Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dream #236 (June 9, 2010)

The following dreams all took place on one night and were each very vivid and unique.

The first dream took place in a Utah-like desert. Everything was rocky and red, even the many small houses that were in the area. I walked down the street and found a group of strong monster-human hybrids playing basketball. I joined in the game and did pretty well for being only a full human. Then a bunch of gangster monsters came in a fancy 40s black car and began beating some of the monster-humans with huge baseball bats.

At first I was terrified. How could I stand up to such beings? Then I found some courage that was hidden within me and confronted the gangsters. Their leader, a dark green monster with a black tank-top, laughed at me and pounced in my direction. Somehow I took him to the ground with me, and we tumbled around for a while. I remember thinking that I could potentially defeat the monster, but I never got the chance, for I switched over to a different dream.

I found myself in the kitchen of my parents house. My little brother told me he was going to listen to a book on tape in my bedroom (I believe the book was robin hood), so I said I would listen to mine in the kitchen. He left, and I sat by the kitchen table and listened to the tape that played in the tape player that was built into the oven.

I then completely entered into the story. I was a great man in an epic novel. I had already journeyed through many strange and treacherous lands in the previous chapters, but I was then just starting chapter nine, which had a picture of blood falling from the Roman numerals.

I was traveling with my friend, Peter the Giant, and the love of my life, who was a former princess. In the previous chapters I had learned that she no longer desired the life of royalty and had made herself a member of the lowest class of people. I, in the book as the main character, admired her for that. However, I knew that some thing dreadful was going to happen in chapter nine, and I did not want to keep reading.

But I did, and I walked toward a lake. I found my friend Peter the Giant trying to win over the love of my life by singing to her in his deep, soulful voice. He was quite good, but her heart already belonged to me, so she gently told him that she could not love him in the way that he needed to be loved. He became very sad, so he dragged her into the lake. He was so strong that she was unable to break free.

I ran in after her, as fast as I could. I soon caught up to Peter, who was treading water, crying, and I pushed him aside. I dove down into the lake, searching frantically for my love, but I could not find her. I came back up for a gasp of air and went back down. I probably could have lasted longer, but the thought of losing my love weakened me severely. When I went down to the floor of the lake, I found my love. She was dead. I instantly lost much of the joy in my life, and I became a very hard man at that very moment.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was preparing to follow a large battalion of soldiers, tanks, and cavalry through a long, ceilingless corridor. All of the soldiers would have to put up quite a fight if we were to make it to the end of the corridor.

Well, we all fought very hard. I witnessed the people around me falling to the many bullets and grenades that were flying about. I also saw many tanks taken out by stronger machinery. Even so, a small group of the soldiers on my team made it to the end of the corridor. On the very last stretch, a little white rabbit man threw a grenade at me. I somehow managed to punch it back at him so that it landed right at his feet. Them my dream became a farce. The rabbit said, "Nuts," which was when the grenade should have exploded for comic effect; however, it didn't explode. The rabbit even said that he thought it should have blown up in his face. Well, he decided to throw it back at me. Then I threw it back at him, then he threw it back at me.

Then I awoke.

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