Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dream #422 (October 29, 2011)

This was a bit devastating to me at the time.

I dreamt that I was chosen to preview the 'Gollum scene' from the upcoming Hobbit film, which is currently being directed by Peter Jackson, though in the dream, Guillermo del Toro (who was initially going to direct it).  I was very excited, for "The Hobbit" is one of my favorite books, and I have been looking forward to the film for quite some time.  However, I was a bit disappointed.

First of all, Bilbo was a tall, thin, good-looking guy, and the actor playing made him look like a character from a cheap action movie.  Gollum, on the other hand, was crazy-looking.  He had sharp fangs, pink skin, crazy red eyes, and disgustingly long fingers with even longer nails, as if he were a creature from a cheap horror movie.

The intellectual interaction was not incorporated into the movie; instead, del Toro invested his efforts into making the scene as intensely scary as possible.  Bilbo found the ring, and Gollum saw him pick it up.  There was no exchange of riddles.  Gollum then tried to destroy Bilbo, but he couldn't see him.

As Gollum wandered through the cave, Bilbo followed him.  Then (this is terrible) Gollum found a hobbit family on his way out of the cave, and he devoured them, spilling the family's blood all over Bilbo.  The blood could be visible, so Gollum then was able to see him.  As Gollum lunged for him, Bilbo moved, which sent Gollum flying down a cliff.

Then Bilbo was almost out, but for some reason he took the ring off before exiting.  A bunch of 'goblins' saw him (they looked like hillbillies with beer bellies that were painted brown) and chased him outside.  Then the 'dwarves' (who were neither short nor bearded) came and told Bilbo to stay in the light, for it weakened the goblins.  The dwarves were all wearing jeans and carrying pistols instead of axes and swords.  The goblins had machine guns, and a shootout ensued.  There were cars and trucks driving about (Gandalf had a big Chevy truck), and I walked out of the theater.

Matt (my brother who also loves the Hobbit) came to see me afterwards because he was curious about whether or not I liked the screening of the film.  I actually cried when I was telling him about it (it made me that sad).

Then Matt took me to a house, which was a few hundred feet from a great sports complex, where a retreat was being held.  I was supposed to spend the night at the house, so I took a sleeping bag and a backpack full of clothes up to my room in the loft of the building.  My bed was only about two feet wide and there was only about two feet between the mattress and the ceiling.

I saw, on my bed, an invitation to join a basketball tournament there, so I called Nathan Ferch (who was the captain of the state-champion basketball team at Oregon-Davis, a team for which I sat the bench) (it is also his birthday today, by the way).  I asked him if I could join his team, even if I had to sit the bench, for I didn't know anybody else at the conference.  Nathan said I could, though his team was already nearly full, for most of the other players from the old team were on his team already.

I hung up the phone (I had my old track phone in the dream, by the way), and changed into my basketball jersey.

Then I awoke.

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