Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dream #427 (December 22, 2011)

This was odd.

I dreamt that I returned to my old home (in my dream, not in real life) after being at war oversees for many years.  The house was not as I had left it.  It was dark, dismal, and damp inside.  Vines were growing all about the outside and inside of the house.  A fog was seeping from the floors.  There was no electricity.  As I walked about the place, I felt as if all I had known had disintegrated.

But then my hope was rekindled.  A woman I had known before entered the home and welcomed me back.  She looked unkept and slightly out of her mind.  She proceeded to pull down some books of old photographs from a dusty shelf in the room next to the kitchen (which had walls green from mold).  We sat down at the kitchen table (covered in cobwebs) and looked them over.  There were pictures of me when I ran track in high school.  There were also some of me as a young man, looking full of potential. But then the photos stopped being pleasant.  The rest were not exposed well, and they were all so dark the images couldn't be seen as they should have been.

Then a young man and woman walked in and began listening to covers of John Lennon songs.  I began telling them how good they were.

Then I entered a different, less depressing dream.

I found myself at an enormous building, like a mall, but far taller.  There was a film shoot going on, and the filmmakers needed another actor.  I agreed to help them out.  Everybody was dressed in cowboy outfits (luckily I was as well).  Then my scene came quickly with no explanation or instruction, other than the word "improvise."  I began staggering toward the main character, who was preparing a large pot of spaghetti.  I accidentally bumped him.  As I fell to the ground, the pot of spaghetti and sauce flew up into the air and would have landed on me had I not rolled out of the way.  Even though I wasn't directly hit, I still was covered with sauce after it splattered all about.  I then crawled over to a refrigerator and tried using it to pull myself up, but it ended up falling on top of me with the door open.

The director came up to me and told me I was brilliant and said I could be done.

I wandered off the set and walked into a demolished building inside of the building I was in.

Then I awoke.

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