Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dream #486 (December 26, 2012)

Post Christmas Post.

I dreamt that I was dwelling in some large apartment community outside of a city with many of my peers from Regent University.  I had my own little living space with a couch, a small table, a bed, a tiny kitchen, and a computer, all in the same room.  Everything was painted blue.  I was even wearing a blue blazer and blue pants (not jeans).

I left my apartment and walked down the hall to Dan McCullum's room because I was supposed to join him in attending a community Christmas service.  He had several other friends of his hanging out at his place, which looked very similar to mine (except he had more movie posters).  Derrick Collins (who was in his own little world during the entirety of his stay in my dream), Shea Weekley, and some made-up girl that was, in my dream, Shea's grilfriend, were all present.  Shea was currently in the bathroom, and I chose to sit down on the only open seat on the couch, which happened to be on the end next to Shea's girl.

Dan, who was sitting at his desk, began to ask me some questions regarding my latest videography experiences.  I told him that I had just finished writing a feature and that I intended to purchases both a RED One and a 35mm motion film camera (I don't have money for that in real life).  Dan then became quite critical of my decision and asked me why I would purchase such cameras.  He said that he thought shooting on a RED was a sorry method of visual storytelling and that 35mm film had died.  Then he told me that I should get an Alexa, that it was the only way to go with a camera (he definitely does NOT have this opinion in real life - he would argue that there are stories and styles that call for different tools).  I said I would get the Alexa if I had the dimes for it.

Then Dan told me he had some research to do before we left, so he turned his focused onto his computer.  Then, to my discomfort, Shea's gal began to scoot over in my direction.  After I ran out of room on my end of the couch, she scooted right into me.  She looked at me and started flirting with me like a madvillain.  We ended having an interesting conversation about Japanese film after the first few awkward conversation attempts.

Shea finally came out of the bathroom, and by that time I had taken an interest in this rather aggressive gal that my subconscious had invented.  The girl became quite silent after he entered the room, but she slipped me a note that said we could continue the conversation about Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, and the like after the service.

I decided not to go to the service at that point because I wanted to avoid the awkwardness.  I ended up wandering out of the community in the darkness.

I found myself in an old movie set that was, in my dream, designed by Buster Keaton.  There were tons of trap doors, falling walls, spinning rooms, and trick furniture, and I had a great time experiencing this place by myself.

As I was getting ready to leave, I was greeted by Shea's girlfriend (she never gets a name).  She walked up to me and asked me why I didn't go to the Christmas service.  I told her that she was primarily the reason and that I didn't want to screw up the connection, as small as it was, that I had with Shea and company.

She persisted, however, that we become a couple.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was wondering through Oregon-Davis High School (though, in my dream, it was far bigger and located in a city).  I was working for some large event they were hosting, but I had time to kill.  I tried to find my math teacher that I had in school, Mrs. Badertscher, but I couldn't locate her classroom.  I walked to the front office hoping that a staff member would know where to lead me.

I found that the entire office staff was on vacation.  As I was exiting the school, I heard a voice call my name.  I turned and saw none other than Jay-Z (apparently an old friend of mine in my dream).  I walked over to him and he told me that he was filling in for the entire office staff (he is a business, man).  Then he asked me how I was doing, and I told him about the screenplay I was working on.  He wished me luck with that, then told me to check out the city parade that was then taking place.

I thought that sounded fun, so I left him and the school and walked down to Main Street where the parade was, well, parading through.

There were tons of gigantic balloons of various famous cartoon characters that passed by.  Then I noticed a float resembling a trolly pass by, on top of which stood the Oregon-Davis basketball team.  I recognized many of the players as my teammates with whom I had graduated years before.  I ran up to the float and walked on.

There I talked with Coach Hannah and asked him how the former players were again eligible to play.  He said that there was some loophole that they were taking advantage of, and that he wanted me back on the team.  I thought it was ridiculous, but for some reason I accepted his offer and took my seat, with my number (#20), on the float and immediately began waiving at the crowd.

Then I awoke.

Dream #485 (December 25, 2012)

Merry Christmas, brethren.

I dreamt that I was attending a professional basketball game with a few friends and neighbors.  Most of my friends were enjoying the game from some pretty good seats in the stadium.  I, however, had seat very close to the floor, but they were facing away from the basketball court.  My neighbor Donald was next to me, and every once in a while we got up from our seats and walked around the corner of the bleachers to see what was going on.

At half time, Don and I were talking about baking brownies when, with little warning, he sneezed a load of snot right in my face.  My eyes were covered in a thick mucus and, though I tried to stay calm, I could not hold in my disgust.  As I tried to scrape the slime off of my eye, I began to feel as if I were going to throw up.

I made my way out of the gym and to the concession stand.  I grabbed a styrofoam bowl and proceeded to vomit an oatmeal-like substance into it, filling it to the top.  After that episode, my stomach was at ease.

I left the stadium and walked through a tunnel to my hotel, still carrying my puke.  I took an elevator up to the top floor and went into my room.  There I, for reasons unknown, place my bowl in the refrigerator.  I then sat down on a black leather recliner and tried to sleep.

The next thing I knew, I heard the hotel room door slam and I saw my friend Kevin Chupp walk into the kitchen.   I didn't think much of it, until he came out with a styrofoam bowl and a plastic spoon.  I watched him take a bite then remembered what he was eating.


I tried to stop him, but it was too late.  Apparently he enjoyed the spoonful, but I couldn't allow him to eat the rest, so I took the bowl and threw it out the window onto the city street below.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dream #484 (December 22, 2012)

I'm still here.

I dreamt that I was in my old high school.  The last class of the day had just finished and I was walking home (I live probably 5 or so miles from the school) with Brandon Johnston and Adam Pflugshaupt, both former classmates of mine.

We, for some reason, were discussing airplanes as we walked over the largest hill on the school rode.  At the perfect time in the conversation I whipped out a paper airplane, which I had made in class earlier that day, out of the pocket of my blue sweatshirt.  The guys were impressed with its look and design (I had drawn, in pencil, some interesting artwork all over the plane), and they prompted me to give it a toss, which is exactly what I did.

The plane flew much further than I had ever seen a paper airplane fly before, and it landed about 110 yards away from us in a nearby field.  The three of us ran as fast as we could after it to make sure we could find it in the tall weeds.

As I ran into the field, I was stopped short by a strong pain.  I fell to the ground and stared at the sky until it lessened.  About a minute later, Brandon, carrying my plane, and Adam walked up to me and asked me if everything was alright.  I said probably, then looked down at my foot.

A large weed was somehow forced underneath the nail of my big toe on my left foot, and it came clear through out the back side of the nail.  It was bizarre and very painful, for the weed had thorns and briars all up on it.

I, with a strange pleasantness, slowly slid the weed out from under my toenail and jumped to my feet.  The pain was great, and I wasn't able to walk very well, so Adam said he'd call for a ride.  He and Brandon helped me to the side of the road as Adam called somebody on his cell phone.

We only waited for a few moments before some high school gal in an old, beat-up blue car zoomed up to us and slammed on the breaks right before passing us.  She manually rolled down her window and told us to hop in, which we did.

The back seat was filled with all kinds of strange stuff, including toy trolls, rubber ducks, honey combs, and tinker toys.  The girl was talking on and on about something, but I couldn't understand her high school girl accent.

Eventually I awoke.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dream #483 (December 15, 2012)

This was weird.

I dreamt that a major catastrophe had taken place on Earth, and there were only a few surviving communities throughout the world.  The one I was a part of was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church (where my dad is a pastor).

The leader of the community was a man in his upper thirties who wore a red turtle neck sweater and parted his hair at the side.  He had a daughter that was my age with black hair and two sons with black hair.  His wife was missing.

I arrived in the community at the beginning of the dream and was greeted by the leader.  He showed me about the church and told me how things were operated.  He gave me a bunch of seashells that were to be used as food credits, redeemable in the church kitchen.  He then showed me to the basement, where men trained to be physically fit so they could hunt and fight.  He then took me to the library, and we had a discussion about the end of the world and what we could have done to prevent it.  He took a liking to me there.

He then showed me to his daughter and had her take me through the remainder of the tour.  Unfortunately the only stop left was the bathroom.  She pulled out a bag of pills that everyone got and she said that after a dump, two pills were to be place in the toilet before flushing, for they would help disintegrate the poop.

She led me back out to the Fellowship Hall were the citizens of the community would work on crafts together.  On this day, everyone was working on paper snowflakes.  I sat down with the gal and her brothers, and we each made a snowflake.  Then I decided to do something forbidden in the community: I went outside.

It was a gloomy day (which was the forecast for the rest of eternity), and I walked out in the front yard of the church and thought about life.

A few minutes later, the gal with the black hair ran out and joined me, and asked me why I had come outside.  I then told her if I was to be condemned to a life spent only inside, I was condemned to hell.  She began to cry and said she loved me (which is ridiculous, because we'd only discussed poop and snowflakes) and that she wanted me to come back inside with her.  She went on and on, talking about how her father never approved of the men in the community, and the ones he actually liked were not so great in her opinion.  She defended the indoor life as a great community builder, to which I argued that it was built under false pretenses (the argument didn't make a ton of sense on either side, so I won't go into the details).

Eventually, the woman ran back inside and I walked away.

It felt like an hour that I was walking through a woods outside the church (that only exists in this dream world).

Then I awoke and fell back asleep.

I went into a different dream.  I entered the house of my friend Kevin Chupp's parents (though it looked nothing like their house in real life).  Interestingly enough, it was shared with the parent's of my friend Jacob Bartlett.  I had a suitcase with me and, when Jacob's mom Karen answered the door, I asked if I could stay.  She said it was alright with the Bartlett's, but I'd have to ask the Chupp's, so I walked into the living room where Ken and Diane Chupp were sitting.  Diane was knitting and Ken was reading.  I didn't want to interrupt, so I stood before them for a minute or so before speaking.  Finally I asked if I could stay, and Ken and Diane looked at each other, then Ken took off his glasses and said, "Why certainly."

I laid my bag and sweatshirt down right where I was standing and left the living room in search of Jacob and Kevin.  I caught Jacob as he was coming up a very dark stairway carrying a ton of books.

He asked me if I could help him out real quick, and I agreed.  He opened the front door to the cold night air, and there stood his brother Justin holding a backpack, out of which he pulled a notepad.  Jacob handed me a textbook and told me to read off of a homework paper that was inside of it.

As I did so, he copied it down onto Justin's notes.  About halfway through the paper I asked, "Are you helping Justin cheat?"  They both looked at me, and a random stranger standing outside the door also popped in his head and looked at me, then they went back to what they were doing.  Jacob asked, "What's the next thing?"

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dream #482 (December 12, 2012)


Last night I dreamt that I was at some crazy party in a random house.  There were a ton of flashing LED colored lights, and they were blinding at times.  The strobing only allowed me to see a bit of what was happening.  There were a lot of young adults dancing within close proximity to each other, there were a lot of drinks spilling about, and there were a lot of cats running about the house.

I walked up to a large group of dancing people and suddenly they all began to scream (though the Daft Punk music was so loud I couldn't hear anybody scream - I could only see it in their faces.  They ran in all directions, knocking each other over in the process.  I soon saw the source of their fear; there were two men in black masks and black sweats carrying guns and waiving them about.  They proceeded to take all valuables in site.

Then I actually heard a man yell behind me.  I looked and I saw Danny DeVito with an insane look in his eyes, carrying a baseball bat.  He ran into the room and smashed one of the intruders in the back.  The other one jumped out the window, escaping before Danny could get to him.

Danny then exited the room and ran to the front door shouting, "Follow me, kid!"

I obeyed him and we entered a beat-up old purple car.  He went to the driver's seat and I sat in the back.  He screamed and swore the entire way down the long driveway into the busy city street at night.

He laid on the horn every time somebody was going to slow for him.  He was a maniac.

Danny looked back at me and started screaming nonsense.  I decided that he was a bit too crazy to be with so I jumped out of the car and began running down the street, lit only by amber streetlights.

Speaking of amber, as I ran, I passed by Amber Kreider, who asked me how my acting experience was going.  Apparently I was acting in a high school drama show as a Sophomore.  I slowed down and talked to her for a moment.  I thought about it a bit and told her it was weird that I was playing somebody so young and that I wish I could act in something more interesting, though a high school show could be interested if done well.

I began to run again, leaving her behind.  Then, to my surprise, I was surpassed by Melissa Moyer, who was in a full sprint.  As she passed me, I asked her if her brother Joel was around, and she said to follow her and I would find him.

So I ran behind her for a while.  Eventually she pointed at a stairwell that went underneath the street.  She waived goodbye and sprinted off.

I went down the dark stairs and entered a very small cellar, with only a four-foot ceiling.  I sat down there and turned a light on.  I waited for a while, then I saw a wood panel removed from the wall in front of me, and Stan and Anna Marks enter the cellar, followed by Joel Moyer.  Stan asked me how I was doing and if I wanted any dinner.  I said I certainly would.

Then I awoke.

Dream #481 (December 8, 2012)

This is several days late and will be brief.

I dreamt that I was in a great baby blue house that was in the middle of an endless and open field.  There were giant barbed wire fences all about the outside of the house so that the inhabitants could not escape.  It was a sort of communal society, and every person had a specific role chosen for them upon entrance into the community.

I was a butler and always wore a tuxedo.

I served people all throughout the house carrying a silver platter containing drinks in my right hand at all times.  Each room I visited was painted a different color (green, red, pink, blue, and purple), and each room was filled with strangers wearing sweaters, some my age, some middle aged, and some old.

When I arrived in the purple room, I was greeted by a young African American woman and she told me that it was my time to go, that I was meant to do greater things than butler-ing.  I told her she was crazy to think I could escape, but she told me she would train me.  I desperately wanted to get out of my life, so I agreed to the training.

I proceeded to enter into long and tiring workout sessions.  I jumped rope, did balance beam routines, crawled through tight mazes hidden in the walls of the house, and did a lot of stretching.

After all of that, she told me that I was ready.  However, I didn't want to leave my friend Kevin Chupp behind, so before my escape, I snuck into a room where he was baby sitting a bunch of kids and told him about my plan to leave.  He had a baby on his knee, and had to take care of them, so I told him to meet me on the west balcony in a few minutes.

I went out to the balcony and saw the beautiful sunset.  I proceeded to shimmy up a water drain and, using the gutter, I managed to cross over one of the layers of barbed wire fence.  I dropped onto a jutting out window cill and, using a rope that happened to be strapped around my shoulder, I dropped down, past another barbed wire fence, onto the ground.  I was free.  I looked up and saw Kevin.  Unfortunately he was still holding a baby, and I asked him why he had brought that thing to our escape.  He said it was cute and he didn't want to leave it alone.

I thought it would add difficulty to our journey, but I accepted it.  I told him to jump down to me, and that I would catch him (this was a good 25 foot fall).  He didn't hesitate long before he leapt to me.

He tripped a bit on the barbed wire fence, causing him to fall short of my arms, and he landed on his back, and the baby smashed into his head.  Somehow this caused the baby to actually become Kevin's head.

Kevin, having a whole baby as a head, then stood up and smiled at me.  This was very weird and I didn't know what I would do with baby-headed Kevin, but told him to follow me and we walked toward the sunset.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dream #480 (December 5, 2012)

Advent Dream #5

This is very much a summary.  I was inside of a school auditorium.  There was some sort of strange event/play/art piece happening, but there wasn't really an audience because everyone present was a participant.

Most people started out in seats, but one group of four people dressed as trees and one redhead started out on stage.  The redhead, who looked like the Wendy gal, carried a basket and tiptoed around the trees.  This when on for a while, and the trees would always move a bit when she wasn't facing them.

Then, Tim Johnson (a fella I know), ran up to center stage and began dancing.  Soon enough, more than half of the audience joined him, matching every move he made.

I was sitting next to Kevin and we looked at each other, each of us wondering if we should take part.  Kevin ran out of the theater and I ran on stage.  I removed my outer garments, revealing a flashy glow-in-the-dark jumpsuit.  I began pulling off moves that were out of this world, and people were astonished at my dancing power.

I got a bit carried away and began jumping off of people, which got on their nerves, and the dancing quickly broke up, but Kevin entered just at the right time.  He was carrying a card table full of cookies over his head.  He walked to center stage and threw it down and pointed at it.  Then a bunch of guys in tank tops grabbed chairs and began to arm wrestle at the table, shoving their elbows in delicious-looking chocolate chip cookies that I wanted to eat but couldn't.

Then Kevin told me to sit down and invited me to arm wrestle.  Instead we both ate cookies and watched the others.  It was intense.

Eventually I awoke.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dream #479 (December 4, 2012)

Advent Dream #4

I dreamt that I returned to collage.

On the first day of class, I was running quite late.  I ran into the college, which was all inside of a single building, and tried to find my locker (yes, every student had a locker).  I sprinted up an escalator to the second floor, then ran about the rounded halls (the building was a giant circular prism), until I finally found my locker.

I dug around in my pocket until I pulled out a small slip of yellow notebook paper with my combination on it.  I utilized it and opened up my locker, causing dozens of oversized books to fall upon me.

When I unburied myself, I shoved all the books except the one I needed (my Biology text) back into the locker and slammed it shut, giving into historically unwise habits.

With the text, my notebook, and a pen and pencil in my hands, I flew back over to the stairs and ran up to the fifth floor.

As I ran, papers flew from my arms.  The center of the building was hallow, and I could have seen the pages fall all the way to the first floor (had I stopped to observe them).

Finally, I arrived at my classroom.  I ran right into the door, expecting it to give as I turned the handle, but it was locked, so I and all of my burden fell to the ground.  I gathered my belongings and stood by the door, knocking, until finally the professor turned and noticed that I was there.  She came to the door and let me in, giving me a terrible glance as I made my way to my desk.

She returned to teaching biology, and discussed the origins of jellyfish for a brief while until class was dismissed.

When it was over, I left the room and made my way to my next class.

The room was very dark, and had a red tint to it (which contrasted the blue and silver theme that was so prevalent in the rest of the building).  The students sat quietly as I made my way to my seat, which was next to Adam Konkey (a former high school classmate of mine).  Just a breath after greeting him, a masked bandit ran into the room, stole a gold statue from the teacher's desk, and shot Adam Konkey in the head.

All the other students screamed and ran out of the room, followed by the bandit.

I stayed by Adam's side, not knowing what to do.  I ran over to a nearby phone and called the nurse's office and told them what had happened.  I waited there with Adam until a nurse came with a stretcher. I helped her get Adam onto it, then watched them leave the room.

I stayed in there for a long while, contemplating what had just happened.

I then felt a strange and sudden hope that maybe he hadn't been killed.

I ran down to the first floor and entered the nurse's station, where they were talking to his mother, telling her that he had been killed.  I wasn't convinced, so I walked over and saw Adam blink his eyes, shake his head, and sit up.  The nurse turned and screamed, and I smiled wide.

Then I entered a different world.

I was in a stone sewer with green mold growing all about.  There were little demons flying all about shooting lightning out of their hands.  They had scales on their chests, but the rest of their external bodies were covered with a pale green clammy skin.  Their wings were bony and comprised of the same gross skin, and they had horribly large eyes.  They had long tales that were slightly hairy, kind of like an young teenage male's arm.

I tried to hide from these creatures, but there was absolutely no cover.  I turned around and saw that the passage behind me, contrary to the one on front of me, was pitch black.  I decided to run in that direction, hoping that the demons, with their great and terrible eyes, would not be able to see me.

Then I awoke.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dream #478 (December 3, 2012)

Advent Dream #3

I was at some fancy party.  Everybody, including me, was wearing a tuxedo or a black dress (depending on gender).  There were dozens of waiters with white gloves carrying around trays of drinks with olives in them.  The lighting was warm, yet very dim.

I had a tough time trying to explore the house in which the party was taking place, for people were packed shoulder to shoulder, though nobody (except me) seemed to mind.  Men were grinning, raising their eyebrows; women were laughing, leaning back without shame.

Across the room I was stuck in, I saw a great window with a beautiful view of the garden at night.  There were mason jar lanterns lighting the shrubs and the flowers, and I desired to find a way through the crowds to get a better look.

I got down on my hands and knees and, without bothering a single man or woman, I wormed my way through legs, under chairs, over decorative rugs, and around couches until I arrived at the window.

I stood up and brushed myself off and placed my hand upon the glass.  To my surprise, the glass panel I had rested my weight upon spun on a horizontal axis, revealing a somewhat secret passage into the garden.  I crawled through the window.

Once in the garden, I strolled about at a slow pace and examined the flowers.  Due to the dimness of the lighting, the colors were quite desaturated, but I didn't mind.

Soon enough I stumbled upon a golf cart with a powerful-looking engine in the back.

I sat down in the drivers seat and started it up by turning the key that was already in position.  When the engine roared, my brother (Mike Baughman), my cousin (Mandy McSherry), and a complete stranger (a male) ran up to the cart and hopped on.  Mandy sat in the front seat, and the guys sat in the back.  I slammed my foot on the gas pedal and we took off at a frightening speed.

I zoomed out of the garden and into Prairie Camp, where a ton of young kids were walking about in lines carrying candles and glow sticks and singing cheerful songs.  I swerved to avoid them as I made my way about the camp.

When I neared the basketball courts, I was trapped by two lines of kids on either side of me and a large cement parking block that I was rapidly approaching.

For some reason, instead of slamming on the breaks, I pushed the gas even harder, thinking that I would just ramp over the block with little damage done.  I was quite wrong.

The cart shot high into the air, flipping three times.  We landed in the grass next to the concrete courts, and the cart rolled at least 30 feet away from us.  I got up quickly to see if my comrades were alright.

They weren't.  Mandy had broken an arm and a leg, the guy was unconscious, and Mike, though unharmed, was terribly angry with me (and understandably so).  Instead of tending to the wounds, I ran away, into the nearby gymnasium.

There a group of about 50 kids were running around the gym, screaming with the joy of life.  Carrie Badertscher (the former Prairie Camp director) approached me and asked me if I could get all of the kids to settle down and clean up the gym.  I immediately thought of a motivator.

I ran into the kitchen in the gym (which hasn't been used as a kitchen for years) and grabbed an enormous and intricate popsicle.  It had three sticks, was covered in sprinkles, chocolate, and caramel, and had ice cream inside.  I instructed the kids to circle around me and I told them that they would all receive such a popsicle if they were to excitedly and joyfully clean up the entire gym.  There was one young boy who kept jumping up and down in front of me, shouting about how much he loved gym-cleaning and that he deserved a popsicle.

Then I awoke.