Friday, January 27, 2012

Dream #435 (January 27, 2012)

There were lots of crazy things going on in my head last night.

The first dream took place in a desert that was a part of a national park.  I was hiking alone up a dune when I was stabbed in the shoulder.  Dang.

I turned around and saw that I was the victim of a kid with long, nasty hair and few teeth.  He then big my leg and stole my wallet, then ran off across the desert.

I walked slowly back to the national park ranger's office and saw that the kid was being arrested by the authorities there.

Then I switched to a different dream

I was in a small, dimly lit gymnasium watching an Oregon-Davis High School basketball game.  They were doing quite poorly.  My brother and his classmates were still on the team in this dream.  After the first quarter, Zach Taylor came up to me and threw a red shirt on me (it was supposedly an alternate jersey) and told me that I was to sub into the game.

I did as he said and played an excellent game of basketball.  At half-time, I somehow lost my jersey, and when we came back out to play, the other team's coach noticed this and told the officials that I wasn't allowed to play.  Then he mentioned that he questioned whether or not I could actually play high school basketball.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

I was hiking in a jungle.  I wore a safari outfit and a huge tan backpack.  I followed a rough trail for a little while, then noticed a river that was running alongside the trail I hiked.

I bushwhacked my way through the trees and shrubs and saw the the river was a river of spaghetti sauce.  That excited me so much that I immediately dropped my backpack, took off my safari hat and hiking boots, and leaped into the sauce.

It was quite a rapid flow, and I was taken away.  I drank in the sauce as I floated, and I was very happy.  I saw several other happy people also floating down this red and chunky river.

Eventually, the river ran into another river.  This other river was made up of pumpkin coconut milk soup (which I ate for lunch yesterday, made by my cousin Molly Baughman).  I loved that soup so much and became even happier than I was in the river of spaghetti sauce.

I floated down this river for quite some time.

Then I jumped ahead in time.

I was cleaning the pumpkin coconut milk soup from my hair at a sink in a blue house (that seems familiar to me in real life, though I cannot quite remember why).  I walked out of the bathroom and saw my mom and told her that I was going into the city to have dinner with some of my friends.  She told me to have fun, and as I was getting ready to leave (I intended on biking into the city), a sudden contest took place inside of the house I was in.

A large table of random foods was placed in the center of the room.  There were dozens of contestants there, and I became one of them.  We were instructed that we had a certain amount of time to eat as much food as we could.  We were also instructed to put one shoe upon the table.  I did so (I had a blue and black Nike shoe that I don't have in real life; I'm not sure I've ever seen one like it), as did all the other contestants.  Then we were informed that for every five pieces of food we ate, a ref would put a Mexican wedding ring our shoes.  However, there was only one ref, which didn't work out too well.

The bell sounded, and everyone began to eat.  I ate a couple small rolls, some Mexican wedding rings, some thin chocolate chip cookies, then a whole carrot.  I realized that it would be to my advantage to let the ref know when I ate five things, so every fifth thing I ate, I rose my hand.  Then I found a tray of tiny strawberries.  I ate tons of these, raising my hands and shouting "Five" every five strawberries.

Shortly after this, the bell sounded, and everyone made his way back to his shoe.  I was very confidant in myself, though I regretted eating so much (since I was still planning on going out to dinner in the city with my friends).  My shoe was quite full.  I turned and looked at the other people being scored, then turned back to my shoe and noticed that it wasn't the same shoe and that it wasn't quite as full.  I turned to the guy next to me to see if he had taken it.

The man next to me was Lil Wayne.  He looked at me and showed me his shoe, which wasn't all that full and wasn't like mine.  He said he didn't know what happened to mine.

He and I were the last people in line to get scored.  I was still searching for my shoe, but nobody in line was scoring as high as what my shoe would have scored them.  Soon there were only three people in front of me.  It was then that I noticed Lil Wayne hiding my shoe behind his back.

I told him to return it to me, and he said it wasn't mine.  He said the one I had was mine.  I looked at it again and showed him the large rip in the soul that was not in my shoe.  I tried to force him to give me back my shoe.

Then I awoke.

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