Friday, January 13, 2012

Dream #430 (January 13, 2012)

Did I dream for several days straight?  That's what it felt like when I awoke this morning.

I began the series of dreams residing in a hotel in San Diego, California.  I pulled up my Buick to the car port and parked there so that my brother Mike Baughman and I could unload my video equipment there to take to our hotel room on the sixth floor.  I had lighting equipment, audio equipment, a few cameras, some tripods, and even a small dolly with me.

Once everything was in the hotel lobby, I gave Mike the keys to the car so that he could park it.  I checked in at the front desk and was given the room keys.  A bellhop helped me get my luggage and equipment onto a couple carts, into the elevator, and into my room.  I tipped him and waited for Mike to return.

I looked out the window into the parking lot and saw that it was full.  I watched as my brother drove around and around again, searching for a space.  I then realized that I was hungry, so I made my way to the first floor, which had a buffet.

As I walked to the restaurant, I was intercepted my grandfather (Grandpa Baker, my mother's father, who lives in Pennsylvania).  He gave me a stuffed bird that he had found in the conference center where the large event that I was filming was to be held later that day.  I took the bird, thanked him, and after he left, I saw my brother up by the room (the walkways to the rooms were outside, because we were in San Diego).  I tried to throw him the bird, but I grossly overestimated the distance between us and managed to throw the bird all the way to the roof of the hotel, which was above the thirteenth floor (are there 13th floors?).  My brother shook his head, and I went into the buffet, hoping to find a way to the top floor so I could retrieve the bird.

This is already getting long, and I've barely begun.

When I entered the buffet, I passed all of the food, even though I was hungry.  I found a secret entrance to a special staircase that led to a twelve-floor, extremely fancy Japanese restaurant.  It was beautifully decorated, mostly in red.  I tried to be sneaky, but the owner, an old Japanese man wearing a tuxedo, found me and, noticing my humble appearance, told me I had to leave immediately.  I didn't listen, but, instead, I fled the scene, running up several flights of stairs.  I was being chased by two Japanese cooks, who were carrying meat cleavers.

I easily outran them and made it to the eleventh floor before running outside to freedom.  I still wasn't on the top floor, but I was much closer to the bird than before.  I scaled one of the walls, up the last two stories, and onto the roof, and I successfully retrieve the stuffed bird.  I began to examine it, and I wondered why I went to such trouble getting it down.  I looked more closely at it and noticed a hole in the beak.  I put my hand into it and pulled out a fist-sized diamond.  It was marvelous, and probably worth more money than I will ever earn.

I walked, on the roof, to the hotel part of the building, and climbed down to the thirteenth floor and took the elevator back down to the lobby and met my brother there.  I took him outside and, under the cover of some bushes, I revealed my discovery.  He was very excited.

I then realized that it was time to go to the large event to scout out good spots to shoot, so we walked the couple blocks to the event center.

When we arrived, we found Tim Johnson and the event center staff members running about in a panic. Apparently a large diamond of there had been miraculously stolen, for it was guarded by several armed guards.  I wondered then how my grandfather could have pulled off the heist.  I also thought that I should return the diamond.  As I was getting ready to do so, some of the staff members knocked me over as they made their way across the hall.  I then reconsidered what I was going to do, and I took the bird, with the diamond, and walked out of the event center.

On my way out, I ran into a large crowd of people that were headed into the building.  Many of these people I recognized from previous conventions I had worked.  I literally ran into Anna and Dori Walterhouse, and I apologized for my clumsiness.

My brother and I made it successfully out into the street, and we still had the great diamond.

Then I switched over to another dream.

My first trip to the Russian-occupied moon was rather pleasant.  The Russians there were friendly to me.  It was a warm place, and I was able to walk about the beautiful gardens and little shops that were set up there.  I had quite a pleasant time.

After a while, I entered the portal from which I had come and appeared back in a dark room filled with several black and gray swirling portals.

I decided again to visit the Moon, but I went through a darker portal, due to my curiosity.

When I arrived there, it was much colder than the last time around.  There was snow on the ground, which, instead of being made up of grass and flowers, was made up of only rocks and gray dust.  I felt a sense of unrest when I arrived, so I didn't make my presence known.  Then, the portal closed behind me.

I was freezing, for I only had a light jacket on, with no gloves or hat or hood.  I snuck up on a Russian guard to try to get a better understanding of what was going on.  He heard me creeping up behind me and attempted to fire his handgun at me.  However, I used some crazy counter attack and disarmed him, broke his shoulder, picked up the gun, and beat him to death with it.  It was quite cruel, and I was disgusted at myself.

I continued to sneak about, but two other guards discovered me, both of which I managed to beat to death with the gun.

I killed three more guards in this manner, and I was very disappointed in my course of actions.

As I was getting ready to leave, I found a multitude of wires plugged into the moon.  I knew immediately that Mr. Sinister (a villain from X-Men) was attempting to control the entire moon.  I began shooting the wires, hoping to stop him, but I made too much noise, and a bunch of Russian soldiers began running at me.  I looked back and saw that the portal was again open, and I ran and dove into it.

This time it took me to a house belonging to Joel Moyer's father (I'm not sure if I've actually met him before).  He showed me a picture he was drawing for one of Joel's friends whose father had died.  He drew beautiful pictures only by touching the paper.  He spoke to me as he created.  He told me he was disappointed that I had killed so many men to save my own life.  He then revealed that I was the one who had killed the father of the boy for whom the card was being made.

After that revelation, he instructed me to sign the card, which had a picture of a sad boy, yet, at the same time, showed signs of hope (it's hard to describe this brilliant image this man had mad).  I, filled with grief and guilt, signed the card.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was in a brown car from the sixties with Kevin Chupp.  We were waiting in a line of cars, which was blocked off by red ropes (like the kind used for people at the front desk of a busy hotel).  We were waiting to enter a brand new arcade/museum, which was several acres wide and several stories tall.  It looked like it was going to be marvelous.  We waited for a very long time, for it was the grand opening.  We looked around at the lucky people who had managed to park their cars and saw Tyler and Jamie Moore waiting there.  Kevin shouted a greeting at them and asked them how they were doing.  Tyler informed us that they had both taken jobs at the arcade/museum.

Then I awoke.

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