Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dream #237 (June 10, 2010)

This was very thought-provoking.

The dream began in the city during the middle of a sunny afternoon. I was walking up several flights of stairs to reach the apartment room of Daniel Jeter (a friend of mine from Regent University). When I finally got there I, without knocking, cracked the door of his room open. The chain lock prevented me from getting a good view of the inside of the room, but I could see Daniel's feet at the end of a couch. I yelled into the room, asking if he would help me shoot a movie. He didn't wake up, but an African woman (she was from Africa; she spoke no English) came to the door and closed it in my face.

Confused, I opened the door again, this time opening it all the way, for the woman had unlocked the door. When I asked for Daniel, she went to the couch and woke him up. Dan was out of sorts, and it took me a long time to explain to him what I wanted from him. After I finished making my request, I realized how much of a mess his place was. There were food packages, tableware, and clothes strewn all about the room. Several wet towels hung over a fake fireplace, and there were still some Christmas decorations up (it wasn't even Christmas in my dream). Dan didn't really want to help me, so I argued with him for a few minutes until I finally convinced him to assist me in shooting my film.

After that, he and I went to a doctor's office, which was on a high story of a skyscraper. The doctor was my friend Amy Ennis (co-worker at camp), and I was asking her to act in my film. She sat me down at a long white table as she flipped through her paperwork. She told me she was far too busy, so I again had to do much persuading and begging to finally get her to commit to the film.

Right after she decided to help me out, I jumped into the future. I was inside of a very fancy restaurant with Amy (who was wearing a overly glittery dress) and Neil Silveus (a friend of mine from Bethel College who, in my dream, had agreed to act in my film). Neil and I were both wearing black tuxedos, and we were all three sitting at a round table that sat in a three-foot recess in the floor. After the waitress delivered the waters to the three of us, we began talking about God.

This conversation was not a base conversation about God, but a deep and spiritual look at why and how God exists. The conversation became so intense that we all had to get up from the table and walk around the restaurant. As we talked, we passed by many fountains and paintings, for the place was gorgeously decorated.

We discussed what God's motives were for creating mankind. We looked at the size of the universe and wondered if we were as important to God as many say we are. We talked about what is important in life and what is trivial. I brought up my opinions about how much time mankind wastes with various activities, such as athletics, certain scientific research, and more. I even brought up questions about the importance of life.

I eventually awoke, with a sore mind.

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