Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dream #487 (January 11, 2013)

I seem to be getting busier and busier these days.

I dreamt that I was in a post-apocalyptic United States (though it was no longer the United States in my dream).  A community of people was dwelling in a huge gymnasium that was surrounded by whole houses that were inside of this enormous building.  The gym was the center of the community.

In the beginning of the dream, I was an ordinary citizen.  I walked out, in my blue and white stripped pajamas, to my mailbox and, yawning, I opened it up and discovered a purple envelope inside.  I studied it for a few moments, then proceeded to open it gracefully.

Inside was a handwritten letter inviting me to join a group of special purple-robe-wearing monks who were constantly searching for a solution to the problem of our society: we were unable to leave the great building without being destroyed.  The monks thought that there was a chosen Traveler who could explore parallel universes, but this Traveler was still yet to be discovered.  Many members of the community were skeptical of the monks, and rightfully so, for they hadn't accomplished anything.

I, still in my pajamas, walked into the gym and found my way to the great stage that rested at the far West (or what we thought was West) side.  I climbed up to where the monks were practicing their chants and their chemistry.

One of the senior monks, who had a green hood, motioned for me to come to him.  I did, and he explained that I was to go and see the Master Chef.  The Master, as he was commonly known as, was rumored to be the wisest man in the world.  Also, he was great at making potions, and the monks thought that through him the Traveler would find his way into other worlds.

I entered the smokey-green sacred chamber behind the stage, and the senior monk shut the door behind me.  It was dark, but I managed to make my way into a small sanctuary.  There was a purple carpet on the floor, and there were a dozen pews, each with jars of chemicals sitting atop them.  Then the Master, who was sitting amongst the jars, looked up at me, but without revealing his face or changing his posture.  I just knew that he looked up at me from the senses other than my sight.

He pointed at a jar and said, "Five hundred and five."  I looked at him and tried to give him money that I had in the pocket of my pajamas.  The only bill I had was a $100 bill.  He shook his head, took it, and handed me a different jar.  He motioned for me to exit.

When I rejoined with the other monks, I handed the senior monk the jar and he gave me a purple robe in exchange.  After I put it on, a thought entered my head.  "Pennies."

I immediately ran back into the sacred chamber and noticed that all of the jars on the pews had pennies in them.  I grabbed each one until I had gathered 505 pennies.  I gave them over to the wise man who then took off his hood and revealed his face (he resembled Josh Kauffman, a former babysitter of mine).  He then gave me the potion that he initially offered me and instructed me to drink it.  I did as he asked and felt lighter, as if I were spread out over several different scales.

He then blessed me and granted me an exit.

I rejoined the other monks who could not stop staring at me.  The senior monk then guided me to the stage and instructed me to jump off.  I, without much hesitation, did as he told.  As I fell, a black portal formed in front of me and I entered it.

I found myself flying through time and space.  I saw colors that I cannot describe in writing.

I soon appeared in a strange red hallway.  There were hundreds of penguins behind me, caged up and shivering.  One of the penguins began to speak to me, begging me to free them of the oppression.  Then I asked where I could find the key to the cage, and he handed it to me.  Confused, I opened up the cage as looks of horror spread across the faces of all the penguins.  They all pointed their fins behind me.  I turned and saw a great swarm of woodcutter bees flying toward us.

I held out my hand and, from another universe, appeared a jar of potion.  I threw it at the bees and they immediately became docile.  I told them to repair all the damage they had done to the penguin's world, and they began to obey me.

As the penguins began to thank me, I left their world and entered another one.

This world, which was like a populated desert, was full of kids dressed in ragged clothes.  They were all running about, screaming and waiving their arms in the air.  I tried to locate the oppressors, but I was unable to do so.  The world was full of shattered wood and debris.  At last I found a young boy who was, instead of panicking, taking shelter underneath a canoe.  I looked down at the child and touched his shoulder.  He looked up at me and, as I saw his fiery blue eyes, I knew that he was the Chosen One, and that I had already fulfilled the Traveler's Prophesy.  I grabbed the boy's hand so that he could join me back to my universe.  Suddenly, all of his world began turning to dark black soot and starting spinning around us.  Things were not quite as simple as I had imagined.

Then I awoke.

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