Monday, January 23, 2012

Dream #431 (January 23, 2012)

This was kind of scary.

The dream started out fairly pleasant.  My brother Mike Baughman and I were driving around in my brand new car.  We were mostly concerned with the Google Maps GPS that was built into the car, which was indeed a neat feature.  Furthermore, to celebrate the release of the Google GPS, Best Buy was sending $50 gift packages to random addresses for people to pick up.

So, Mike and I were searching Google Maps for the specially marked addresses with Best Buy packages. We discovered that Koontz Lake Missionary Church was one of those addresses (it was highlighted in red in Google Maps).  We began heading there, but were prevented from progressing very far, for the highway upon which we were driving became congested with parked cars.  Nobody was moving.

We sat in the car, waiting.  I began to study the cars about me, and I noticed that there were no drivers or passengers in these cars; they were empty.  This worried me, for I did not know what it meant.  With caution, I stepped out of the car and began to explore my surroundings.  Mike stayed behind.

My eyes had not deceived me; the cars were indeed empty.  Then, I spotted some movement using my peripheral vision.  I turned and saw a naked man run into a nearby group of trees.

I began sensing quick bursts of movement all about me.  I ducked down and looked beneath the cars.

There were shirtless men and ruggedly clothed women crawling beneath the cars toward me.  The people had no hair, long and pointy fingernails, and jagged and gnarly teeth.  I made eye contact with one woman, and my heart compressed inside my chest.

I ran back to the car and entered it.  I told Mike what was going on, though it was unnecessary, for at that point, the crazy people had come out of stealth mode and were running at full speed toward my new car.

I slammed it into reverse and, as the Google GPS continually informed me that I should "Turn around when possible," I weaved around the parked cars behind me, spun the car around, drove across the median, and sped away in the opposite direction in which I had come.

I was cut short of a getaway, however, for the roads were blocked by more parked cars.  I had nowhere to go, and the crazy people began to rush out of the woods toward our car.  Mike and I exited the vehicle and ran to the closest building: a stone hotel that stood about sixty stories high.  As we ran inside, we witnessed other people running into the building to seek shelter.  In a way, it was comforting knowing that Mike and I weren't the only survivors.  However, I looked behind me and saw the wild people devouring some of the slower fleeing people, and it was hideous.

We made it safely inside.  After a few other people made it in, we were forced to close the doors, for the wild people were getting very close.  I noticed that several people I have known at some point in my life were there (many people from Oregon-Davis High School, and some from college). Kevin Chupp was also there, and he stayed close to Mike and me.  We began piling up desks, tables, and chairs up against the door, but it was no use.  The crazy people had already made it through the windows and were devouring my acquaintances.

Kevin, Mike, and I, among a few others, escaped to the staircase and made it up to the third floor.  The power had gone out, and it was very dark.  Then, out of the darkness, came two naked wild men, and they devoured everyone except Kevin, Mike, and me.  We escaped and ran up to the tenth floor.

We were greeted by a whole room full of crazy people, and, knowing that we would all die if nothing was done, Kevin, with a great shout, threw himself in the middle of them all and sacrificed himself for us.

Mike and I escaped and, taking no chances, ran all the way to the roof, locking the stairway behind us.

There were no crazies up there, but, when we peered over the ledge, we could see hundreds and hundreds of the monsters running at the building.  We could also hear them coming up the steps.  We were trapped.

It was then that I had a flashback.

I was working with kids at a wooded campground.  There were several hospital beds spread about the grounds.  I walked around, trying to tend to the ill kids as best I could.  A virus had wiped out many of them, a virus to which I, fortunately, was immune.  The kids got worse and worse until, after several hours, they began all having simultaneous seizures.  They lost all their hair and turned pale.

Then I flashed forward, back to the top of the hotel.  Mike and I looked at each other and knew that we had no hope of survival.

Then I awoke.

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