Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dream #234 (June 7, 2010)

This was fantastic.

I started off the dream rowing down an icy river through an enchanted forest. It was very dark, yet the ice was glowing.

When I reached the end of the river, an angel met with me and told me he was preparing a set of trials for me and three others to go through. The angel, who was flying and carrying a golden sword, told me that there would be two other good characters in the trial and one evil one. Then an evil ladybug devil arrived, flying at and attacking the angel. With him came a supposedly good floating finger. However, I soon figured out that the finger was actually going to turn out to be evil, for he kept rubbing up against the angel. When he did so, he erased parts of him. The angel would almost be completely gone before noticing what was happening (this happened three times), but he would gather himself from the air around him and reform to his full self. Finally, a mouse creature arrived and the angel sent the four of us through the trials.

The trials took place in a video game format, for everything was two-dimensional (I guess it must have been an old school video game), and the angel of the dream never changed from that point on.

Some of the trials involved crossing water with a rickety bridge, passing through fire, and mining our way through a cave. It was always a competition between two groups: the mouse and me, and the finger and the ladybug.

After mining the cave, I awoke.

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