Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dream #233 (June 6, 2010)

I enjoyed this.

I was walking around a mall in the middle of the night (I hate malls and I hate shopping, but this was actually pretty fun for me). I passed by several stupid stores when I stumbled upon an OK Go concert that was being held near the central fountain of the mall.

I desperately wanted to get to know the guys from OK Go (to be honest, in real life I'm not a huge fan of them, but I do like their music and music videos), so I took a brown folding chair and sat right in the middle of all of the performers. Instead of being upset with me, though, they made me a part of their show. They gave me a haircut right onstage as they sang, and they even allowed me to dance with them.

After the show, I talked with the guy with the thick glasses for a few minutes about music (I don't even know any of the names of the band members).

Then I switched over to another dream. I was a substitute teacher for a junior high geometry class. I was taking the place of Mrs. Richie (a teacher at my old high school), but instead of being in her classroom, I was in a small library. There were loads of book shelves; so many that no walls were visible.

Anyway, I began to teach about Sine and Cosine, but the students soon began ignoring me. I had no control over them, and soon enough they were running about the room, throwing pencils, breaking calculators, getting into fights, and ripping pages from their books. I didn't know what to do, so I called the office and told the assistant principal of Oregon-Davis (Rex Miller) to come to the room and straighten things out.

Then I awoke.

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