Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dream #428 (January 1, 2012)

I had to post my first dream of the new year.

I was living in a communal society inside of a Target store.  No one in the community was allowed outside, and the store lights were always kept dim.

In this store-dwelling communal society, I had no friends.  I spent my time wandering the aisles, looking at the various products that we weren't allowed to touch.

A little while into the dream, three hipsters ran into me and began asking me about my movie and music taste.  Some of my responses seemed to please them, and they tried to pull me into their little group.  However, they were hipsters, and in the dream, I couldn't stand them.  They always talked about trivial things as if they held great importance, though they thought they were so much wiser than the rest of the store-dwellers.

As I worked hard at avoiding these hipsters, I found my way into a bar inside the Target.  When I found a quiet place to sit down, dozens of televisions inside the bar suddenly turned from playing various athletic events to playing breaking news concerning Thom Yorke of Radiohead.

Apparently, scientists had discovered that Thom was from another planet.  However, he hadn't come to destroy Earth (as I had predicted), but, rather, he came with a power of healing.  Thom (who could turn his skin green at will) had long needles that extended from his fingertips.  He was caught in a children's hospital sticking his needles into the heads of children with brain tumors.  This, as was reported, frightened the nurses at first, but they soon discovered that Thom had cured the kids completely with his needles.

Thom's healing powers amazed me (though I wasn't too surprised that he was an alien), and everyone else in the bar shouting for joy at the discovery.

Then I awoke.


  1. To me, this reveals your deep desire to be a hipster... you're a little scared about what people would think about such a sudden change in your ways (you would, after all, have to begin wearing jeans... skinny jeans at that!) and also afraid that after you've made the change the hipster crowd might not accept you. I understand, brother.

  2. Ha! You obviously know me more than I know myself.
