Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dream #436 (January 29, 2012)

Studies and ghosts?

I dreamt that I had to go back to college.  In the dream, my CLEP tests were revoked, so I still had another two semesters to complete before obtaining my Bachelor's degree.  Remedy (the place where I work) sent me back to Bethel to finish school.

When I arrived, I found that all of my classes took place in the same classroom, which looked like the living room of a middle-class home.  The room was inside of a fairly small building, which was about the size of a house.  I had five classes, most of which were general education classes.  In the dream, I went through all of the classes in seemingly real time (though each class was only about 10 minutes).  The only professor I recognized was Maralee Crandon, and she was teaching a general English course (which I felt overqualified for, though I still had fun with Maralee).  The only student I knew in any of my classes was Dori Walterhouse, with whom I talked for a while after my final class, which was Chemistry 101.  I told her that I lived in Fort Wayne and wasn't looking forward to the drive home, for it was snowing heavily outside.  She told me that I could spend the night in the Bethel classroom in which we were standing.  That sounded interesting to me.  Dori left, and everyone else had gone, so I walked over to the couch in the classroom and went to sleep.

I was awakened by a clatter.  I jumped to my feet and saw that Brittany Baughman (my brother Matt's wife) had walked and asked me to help her.  I asked for specifics, but she just motioned for me to follow her.

She led me up a flight of stairs and into a room.  In the center of the room was a dead pig, and the white walls were covered in its blood.  A teenage girl stood above the pig.  Her head was bowed and her eyes were closed, and she was mumbling some weird chant.  Brittany and I tried reviving her, but she wouldn't respond.  Then I picked up her shoulders and Brittany grabbed ahold of her feet and we carried her downstairs.

When we made it down, we heard a screech come from the basement.  We opened the door to the basement stairway and out flew hundreds of bats.  Brittany dropped her glove down the stairs and asked if I could get it for her.

I went down and found another Brittany there, pale and shivering.  I looked back up as the healthy Brittany closed the door.  Sick Brittany and I were in complete darkness.  I put my hand into the glove that I had been ordered to fetch and, using that hand, I felt about the room until I found glass.  I pulled my arm back and punched the glass as hard as I could, and I managed to bust a hole in it.

I cleared enough room in the window for me to fit through.

Then I awoke.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dream #435 (January 27, 2012)

There were lots of crazy things going on in my head last night.

The first dream took place in a desert that was a part of a national park.  I was hiking alone up a dune when I was stabbed in the shoulder.  Dang.

I turned around and saw that I was the victim of a kid with long, nasty hair and few teeth.  He then big my leg and stole my wallet, then ran off across the desert.

I walked slowly back to the national park ranger's office and saw that the kid was being arrested by the authorities there.

Then I switched to a different dream

I was in a small, dimly lit gymnasium watching an Oregon-Davis High School basketball game.  They were doing quite poorly.  My brother and his classmates were still on the team in this dream.  After the first quarter, Zach Taylor came up to me and threw a red shirt on me (it was supposedly an alternate jersey) and told me that I was to sub into the game.

I did as he said and played an excellent game of basketball.  At half-time, I somehow lost my jersey, and when we came back out to play, the other team's coach noticed this and told the officials that I wasn't allowed to play.  Then he mentioned that he questioned whether or not I could actually play high school basketball.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

I was hiking in a jungle.  I wore a safari outfit and a huge tan backpack.  I followed a rough trail for a little while, then noticed a river that was running alongside the trail I hiked.

I bushwhacked my way through the trees and shrubs and saw the the river was a river of spaghetti sauce.  That excited me so much that I immediately dropped my backpack, took off my safari hat and hiking boots, and leaped into the sauce.

It was quite a rapid flow, and I was taken away.  I drank in the sauce as I floated, and I was very happy.  I saw several other happy people also floating down this red and chunky river.

Eventually, the river ran into another river.  This other river was made up of pumpkin coconut milk soup (which I ate for lunch yesterday, made by my cousin Molly Baughman).  I loved that soup so much and became even happier than I was in the river of spaghetti sauce.

I floated down this river for quite some time.

Then I jumped ahead in time.

I was cleaning the pumpkin coconut milk soup from my hair at a sink in a blue house (that seems familiar to me in real life, though I cannot quite remember why).  I walked out of the bathroom and saw my mom and told her that I was going into the city to have dinner with some of my friends.  She told me to have fun, and as I was getting ready to leave (I intended on biking into the city), a sudden contest took place inside of the house I was in.

A large table of random foods was placed in the center of the room.  There were dozens of contestants there, and I became one of them.  We were instructed that we had a certain amount of time to eat as much food as we could.  We were also instructed to put one shoe upon the table.  I did so (I had a blue and black Nike shoe that I don't have in real life; I'm not sure I've ever seen one like it), as did all the other contestants.  Then we were informed that for every five pieces of food we ate, a ref would put a Mexican wedding ring our shoes.  However, there was only one ref, which didn't work out too well.

The bell sounded, and everyone began to eat.  I ate a couple small rolls, some Mexican wedding rings, some thin chocolate chip cookies, then a whole carrot.  I realized that it would be to my advantage to let the ref know when I ate five things, so every fifth thing I ate, I rose my hand.  Then I found a tray of tiny strawberries.  I ate tons of these, raising my hands and shouting "Five" every five strawberries.

Shortly after this, the bell sounded, and everyone made his way back to his shoe.  I was very confidant in myself, though I regretted eating so much (since I was still planning on going out to dinner in the city with my friends).  My shoe was quite full.  I turned and looked at the other people being scored, then turned back to my shoe and noticed that it wasn't the same shoe and that it wasn't quite as full.  I turned to the guy next to me to see if he had taken it.

The man next to me was Lil Wayne.  He looked at me and showed me his shoe, which wasn't all that full and wasn't like mine.  He said he didn't know what happened to mine.

He and I were the last people in line to get scored.  I was still searching for my shoe, but nobody in line was scoring as high as what my shoe would have scored them.  Soon there were only three people in front of me.  It was then that I noticed Lil Wayne hiding my shoe behind his back.

I told him to return it to me, and he said it wasn't mine.  He said the one I had was mine.  I looked at it again and showed him the large rip in the soul that was not in my shoe.  I tried to force him to give me back my shoe.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dream #434 (January 26, 2012)

This probably means something.

I dreamt that there was a 10-year-old boy standing alone in a tall, circular room.  The only light was a spot that was coming somewhere from 80 feet in the air.  The boy stood in the middle of the circle, holding a crumpled up piece of notebook paper filled with words written in blue ink.

I was the only other person present.  I was armed with a nice video camera, and it was my duty to record this boy.  He began reading the words he had written on the page.  I tried my best to capture the occurrence as it took place, but before the boy could finish, a reverb-heavy voice filled the room.


The boy paused for a while, then started reading his writings from the beginning.  He was again about to finish.


This took place numerous times, and the boy never finished.

Finally, after what felt like a hundred takes, the voice let him finish.

I looked at my camera and noticed that I had not recorded any of that take, or any of the 99 takes before it.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dream #433 (January 25, 2012)


I dreamt that I was helping at a Vacation Bible School at Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  There weren't all that many kids there, which is unusual for VBS at KLMC.  Jason North, a coworker of mine from RemedyLIVE, was leading worship.  I was supposed to play guitar with him and sing harmonies, so after he began playing, I rushed up onto the stage.  He began singing, "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling..."  I scrambled through Jason's huge binder of lead sheets for worship songs that he had on the music stand in front of me until I found that song he was singing.  It wasn't until near the end of the first verse when I came in with my accompaniment.  I actually played and sang very well.

After the first verse, I went straight into the second, but Jason did not.  I was caught holding a long high note on my own, and it was quite embarrassing.  In fact, Jason was done playing and singing altogether, and he walked off the stage as I continued holding that note.

I eventually followed him and sat down next to him in a pew in the back of the sanctuary.  I asked him why he had so much music up there if he was only going to do one song.  I also asked, "How could you only do one verse of Softly and Tenderly?"

He shrugged his shoulders, and we both looked up to the screen in the front of the sanctuary as the lights dimmed.  A movie about alligators began to play.

Then I jumped ahead in time (though my memories of the VBS still remained in this dream).  I was in a trailer home with Seth Bartlette and some man in his thirties who looked like he belonged in the movies, planning 3DYC (3 District Youth Conference).  We had a big chalk board on the wall with names of bands that were attending this event, which was beginning that night.  We had just found out that two of the bands had cancelled, and we needed to find two to fill their spots.  Somehow among the bands committed to playing was Coldplay.

Anyway, we paced around, thinking.  Seth and the other guy were calling band manager after band manager.  Then I had an idea.  I thought of one of the few youth oriented bands I know, simply because of my work at Remedy.  I said, "What about Eleventyseven?"

Seth thought that was a great idea, and said they were coming close by where we were due to their ongoing tour.  He called them, and they accepted.  They had another band touring with them that also joined in, so we were all set.

I left the trailer home in an old blue car.  I drove to where the event was taking place: the dunes.  I found a great parking spot (most others were taken).  When I got out of my vehicle, I noticed a sign that informed me that the parking spot were for dog walkers only.  I looked around at the people walking dogs all about me.  Though some were glaring at me, I decided just to leave my car there, for I was in a hurry.

I ran to the water's edge and saw that the teens were there, playing games on the beach.  I decided to walk down a ways, following a rapid river.

A few minutes into my walk, I came across some odd looking people.  They were shirtless men lying in the sand.  They all had long, thick black hair with dreadlocks.  Some had bright yellow skin.  Others had dark blue skin.  They were doing nothing but breathing.

When I got close to them, they suddenly awoke.  The rapid, simultaneous movement caused such a stir that the land upon which we were standing broke off and shot down the great river.  I tried communicating with the strange men, but they spoke no English.  We tried to find a way off of our drifting island, but we could not.

Then we saw that before us was a great waterfall.  I was filled with a burst of adrenaline, and I leaped out onto the river bank safely (it was about a twenty foot jump).  I didn't want to leave my new acquaintances behind, so I scurried downstream and, thinking quickly, knocked a dead tree across the river.  I had acted just in time, for all the strangely colored men were able to leap onto the tree and climb to safety.  They walked with me back to where the youth conference was taking place.  When we got there Coldplay was playing their set.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dream #432 (January 24, 2012)


I dreamt that I was asked to join the Oregon-Davis High School track team.  In the dream, I was out of school, but apparently the rules about eligibility had changed, allowing me to run another year.  I was quite excited.

I showed up to the track, which was full of people warming up for practice (which is unusual, for O-D seldom has a sizable track team), wearing my old track uniform atop my black spandex shirt and pants.  I was also wearing sweatpants and my L.L. Bean Snow Walkers (basically boots that are slightly closer to shoes, but not really).  I walked onto the track, and coach Lotter (my old coach), told me that he was going to time me running two miles.  Without thinking, I began running immediately.

After a rough lap and a half, I realized that I was still wearing my Snow Walkers and baggy sweatpants.  I decided then to rush off the track and change my shoes.  Well, I had trouble finding my shoes and was forced to borrow the shoes of a stranger.  I finally began running again.  After I finished the two miles, Ryan Jackson (a former classmate of mine who didn't run track) told me that I ran my first mile in seven minutes.  That included the time it took for me to change footwear, which meant that I had run fairly fast, but Coach Lotter wouldn't accept that time, regardless of what I did during it.

I sat down next to Ryan, a bit disappointed.  I chatted with him about life for a bit as other athletes were running, pole vaulting, long jumping, high jumping, hurdling, and throwing all about me.

Then I awoke.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dream #431 (January 23, 2012)

This was kind of scary.

The dream started out fairly pleasant.  My brother Mike Baughman and I were driving around in my brand new car.  We were mostly concerned with the Google Maps GPS that was built into the car, which was indeed a neat feature.  Furthermore, to celebrate the release of the Google GPS, Best Buy was sending $50 gift packages to random addresses for people to pick up.

So, Mike and I were searching Google Maps for the specially marked addresses with Best Buy packages. We discovered that Koontz Lake Missionary Church was one of those addresses (it was highlighted in red in Google Maps).  We began heading there, but were prevented from progressing very far, for the highway upon which we were driving became congested with parked cars.  Nobody was moving.

We sat in the car, waiting.  I began to study the cars about me, and I noticed that there were no drivers or passengers in these cars; they were empty.  This worried me, for I did not know what it meant.  With caution, I stepped out of the car and began to explore my surroundings.  Mike stayed behind.

My eyes had not deceived me; the cars were indeed empty.  Then, I spotted some movement using my peripheral vision.  I turned and saw a naked man run into a nearby group of trees.

I began sensing quick bursts of movement all about me.  I ducked down and looked beneath the cars.

There were shirtless men and ruggedly clothed women crawling beneath the cars toward me.  The people had no hair, long and pointy fingernails, and jagged and gnarly teeth.  I made eye contact with one woman, and my heart compressed inside my chest.

I ran back to the car and entered it.  I told Mike what was going on, though it was unnecessary, for at that point, the crazy people had come out of stealth mode and were running at full speed toward my new car.

I slammed it into reverse and, as the Google GPS continually informed me that I should "Turn around when possible," I weaved around the parked cars behind me, spun the car around, drove across the median, and sped away in the opposite direction in which I had come.

I was cut short of a getaway, however, for the roads were blocked by more parked cars.  I had nowhere to go, and the crazy people began to rush out of the woods toward our car.  Mike and I exited the vehicle and ran to the closest building: a stone hotel that stood about sixty stories high.  As we ran inside, we witnessed other people running into the building to seek shelter.  In a way, it was comforting knowing that Mike and I weren't the only survivors.  However, I looked behind me and saw the wild people devouring some of the slower fleeing people, and it was hideous.

We made it safely inside.  After a few other people made it in, we were forced to close the doors, for the wild people were getting very close.  I noticed that several people I have known at some point in my life were there (many people from Oregon-Davis High School, and some from college). Kevin Chupp was also there, and he stayed close to Mike and me.  We began piling up desks, tables, and chairs up against the door, but it was no use.  The crazy people had already made it through the windows and were devouring my acquaintances.

Kevin, Mike, and I, among a few others, escaped to the staircase and made it up to the third floor.  The power had gone out, and it was very dark.  Then, out of the darkness, came two naked wild men, and they devoured everyone except Kevin, Mike, and me.  We escaped and ran up to the tenth floor.

We were greeted by a whole room full of crazy people, and, knowing that we would all die if nothing was done, Kevin, with a great shout, threw himself in the middle of them all and sacrificed himself for us.

Mike and I escaped and, taking no chances, ran all the way to the roof, locking the stairway behind us.

There were no crazies up there, but, when we peered over the ledge, we could see hundreds and hundreds of the monsters running at the building.  We could also hear them coming up the steps.  We were trapped.

It was then that I had a flashback.

I was working with kids at a wooded campground.  There were several hospital beds spread about the grounds.  I walked around, trying to tend to the ill kids as best I could.  A virus had wiped out many of them, a virus to which I, fortunately, was immune.  The kids got worse and worse until, after several hours, they began all having simultaneous seizures.  They lost all their hair and turned pale.

Then I flashed forward, back to the top of the hotel.  Mike and I looked at each other and knew that we had no hope of survival.

Then I awoke.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dream #430 (January 13, 2012)

Did I dream for several days straight?  That's what it felt like when I awoke this morning.

I began the series of dreams residing in a hotel in San Diego, California.  I pulled up my Buick to the car port and parked there so that my brother Mike Baughman and I could unload my video equipment there to take to our hotel room on the sixth floor.  I had lighting equipment, audio equipment, a few cameras, some tripods, and even a small dolly with me.

Once everything was in the hotel lobby, I gave Mike the keys to the car so that he could park it.  I checked in at the front desk and was given the room keys.  A bellhop helped me get my luggage and equipment onto a couple carts, into the elevator, and into my room.  I tipped him and waited for Mike to return.

I looked out the window into the parking lot and saw that it was full.  I watched as my brother drove around and around again, searching for a space.  I then realized that I was hungry, so I made my way to the first floor, which had a buffet.

As I walked to the restaurant, I was intercepted my grandfather (Grandpa Baker, my mother's father, who lives in Pennsylvania).  He gave me a stuffed bird that he had found in the conference center where the large event that I was filming was to be held later that day.  I took the bird, thanked him, and after he left, I saw my brother up by the room (the walkways to the rooms were outside, because we were in San Diego).  I tried to throw him the bird, but I grossly overestimated the distance between us and managed to throw the bird all the way to the roof of the hotel, which was above the thirteenth floor (are there 13th floors?).  My brother shook his head, and I went into the buffet, hoping to find a way to the top floor so I could retrieve the bird.

This is already getting long, and I've barely begun.

When I entered the buffet, I passed all of the food, even though I was hungry.  I found a secret entrance to a special staircase that led to a twelve-floor, extremely fancy Japanese restaurant.  It was beautifully decorated, mostly in red.  I tried to be sneaky, but the owner, an old Japanese man wearing a tuxedo, found me and, noticing my humble appearance, told me I had to leave immediately.  I didn't listen, but, instead, I fled the scene, running up several flights of stairs.  I was being chased by two Japanese cooks, who were carrying meat cleavers.

I easily outran them and made it to the eleventh floor before running outside to freedom.  I still wasn't on the top floor, but I was much closer to the bird than before.  I scaled one of the walls, up the last two stories, and onto the roof, and I successfully retrieve the stuffed bird.  I began to examine it, and I wondered why I went to such trouble getting it down.  I looked more closely at it and noticed a hole in the beak.  I put my hand into it and pulled out a fist-sized diamond.  It was marvelous, and probably worth more money than I will ever earn.

I walked, on the roof, to the hotel part of the building, and climbed down to the thirteenth floor and took the elevator back down to the lobby and met my brother there.  I took him outside and, under the cover of some bushes, I revealed my discovery.  He was very excited.

I then realized that it was time to go to the large event to scout out good spots to shoot, so we walked the couple blocks to the event center.

When we arrived, we found Tim Johnson and the event center staff members running about in a panic. Apparently a large diamond of there had been miraculously stolen, for it was guarded by several armed guards.  I wondered then how my grandfather could have pulled off the heist.  I also thought that I should return the diamond.  As I was getting ready to do so, some of the staff members knocked me over as they made their way across the hall.  I then reconsidered what I was going to do, and I took the bird, with the diamond, and walked out of the event center.

On my way out, I ran into a large crowd of people that were headed into the building.  Many of these people I recognized from previous conventions I had worked.  I literally ran into Anna and Dori Walterhouse, and I apologized for my clumsiness.

My brother and I made it successfully out into the street, and we still had the great diamond.

Then I switched over to another dream.

My first trip to the Russian-occupied moon was rather pleasant.  The Russians there were friendly to me.  It was a warm place, and I was able to walk about the beautiful gardens and little shops that were set up there.  I had quite a pleasant time.

After a while, I entered the portal from which I had come and appeared back in a dark room filled with several black and gray swirling portals.

I decided again to visit the Moon, but I went through a darker portal, due to my curiosity.

When I arrived there, it was much colder than the last time around.  There was snow on the ground, which, instead of being made up of grass and flowers, was made up of only rocks and gray dust.  I felt a sense of unrest when I arrived, so I didn't make my presence known.  Then, the portal closed behind me.

I was freezing, for I only had a light jacket on, with no gloves or hat or hood.  I snuck up on a Russian guard to try to get a better understanding of what was going on.  He heard me creeping up behind me and attempted to fire his handgun at me.  However, I used some crazy counter attack and disarmed him, broke his shoulder, picked up the gun, and beat him to death with it.  It was quite cruel, and I was disgusted at myself.

I continued to sneak about, but two other guards discovered me, both of which I managed to beat to death with the gun.

I killed three more guards in this manner, and I was very disappointed in my course of actions.

As I was getting ready to leave, I found a multitude of wires plugged into the moon.  I knew immediately that Mr. Sinister (a villain from X-Men) was attempting to control the entire moon.  I began shooting the wires, hoping to stop him, but I made too much noise, and a bunch of Russian soldiers began running at me.  I looked back and saw that the portal was again open, and I ran and dove into it.

This time it took me to a house belonging to Joel Moyer's father (I'm not sure if I've actually met him before).  He showed me a picture he was drawing for one of Joel's friends whose father had died.  He drew beautiful pictures only by touching the paper.  He spoke to me as he created.  He told me he was disappointed that I had killed so many men to save my own life.  He then revealed that I was the one who had killed the father of the boy for whom the card was being made.

After that revelation, he instructed me to sign the card, which had a picture of a sad boy, yet, at the same time, showed signs of hope (it's hard to describe this brilliant image this man had mad).  I, filled with grief and guilt, signed the card.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was in a brown car from the sixties with Kevin Chupp.  We were waiting in a line of cars, which was blocked off by red ropes (like the kind used for people at the front desk of a busy hotel).  We were waiting to enter a brand new arcade/museum, which was several acres wide and several stories tall.  It looked like it was going to be marvelous.  We waited for a very long time, for it was the grand opening.  We looked around at the lucky people who had managed to park their cars and saw Tyler and Jamie Moore waiting there.  Kevin shouted a greeting at them and asked them how they were doing.  Tyler informed us that they had both taken jobs at the arcade/museum.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dream #429 (January 11, 2012)

This was crazy.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a labyrinth made of washing machines, fluorescent lights, and grayish blue hallways.  There were only occasional signs of life apart from me, for some people wearing black hooded sweatshirts passed me in the hallway as I wandered.

The first room I entered contained several washing machines.  Kevin Chupp was there, along with hundreds of baskets of clothes.  He was taking the dirty clothes, folding them, then placing them into the washing machines.  It was his duty.

I asked him why he was doing what he was doing.  He turned to me and said that I would potentially be stuck for a year inside of an accursed ancient Egyptian tomb.  There was very little chance that I could escape this fate.

I left the room bewildered.  As I wandered further down the hall, I fell through as tile in the floor, down a flight of stairs, and into a red and orange room lit by candles and oil lamps.  There was a young, black-haired female in the room building Lego's.  I happened to fall onto a table (which collapsed under me) that contained many of her creations.  The pieces were scattered all over the floor, but it didn't seem to bother her.

I then realized that I was in the Egyptian tomb.  There were hieroglyphs all about me, though I knew before seeing those, due to Kevin's prophecy.  I rushed over to the young woman and tried to get her attention, but she was so involved with her building that she didn't even recognize my existence.  I cried out for help and, to my surprise, Stephen Merchant appeared from behind a wall and greeted us.  The woman still paid no attention.

Stephen pulled out a crazy-looking cell phone (it had exposed wires, several antennas, and hundreds of buttons) and held it up to the Lego creations.  He informed me that if he scanned every one of the Lego creations, we could escape the room before the curse had any effect.  We had one hour.

I then realized why the woman was so involved in her work.  I also realized that me falling on the Lego sets that were on the table was quite a tragedy, for I had to rebuild those sets.  I dove to the floor and began building frantically.  My hands were shaking, for I was very nervous.  Even so, my great experience with Lego's won in the end, and I was able to rebuild successfully.

When Stephen scanned all of the pictures, the door to the stairs was again opened.  It was then that the young woman finally acknowledged me.  The thanked me for my assistance, and she thanked Stephen.  Then Stephen told us that our troubles weren't over, for there was an army of soldiers with Nerf guns waiting outside, ready to shoot.

I then knew what I had to do.  I shook the hands of Stephen and the woman and walked up the stairs (the stairs looked similar to the stairs in my parents' home) and burst out the door into the backyard (which was my parents' backyard).  I leaped over a rail and spread my arms and legs, and I caught hundreds of Nerf bullets on my body (not a square inch of my skin or of my clothing was showing, for I was literally covered head to toe in bullets).  I had made the ultimate sacrifice.  Because of what I had done, everyone had to reload, and the woman and Stephen were able to rush out.  They were also armed with Nerf guns, but they had rapid fire capabilities, so they took out dozens of soldiers as they made their way to the woods.  I was happy for them.

Following them out of the house were several people with whom I had worked at Prairie Camp, including Jacob Bartlett, who went nuts, screaming and firing all over the place without little to no grace.

Then, for some reason, I realized that this was only a Nerf war, and that I was not really dead, so I got up and walked around the great battle that was taking place, as if I were invisible.  I saw Aaron Cavinder being a poor sport, so I told him he had to quit the game.

Then I saw that some teenagers had snuck into the yard carrying AK-47-shaped airsoft guns.  They saw that I had noticed them, and they began to fire at me.  I ran away, dodging bullets (only getting hit once in the shirt, but not on the body).  I found my way into the woods and hid underneath a great root of a large tree.

I had evaded the teens.  Then I noticed a glowing building in the woods that I had never seen there before, I walked up to it cautiously and, when I saw nobody about it, walked inside.

I was back in the labyrinth in which I had begun the dream.  However, this time I entered the room next to the laundry room in which Kevin was washing folded clothes.  There I found a seminar taking place being led by Norm Dial.  I stood outside and listened.  As I stood there, I was greeted by Joel and Melissa Moyer (former Prairie Camp campers that I've known for several years).  I asked them how they were doing.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dream #428 (January 1, 2012)

I had to post my first dream of the new year.

I was living in a communal society inside of a Target store.  No one in the community was allowed outside, and the store lights were always kept dim.

In this store-dwelling communal society, I had no friends.  I spent my time wandering the aisles, looking at the various products that we weren't allowed to touch.

A little while into the dream, three hipsters ran into me and began asking me about my movie and music taste.  Some of my responses seemed to please them, and they tried to pull me into their little group.  However, they were hipsters, and in the dream, I couldn't stand them.  They always talked about trivial things as if they held great importance, though they thought they were so much wiser than the rest of the store-dwellers.

As I worked hard at avoiding these hipsters, I found my way into a bar inside the Target.  When I found a quiet place to sit down, dozens of televisions inside the bar suddenly turned from playing various athletic events to playing breaking news concerning Thom Yorke of Radiohead.

Apparently, scientists had discovered that Thom was from another planet.  However, he hadn't come to destroy Earth (as I had predicted), but, rather, he came with a power of healing.  Thom (who could turn his skin green at will) had long needles that extended from his fingertips.  He was caught in a children's hospital sticking his needles into the heads of children with brain tumors.  This, as was reported, frightened the nurses at first, but they soon discovered that Thom had cured the kids completely with his needles.

Thom's healing powers amazed me (though I wasn't too surprised that he was an alien), and everyone else in the bar shouting for joy at the discovery.

Then I awoke.