Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dream #417 (October 20, 2011)

New look, same great taste.

Last night I dreamt a dream.  I first was on the top of some great bridge/slide.  It was built over a great body of water, and many people were lined up to go down the slide.

I was looking over the edge at the water far below me for quite some time, until it was my turn to go down the slide.  I looked behind me and saw that a gorilla was to go down the slide right after me.  I didn't think much of it at the time, turned back to the slide, and went down.

To my surprise, only the very first section of the slide was a slide.  The rest of it was made up of stairs and large gaps that I couldn't possibly leap across.  I made it over a few gaps in the 'slide' but I soon fell down off of the bridge toward the water far below me.

Luckily I managed to grasp onto a rope that was dangling from the bridge.  I held onto it as I swung back and forth, until the gorilla that was behind me also fell and grabbed hold of another rope.  I watched as he shifted his weight until he was swinging enough to leap to the next rope, then to the next, all the way back up to the top.  I learned from him, and did the same.

When I reached the top, I decided to take the real stairs down to safety.

At the bottom of the bridge/slide, I realized that I was a detective on a case.

I was standing outside of a restaurant, watching fancily dressed people enjoy themselves.  I was taking notes in a notepad all the while.

Soon enough, a few people came out of the restaurant pushing a cake on wheels that resembled a life-size baker.  It was cool looking, and I wanted to get closer, but something inside me kept me from doing so.  That something was wise, for moments later, the cake exploded, and those three people were killed almost instantly.

Immediately I ran out of that scene into another.  I was in a nearly empty town in the middle of the night.  I looked into a store window and noticed some activity going on inside.  Two men, wearing all black, were inside the store, which was a jewelry store, robbing the place.  As I ran across the street to bust them, the glass of all the windows on the entire street shattered, rendering me confused for a few moments.



(I wanted to sound more like a detective).  I looked about me and saw the men running into a large brick building and, about a minute later (as I was making my way over there), that building exploded.

Then I predicted their next move, and ducked into a large warehouse.  There a janitor was mopping the floor, and near him I saw a great heater that looked like a potential explosion hazard.  Thinking quickly, I grabbed a fire extinguisher, and not a moment too soon, for as I ran toward it, a flame burst that most likely would have caused an explosion in a matter of seconds had I not put it out quickly.  The janitor thanked me, and I left the warehouse to search for the bombers.

Then I awoke.

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