to take on this role, and I began to fear everything.

Jake then dismissed me.  As I left, he told me to be in Brown's Supply Shop at 4:00 p.m.

Time moved forward, and I found myself in the shop, looking at tools and groceries.  To buy these things, one had to use Brown Passes, which were rationed out on a weekly basis.  I had none of these passes, so I just browsed the products.

Shortly after I arrived, Brown and his bodyguards entered the room.  People froze as he walked about them, fearing any slight move would rub Brown the wrong way.  As he walked through the statues of people, he made eye contact with me, and made his way over to me.  He stopped in front of me briefly, then passed me.  As he passed, he touched my elbow, which meant that I was to meet him outside.

I followed his posse out, and discovered his entire circle of leadership there waiting for him.  Brown proceeded to stand on an apple box and shout to all listening.  He declared that Bobby, his former right-hand man, was gone, and that he needed a new "loyal fox"to be by his side.  Many men stepped forward, willing to fill the influential role, but Brown motioned for them all to back away.  Then, after describing the qualifications for the role, he announced me as the greatest candidate and pulled me up onto the box with him.

I was afraid.  I wondered if he wanted me close to him because he knew my position.  He claimed that I had proven to be the most cunning of men in the entire society, and that he sensed pure and perfect loyalty in me.  During this speech, the bald strongman I had out-witted earlier that day was glaring at me, nostrils flaring.  I smiled back at him, knowing now that I was safe from his retribution, though I feared he would play a role in my discovery.

Then Brown wanted to have an induction ceremony right then and there.  He handed me a gun and had his minions bring forth a dog that I was to shoot.  I knew the dog belonged to a friend of mine who had recently been caught stealing by Brown's thugs.  Knowing the importance of my position, I aimed the gun at the dog and fired, hitting it in the eye.

After that ordeal, Brown released me for a short while.  I made my way to the store restroom, where I knew of one of Jake's hideouts.

The men's restroom had several stalls, and most of them were very dirty due to the absence of a janitor, but one of them was exceptionally gross.  The toilet seat was covered in poop, as were the walls of the stall, and it was an overwhelming smell any time the door was open.  This was all a front, however, for a secret room behind the toilet seat.  I entered the stall and moved the seat from the wall with little effort  Behind the seat was a crawl space, which I entered, pulling the toilet back into place behind me.  At the end of the crawl space was the secret room, and there I found not Jake, but Anna.  She greeted me with a hug and asked me how I felt.  I was still shaking from the act of slaughter I had committed against the dog, and I broke down before her.  She consoled me and told me that I was going to play the most important role in bringing down the monster from power.  She then told me to meet her at The Gardens later that evening to help get my mind off of my business.

There was a brief moment of silence after she spoke those words, followed by the noise of a person entering the crawl space behind the toilet.  Then Jake entered the room, and Anna quickly removed her hand from my back and stood to greet him as he entered.

Jake smiled at her and hugged her, then sat down next to me.

He shook my hand and congratulated me, and welcomed me into his circle of leadership.  I shook my head but didn't say much, for I wasn't sure how excellent a situation I was in, or how great a cause I was fighting for.  As I looked at Jake, I saw a darkness in his eyes that reminded me of Brown in a way.  I shook that feeling off quickly, though, blaming my recent terror on such thoughts.

Jake proceeded to instructing me on all the important information he needed me to retrieve as I worked with Brown.  I followed along and assured him that I would be able to do as he asked.

Then it was time for me to leave.  After I entered the crawl space, I looked back and saw Anna nod at me, as if to remind me of her offer.

I returned to my room and sat at my desk doing nothing but pondering over the days events.

Before I knew it, 8:00 p.m. had come upon me, and it was time to meet Anna.

I grabbed my jacket and walked briskly from my room, all the way to The Gardens, where I found her sitting at a bench, alone.

Then I awoke.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dream #450 (April 27, 2012)

I dream.

Last night I was sitting in the sanctuary of Koontz Lake Missionary Church, watching Oregon-Davis High School's graduation ceremony.  The sanctuary had the same pews and carpet of the one in real life, but it was shaped more like O-D's gymnasium.

The graduation was just as boring as any graduation.  The only reason I was there was because I had created a series of videos that were shown there.  Right before my final video was played, Mr. Ash (a Health/P.E. teacher there) began to give a speech.  It was hilarious, and he managed to offend several people in the crowd by making fat jokes and telling stories of some of the stupidest things the students did throughout the years.

He was booed off the stage.

They played the final video I had made and people about me were whispering to each other, asking where I had taken the footage from.  Other people answered them, saying that I had pulled it all from basketball season videos.

After these comments were made, I decided to go upstairs.  When I did so, I was in my parents' home (apparently the entire church was in my father's basement).  I walked through the kitchen and living room, outside, and over to my neighbor's house across the street.  I peered inside and found that nobody was there.  I made my way back to my house.  However, as I walked, the weather took a nasty turn.  The sky became stone-gray, and the winds blew at incredible speeds.  Yellow masses began to fall from nowhere.

I ran back into my house and found my dad preparing some food to take downstairs.  He saw me come in and scolded me for being outdoors under such harsh conditions.  He asked me if I had seen or heard the tornado warnings going off in the house, and I told him no.

Then my parents' wild boar ran up to me and began viciously playing with me, which intimidated me, for I knew that wild boars could be quite ferocious and dangerous (my parents don't own a boar in real life; could that have went unsaid?).  My dad saved me by telling me to rub the boar's stomach.  I did so, and it submitted to me while grinning strangely at me.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was standing on a pier with my Grandpa Baughman and my brothers, Matt and Mike, and I was teaching them how Grandpa and I would fish for sharks.  As I explained, Grandpa went out on some sort of water glider (it looked like a skateboard without wheels, and it could hover over the water).  He glided about in circles until finally a great white shark sprang from the water and bit into it.  I explained that the glider had some sort of scent and taste that attracted sharks so that they wouldn't try to bite the rider.  After the shark bit into it, I grabbed a giant hook that was tied to the end of a long black rope and tried to hook the shark.

I missed.

At this point, the great white was becoming quite furious, and Grandpa sensed that he was in a bit of danger.  I quickly gathered up the rope and threw the hook out again.

Another miss.

The shark was now tossing Grandpa about (though not biting into him yet).  Just as it opened its enormous and terrible mouth, I threw the hook down its throat and, with the help of Matt and Mike, pulled it in.

We dragged it to shore and cut the creature open.  We found that most of its organs and all of its meat were missing, and we came to the conclusion that somebody else had already harvested the fish, leaving only its heart (apparently that was enough to keep it alive).

Then I awoke.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dream #449 (April 26, 2012)

This was a bit odd.

In this dream I was taking a cinematography class that was being taught by Pam Miller (a former professor of mine) and the cast of Community.  The room was carpeted like a church built in the seventies and had desks that looked like they belonged in an elementary.  I was excited for class because I had read all the books that we were instructed to read, or so I thought.  When Jeff Winger began to teach his portion of the class, he instructed the students to pull out their Arabic instruction books, which were six inches thick.  I didn't remember that book being assigned, but I found it underneath my desk among the other books.  I was confused.

I felt so lost, for I was supposed to have learned to speak Arabic for Cinematography class so that I could understand the art in a deeper way (I'm not sure how that was supposed to work).  After a few minutes of discussion in Arabic, there was a class break.

I went into the hallway and drank from the fountain next to the bathroom.  A former Regent classmate of mine, Austin Brooks, approached me.  I hadn't spoken to him for years, and we talked for a long time about the art of the camera.  He told me that he never read any of the books assigned, and I argued with him that they were quite helpful, though I was still a bit confused about the whole Arabic thing.

After the break, Pierce (Chevy Chase's character from Community) was teaching the class.  For some reason, my desk had been moved to behind him while everybody else was before him.  I sat there for a while, but felt a bit strange being looked upon by the rest of the class, so I moved my desk back to a normal spot.  This created much noise, and many accusing eyes struck me as I made the shameful walk back to the rest of the students.

I decided at that point to leave the school building through the fire exit.  The alarm sounded as I left, and everyone in the room went crazy.

Outside I found Troy, Abed, Britta, and Jeff fighting with a band of vultures.  These vicious birds would swoop down and chomp at the poor, defenseless characters.  I tried to save them, but by the time I ran up to them, the vultures had carried the characters away.

I found a vulture that had strayed from the pack.  He was eating out of a garbage bin when I approached him.  He confided in me, expressing that he didn't like how mean vultures had to be to fit in.  I told him that I understood.  He then agreed to help me save the characters that the other birds had taken.

I grabbed a large tree branch, hopped on the bird's back, and we took off after the others.  We caught up with them quickly, and a great battle ensued.  I managed to whack each bird carrying a captive until all the captives were free-falling to the ground.  Miraculously, they all managed to grab onto a wire before hitting the ground, and my bird friend safely lowered each to the asphalt below.

Then I awoke.

Dream #448 (April 25, 2012)

A day late is an apple in crate.

I was spending Easter Sunday with my family in my house.  My brothers (Mike and Matt Baughman) and I were hunting hidden eggs in the house for quite a while.

After discovering them all, we joined our Grandpa Baker and our parents and cousins at the kitchen table to eat some real eggs (the ones we found were plastic and filled with candy).  For some reason, I got up from the table and left out the back door.

When I did, I was inside of a subway train.  I was with my immediate family.  Well, in this part of the dream, my family was hispanic (my parents and brothers were hispanic versions of my real parents and brothers).  We were homeless in this dream, and we lived in a hidden compartment in a subway car.

I decided that I wanted to escape such a pathetic life, so I tried to leave the train.  However, the train wasn't natural.  It was a maze of trains that I could not escape.  Every time I tried to exit, I somehow ended up on another train.

I never escaped, for I awoke after a time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Dream #447 (April 23, 2012)

This was a blast.

I slept a very long time last night because I was having so much fun.  I dreamt that I was inside of the world's largest supermarket playing a treasure hunt/obstacle course/disc golf game.  There were hundreds of teams, each made up of three people.  I was participating with my brothers, Mike and Matt.

This is how it worked: each team had to tee off from a certain location, but the basket (goal) that they were aiming at was entirely up to them.  However, in order to advance to another basket, you had to make  it into the first basket in three shots.  If you failed, you simply had to start again at the previous tee.  Nobody was allowed to explore without launching a disc in a certain direction and retrieving it.  There were several stories to this supermarket, and all sorts of secret passageways, hidden baskets, and trap doors.  There were also some crazy obstacles: the aisles of products, wild animals roaming about, pits of hot lava, 100 foot cliffs, and more.

Matt, Mike, and I started out the game very well.  Matt accidentally launched his disc to the side instead of straight in front of him, which led him to the discovery of a convenient and hidden basket.  However, to get over to where he threw the disc, we had to cross a very narrow piece of wood that bridged the gap over a steep and deadly drop-off.  Luckily Matt made the goal in three shots.

From there, I launched my disc over a lava pit filled with alligators into what I thought was a dead end.  When I went to fetch it, I found a secret goal that led to a secret passageway to a secret basement.  It was dark and confusing, but we came out on the other side in good shape (Mike made the shot in complete darkness in only two throws).

Then we were in an open market with no other competitors.  After my first throw there, I ran through the aisles of cereal, grabbing any box that interested me.  Matt scolded me, for I was being distracted from the game (by the way, the victors of the game would become kings of the country in which the game was being held).  I snapped back into concentration and threw one of the best throws of my life, landing clear across the store only about ten feet from a goal.

We played for a long time with similar situations until finally I discovered a crazy passageway that led to the underground center of the whole place.  There were people there skating in dirt, playing a completely different game.  They would skate in circles with a partner and try to accomplish something (I don't know what) before all piling into the center of the dirt rink.  I was distracted by this strange game for a few moments, but Mike pointed out an enormous, mutant guard dog that was blocking a room behind him.  This creature was about fifteen feet tall and twenty feet wide.  It had fangs as large as my whole body, and it drooled gallons of saliva.  This must be the dog that blocked the crown goal (a basket made up of gold with three crowns resting on it).  Mike sacrificed his disc by throwing it high, which caused the dog to jump in the air, allowing me to throw low beneath it.  I made it through, but Matt, Mike, and I still had to get there, so Matt also sacrificed his disc to the air.  When he did so, we all ran underneath the dog and discovered that I had made a whole in one in the crown goal.

I wondered if we really had done it, and if we were the first ones.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dream #446 (April 21, 2012)

Here we go.

I was wandering about a huge building with many narrow hallways, all of which had carpeted floors, ceilings, and walls.  It was interesting.

I first entered a great carpeted hall where thousands of fancily dressed people were wandering about from table to table eating what was served at each.  I tried to enter, but I realized that there was a great sheet of glass between the room and myself when I walked into it.  After that realization, I stood and watched the people for quite some time.

After that, a doorman dressed in red typed his typical doorman hat to me as he asked me what I would like to do next.  I asked him what he suggested, and he pointed his finger to a distant hallway.  I took his advice.

The hallway (again, it was completely covered in carpet) led me to another hallway that was simply cement.  It had a strange green lighting, and I saw a long-haired man holding bones and staring at me as I passed.  This hellish hallway led me to another hallway.

I entered it and discovered that each doorway in the new hall led to a different dentist's office.  I was apparently in a school of dentistry, and each student had his/her own practice.  When I entered the hall I was given the choice of which dentist I desired.  I chose the dentist in room 308.

At first I though I had made a brilliant decision.  The dentist was about my age, and she knew a lot about movies, so we were able to make good conversation (well, considering she had her fingers in my mouth much of the time).  However, halfway through the checkup she realized that she was in the wrong room and told me she had to leave.

I was left alone for a while until finally a giant woman entered.  She had the body of a professional wrestler and was quite intimidating.  Her hands were so bulky that she gripped the tooth tools far too tightly, which tore tremendously at my gums.  I was bleeding all over the place.

Then I awoke.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dream #445 (April 16, 2012)

Nutrageous.  I'm on the verge of insanity.

In the beginning of the dream, I emerged from the woods behind my parents' home in Koontz Lake, Indiana.  I slowly approached a large lump in the yard that looked peculiar.

When I arrived at this mass, I realized it was the shell of a grizzly bear.  I picked up its head and looked into its mouth.  I noticed that there was a staircase that traveled from the back of its tongue down through its throat.

I was curious, so I opened up the mouth of the bear as wide as the jaw would allow and I entered in.

It was hot and humid, and it stank something horrible; even so, it was beautiful, in a way.  Stabilizing myself with the saliva-covered lining of the throat, I made my way down the stairs.

I entered into a foggy room filled with old wooden dressers, tables, and chairs.  I took a few steps into the room and was greeted by gunfire.  I quickly took cover behind a dresser and discovered a handgun fastened to the back of the dresser.  I grabbed it and, with some insane courage, stood up from my cover and began shooting into the fog.

I continued to slowly walk into a great amount of opposing gunfire, but I was never hit.  I managed to take down several of my opponents as I made my way to the other end of the bear.

I finally reached the end, which I knew mainly from the smell.  I found a ladder that led out of the foggy room.  I ascended the ladder, climbing toward a blue light.  When I reached the top, I discovered a small platform with a trap door in the center.  Jon Ayee (a friend of mine from Regent University) and his fiance Kassi were sitting beside the trap door, trying to decipher some sort of code.  They had several old hardcover books open beside them; they must have been using them for research.

Jon looked up at me and asked me if I could help unlock the trap door.  I looked at the lock and began fiddling with it.  It was made up of letters, numbers, and colors, and was far more complicated than any lock I had previously encountered.  Somehow, however, I managed to solve the puzzle in a matter of minutes.  I told Jon and Kassi goodbye.

I burst through the trap door and plopped out the anus of the grizzly and fell a few stories into a swimming pool.

I stayed underwater for a while, trying to distinguish the dark blue fish from the surrounding dark blue water.  When I emerged, I saw my brother Mike sitting on the ledge of the pool with only his feet in the water.

Then I awoke.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dream #444 (April 9, 2012)

I did not awake feeling pleasant, and I dreamt an entire weekend in one night.

In my dream, I was getting ready to work at a large youth conference in Atlanta, Georgia.  In the beginning, I, with a large, peacock blue bag of luggage, rode an overly crowded bus into the city.  Though I was squished between two women (both large and gaudily dressed), I was alone on the bus.  When my stop finally came, everyone else's stop also came, and the entire contents of the bus spilled out the door into the street.

I was in a hurry, so I sprinted, with my bag rolling behind me (it was tied to my waist, something I've always wanted to do in real life so that my feet would hit my bag).  After a couple of minutes, I arrived at a grand and golden hotel.

I took the elevator up to the next-to-top floor and entered my room.  I was staying with Kevin Chupp and DJ Nick Tunez, and we each had our own rooms within the hotel room.  It was nice.  I threw my bag on my bed and immediately headed to the conference.

There I saw Ben Fischer give a great lecture about the history of human cravings as I captured the event on video.

Later, I returned to my hotel room and went to bed.

I woke up early the next morning and recorded lectures held all about the hotel and conference center all day.  That night I went to the top floor and found dozens of boxes of pizza sitting on several tables.  They were open, and a few pieces were taken from each box, but only Ben was present.  He told me to help myself, but I informed him that I had already brushed my teeth.

I then went again to my hotel room and fell asleep.

Later on, I went to the top of the hotel building.  There I was a part of an expedition to explore the gravitational limits of the city.  Everyone, including me, was dressed in a spacesuit.  My friend David Smith was there, as was Brandon Johnston (former Oregon-Davis High School classmate of mine).  There was an old man there directing everybody on where to go and what to do.

Suddenly, against my shouted warnings, David ran and jumped off the roof of the hotel.  I thought he would surely die, but he managed to land on a roof across the street.  It was incredible.  Then, the old boss decided that everyone should jump over there to collect the 'goods' from that building.

I watched as several people leaped over to the other building.  Some landed on the roof; others dove into large, (luckily) open windows.  My turn was quickly approaching.  However, one of the guys ho had already jumped across decided he wanted to come back.  When he tried making the jump, he failed, and he fell hundreds of feet down onto a building below.

Everyone panicked.  Was there any way he could have survived?  I felt sick inside.  Did I just watch a man die?  I leaned over the edge of the building and saw that stiff spacesuit.  Was the suit thick enough to save him?

I ran and grabbed Brandon Johnston (who in real life is nurse) and ordered some people to lower him down there, which they did, along with a surgeon.  I looked down and witnessed something horrible.

When they brought the man back up to the roof, his legs had been amputated.  He showed no sign of life.

Then I awoke.  I looked at the clock and it was noon.  I panicked, for I had to be at the conference early in the morning to record it.  I tried to get ready quickly, but I couldn't find the light switch, and the room was quite dark, the only light coming from the alarm clock.

Then I awoke again.  What?  Was it really noon?  Nope.

Dream #443 (April 8, 2012)

Before Easter morning.

I dreamt that I was investigating a camp, though the place was built like a city.  There were tall buildings, disgusting streets, and grimy apartments.  I wandered about this city for a time, in search of any malefaction worthy enough for me to investigate.

I finally discovered one particularly abrasive venue.  For starters, this purple building had colorful smoke billowing from all cracks, doors, and windows.  Furthermore, there were some rough lookin' fellas,apparently armed for WWIII, guarding the door.

I tried to make my way into the front entrance, expecting to be violently rejected, but I was miraculously, or suspiciously, allowed to pass through.

When I entered, my eyes beheld such an onslaught of violence, drug use, and harassment, all in a matter of moments, for after those moments, I was hit atop the head with a baseball bat, and I blacked out.

When I came to, I was in the middle of the 'camp's' playground.  I felt strange and uneasy, so I stumbled to the nearest restroom.  When I looked in the mirror, before noticing the bruises and dried blood on my face, I saw that my hair and beard had been annihilated.  I was clean-shaven with a buzz cut.  Under usual circumstances, I would have been fine with this feel, but I had been growing out my hair for months for a short film project in which I planned on acting (happening in real life as well).  I was infuriated and began storming the campground city for the culprit.

After interrogating a few children, I awoke.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dream #442 (April 3, 2012)

This was rather crazy.

I dreamt last night that I was on a mission to space.  I was sent there by government authorities to prevent the destruction of the world by an evil genius who had set up a space station/giant laser that was scheduled to fire in a matter of hours from my departure.

I had my own personal rocket, which was not much larger than a car.  I shot into space and, with flames around my windshield, I rapidly approached the space station.  When I landed, I was greeted by five allies who had also journeyed there that day.  I quickly laid out for them the plans I had made to destroy the space station.  I instructed them on how dismantle each of the eight lasers that made up the great weapon of the space station that was aimed at Earth.

From there, we stealthily entered the room and began disassembling the lasers.  Well, I began disassembling a laser, for my five companions didn't fully comprehend how to do what I was doing, and they just stood and watched me.  I only rewired two lasers before we were caught.

I managed to elude the guards as they came and took my allies away, dragging them into tiny prisons.

When the room was again empty, I picked up where I had left off (on the third of eight lasers).  However, the evil genius entered the room as if he knew I had been there all along.

This evil genius was, in the dream, an old friend of mine.  He laughed and asked me why I hadn't tried rescuing my friends.  I said they were a bit useless, and he said Earth was a bit useless.  I tried to work his emotions by describing innocent people that he was about to destroy, but he had no heart.

As he talked to me, his minions began changing the lasers back to how they were before I had tampered with them.

The evil genius put his arm around me and ordered the lasers to fire.

Earth exploded.

Then I entered into a different dream.

I was editing a short film for Sarah Church (a former Regent University student I worked with a couple times).  She and some forty-year-old guy were looking over my shoulder as I worked, which bothered me.  I was in a metal room, working at a metal desk, sitting on a metal chair.  It wasn't a great environment.

After a little while, the doorbell rang (apparently we were inside of a house).  We all three ran downstairs (the rest of the house was a bit more homey) and answered the door.  It was Jon Ayee (a former classmate of mine at Regent), and he talked to us about a hot air balloon expedition that was about to take place.  I left Sarah and the other dude and followed Jon.

We ran into a field of lush green grass, in the center of which was an enormous, multi-colored hot air balloon.  I jumped into the basket and beckoned Jon to join me.  He said he could not go where I was going, cut the ropes holding me down, and waved as I ascended.

As I floated, I saw Fisher Price toy pirates battling each other below me.

Then I awoke.