Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dream #429 (January 11, 2012)

This was crazy.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a labyrinth made of washing machines, fluorescent lights, and grayish blue hallways.  There were only occasional signs of life apart from me, for some people wearing black hooded sweatshirts passed me in the hallway as I wandered.

The first room I entered contained several washing machines.  Kevin Chupp was there, along with hundreds of baskets of clothes.  He was taking the dirty clothes, folding them, then placing them into the washing machines.  It was his duty.

I asked him why he was doing what he was doing.  He turned to me and said that I would potentially be stuck for a year inside of an accursed ancient Egyptian tomb.  There was very little chance that I could escape this fate.

I left the room bewildered.  As I wandered further down the hall, I fell through as tile in the floor, down a flight of stairs, and into a red and orange room lit by candles and oil lamps.  There was a young, black-haired female in the room building Lego's.  I happened to fall onto a table (which collapsed under me) that contained many of her creations.  The pieces were scattered all over the floor, but it didn't seem to bother her.

I then realized that I was in the Egyptian tomb.  There were hieroglyphs all about me, though I knew before seeing those, due to Kevin's prophecy.  I rushed over to the young woman and tried to get her attention, but she was so involved with her building that she didn't even recognize my existence.  I cried out for help and, to my surprise, Stephen Merchant appeared from behind a wall and greeted us.  The woman still paid no attention.

Stephen pulled out a crazy-looking cell phone (it had exposed wires, several antennas, and hundreds of buttons) and held it up to the Lego creations.  He informed me that if he scanned every one of the Lego creations, we could escape the room before the curse had any effect.  We had one hour.

I then realized why the woman was so involved in her work.  I also realized that me falling on the Lego sets that were on the table was quite a tragedy, for I had to rebuild those sets.  I dove to the floor and began building frantically.  My hands were shaking, for I was very nervous.  Even so, my great experience with Lego's won in the end, and I was able to rebuild successfully.

When Stephen scanned all of the pictures, the door to the stairs was again opened.  It was then that the young woman finally acknowledged me.  The thanked me for my assistance, and she thanked Stephen.  Then Stephen told us that our troubles weren't over, for there was an army of soldiers with Nerf guns waiting outside, ready to shoot.

I then knew what I had to do.  I shook the hands of Stephen and the woman and walked up the stairs (the stairs looked similar to the stairs in my parents' home) and burst out the door into the backyard (which was my parents' backyard).  I leaped over a rail and spread my arms and legs, and I caught hundreds of Nerf bullets on my body (not a square inch of my skin or of my clothing was showing, for I was literally covered head to toe in bullets).  I had made the ultimate sacrifice.  Because of what I had done, everyone had to reload, and the woman and Stephen were able to rush out.  They were also armed with Nerf guns, but they had rapid fire capabilities, so they took out dozens of soldiers as they made their way to the woods.  I was happy for them.

Following them out of the house were several people with whom I had worked at Prairie Camp, including Jacob Bartlett, who went nuts, screaming and firing all over the place without little to no grace.

Then, for some reason, I realized that this was only a Nerf war, and that I was not really dead, so I got up and walked around the great battle that was taking place, as if I were invisible.  I saw Aaron Cavinder being a poor sport, so I told him he had to quit the game.

Then I saw that some teenagers had snuck into the yard carrying AK-47-shaped airsoft guns.  They saw that I had noticed them, and they began to fire at me.  I ran away, dodging bullets (only getting hit once in the shirt, but not on the body).  I found my way into the woods and hid underneath a great root of a large tree.

I had evaded the teens.  Then I noticed a glowing building in the woods that I had never seen there before, I walked up to it cautiously and, when I saw nobody about it, walked inside.

I was back in the labyrinth in which I had begun the dream.  However, this time I entered the room next to the laundry room in which Kevin was washing folded clothes.  There I found a seminar taking place being led by Norm Dial.  I stood outside and listened.  As I stood there, I was greeted by Joel and Melissa Moyer (former Prairie Camp campers that I've known for several years).  I asked them how they were doing.

Then I awoke.

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