Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dream #436 (January 29, 2012)

Studies and ghosts?

I dreamt that I had to go back to college.  In the dream, my CLEP tests were revoked, so I still had another two semesters to complete before obtaining my Bachelor's degree.  Remedy (the place where I work) sent me back to Bethel to finish school.

When I arrived, I found that all of my classes took place in the same classroom, which looked like the living room of a middle-class home.  The room was inside of a fairly small building, which was about the size of a house.  I had five classes, most of which were general education classes.  In the dream, I went through all of the classes in seemingly real time (though each class was only about 10 minutes).  The only professor I recognized was Maralee Crandon, and she was teaching a general English course (which I felt overqualified for, though I still had fun with Maralee).  The only student I knew in any of my classes was Dori Walterhouse, with whom I talked for a while after my final class, which was Chemistry 101.  I told her that I lived in Fort Wayne and wasn't looking forward to the drive home, for it was snowing heavily outside.  She told me that I could spend the night in the Bethel classroom in which we were standing.  That sounded interesting to me.  Dori left, and everyone else had gone, so I walked over to the couch in the classroom and went to sleep.

I was awakened by a clatter.  I jumped to my feet and saw that Brittany Baughman (my brother Matt's wife) had walked and asked me to help her.  I asked for specifics, but she just motioned for me to follow her.

She led me up a flight of stairs and into a room.  In the center of the room was a dead pig, and the white walls were covered in its blood.  A teenage girl stood above the pig.  Her head was bowed and her eyes were closed, and she was mumbling some weird chant.  Brittany and I tried reviving her, but she wouldn't respond.  Then I picked up her shoulders and Brittany grabbed ahold of her feet and we carried her downstairs.

When we made it down, we heard a screech come from the basement.  We opened the door to the basement stairway and out flew hundreds of bats.  Brittany dropped her glove down the stairs and asked if I could get it for her.

I went down and found another Brittany there, pale and shivering.  I looked back up as the healthy Brittany closed the door.  Sick Brittany and I were in complete darkness.  I put my hand into the glove that I had been ordered to fetch and, using that hand, I felt about the room until I found glass.  I pulled my arm back and punched the glass as hard as I could, and I managed to bust a hole in it.

I cleared enough room in the window for me to fit through.

Then I awoke.

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