Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dream #433 (January 25, 2012)


I dreamt that I was helping at a Vacation Bible School at Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  There weren't all that many kids there, which is unusual for VBS at KLMC.  Jason North, a coworker of mine from RemedyLIVE, was leading worship.  I was supposed to play guitar with him and sing harmonies, so after he began playing, I rushed up onto the stage.  He began singing, "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling..."  I scrambled through Jason's huge binder of lead sheets for worship songs that he had on the music stand in front of me until I found that song he was singing.  It wasn't until near the end of the first verse when I came in with my accompaniment.  I actually played and sang very well.

After the first verse, I went straight into the second, but Jason did not.  I was caught holding a long high note on my own, and it was quite embarrassing.  In fact, Jason was done playing and singing altogether, and he walked off the stage as I continued holding that note.

I eventually followed him and sat down next to him in a pew in the back of the sanctuary.  I asked him why he had so much music up there if he was only going to do one song.  I also asked, "How could you only do one verse of Softly and Tenderly?"

He shrugged his shoulders, and we both looked up to the screen in the front of the sanctuary as the lights dimmed.  A movie about alligators began to play.

Then I jumped ahead in time (though my memories of the VBS still remained in this dream).  I was in a trailer home with Seth Bartlette and some man in his thirties who looked like he belonged in the movies, planning 3DYC (3 District Youth Conference).  We had a big chalk board on the wall with names of bands that were attending this event, which was beginning that night.  We had just found out that two of the bands had cancelled, and we needed to find two to fill their spots.  Somehow among the bands committed to playing was Coldplay.

Anyway, we paced around, thinking.  Seth and the other guy were calling band manager after band manager.  Then I had an idea.  I thought of one of the few youth oriented bands I know, simply because of my work at Remedy.  I said, "What about Eleventyseven?"

Seth thought that was a great idea, and said they were coming close by where we were due to their ongoing tour.  He called them, and they accepted.  They had another band touring with them that also joined in, so we were all set.

I left the trailer home in an old blue car.  I drove to where the event was taking place: the dunes.  I found a great parking spot (most others were taken).  When I got out of my vehicle, I noticed a sign that informed me that the parking spot were for dog walkers only.  I looked around at the people walking dogs all about me.  Though some were glaring at me, I decided just to leave my car there, for I was in a hurry.

I ran to the water's edge and saw that the teens were there, playing games on the beach.  I decided to walk down a ways, following a rapid river.

A few minutes into my walk, I came across some odd looking people.  They were shirtless men lying in the sand.  They all had long, thick black hair with dreadlocks.  Some had bright yellow skin.  Others had dark blue skin.  They were doing nothing but breathing.

When I got close to them, they suddenly awoke.  The rapid, simultaneous movement caused such a stir that the land upon which we were standing broke off and shot down the great river.  I tried communicating with the strange men, but they spoke no English.  We tried to find a way off of our drifting island, but we could not.

Then we saw that before us was a great waterfall.  I was filled with a burst of adrenaline, and I leaped out onto the river bank safely (it was about a twenty foot jump).  I didn't want to leave my new acquaintances behind, so I scurried downstream and, thinking quickly, knocked a dead tree across the river.  I had acted just in time, for all the strangely colored men were able to leap onto the tree and climb to safety.  They walked with me back to where the youth conference was taking place.  When we got there Coldplay was playing their set.

Then I awoke.

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