Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dream #416 (October 5, 2011)

This was interesting.

I first dreamt that I was walking through a large conference center with Adam Pflugshaupt (a friend from high school).  There were hundreds of booths set up there, representing many diverse things, such as colleges, charities, candy, and more.  Most of the people there were in their twenties, which was interesting.  I walked by a few people that I knew from high school and college, but I didn't talk with them.

Adam and I went into the big conference room within the center and packed up large, dark blue curtains into big grey cases, then carried them out into the hallway from which we had come.  As we were walking out some side doors (they were all glass), we passed my friend Jon Ayee (from Regent University), who was talking intimately with a blonde girl about speed dating.  I assumed that it was his ladyfriend Kassi, but when I said hello to her, I realized that it was a complete stranger.  I was taken aback, and wondered if Jon was cheating on Kassi, or if they had broken up.  I didn't stick around to ask questions.

Adam and I went outside and began walking down the street, lit only by yellow street lamps.  I mentioned that it felt pretty warm for nighttime that time of year.

Soon I began getting hit in the face with something.  I looked back at Adam, who was about thirty yards behind me shouting, "It's snowing!"  I then realized that the ground was covered with about four inches of snow, which I failed to notice when I first walked outside.

I was excited, for I love snow.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was living alone in a one-room apartment in a city that reminded me of Gotham from Batman.  It was late at night, and I was watching a news channel on my small, very old television whilst eating some macaroni and cheese with hot sauce.

My apartment was very messy, with dishes lying about here and there.  There were all kinds of comic books and novels and biographies strewn about as well.

After I finished my meal, I decided to go to the library (which was open all night apparently).

I drove an old brown car through empty streets until I arrived there.

I walked past several rows of books and into the theater inside the library.  There I found some musical performers who were a part of some competition.  The singers were singing some gospel music, and it was pretty terrible.  After it was over, the judges told them some of their thoughts (candy coated negative comments), and another group performed.  They were equally terrible, and when they had finished, the judges present a special guest judges: Neil Silveus (a friend of mine).

Neil walked over to the stage and sat at the foot of it, crossing his legs.  He then went on to explain why the music was terrible.  When the singers began to complain about his comments, one asked Neil if the group would be better with him in it (the singers were all women; in fact, every group waiting to perform were all women, and the other judges were women).  Neil replied, "Yes," which started an uproar among the ladies, but Neil stuck to his answer with confidence.

After he was finished, he came and sat by me as we watched the rest of the groups perform.  They were all terrible and difficult to watch, and I badly wanted to leave and go home, but I didn't want to be rude.  After a long time, the first group got up and performed again, which made me very sad, but Neil told me to leave and that nobody would be offended, so I left.

I walked out of the library and into a nearby building.  There a contest was being held.  There were several teams, and my mother, who was the emcee, was asking trivia questions, and the groups would have to submit answers.  All of the correct answers would add up to points, which would then be used for another, more physical game.  The points would transfer over to added time to complete an obstacle course of sorts.

I teamed up with my brother Mike for the trivia questions, which were focused on airlines and pilots (a subject that I don't know much about).  We managed to do alright, but there were several people who had done better.

Then my mother lined everyone up at the obstacle course, and we all took turns trying to complete it.  It was taking a long time (because there was no explanation as to how to go about completing the course), so my mother decided to let everybody go all at once, disregarding the whole point/time system she had developed for the trivia game.

I watched a tall guy with a huge afro complete the course very quickly.  He looked like an Olympic sprinter, and I knew with all of my speed I probably couldn't beat him.  But it didn't matter, for when I ran up to the first obstacle, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do; it was a tub full of kiwis.  I decided that maybe eating five would count as getting past the obstacle, so I did so.  Then I found a bowl full of bubble blowers and bubble mix.  I blew some bubbles and continues (still having no idea if what I was doing was correct).  Then I found some spaghetti and carried it with my mouth over to an empty bowl.  Then I found a pool of water and gave up trying to interpret all of the obstacles and jumped in it, then rolled around the ground, kicking my legs, and destroying the whole obstacle course.

Then games were over, but somehow my brother and I had each won prizes (probably because our mom ran the games).  Mike and I looked into one bin of prizes, which was quite sparse.  There was a Minnie Mouse, a tiny penguin, and some other weird looking white dogs that had no joints and were made of porcelain.  Mike began to cry because he wanted a cool toy and there weren't any left.  Then I found another bin of prizes, which had much cooler toys than the first.  I showed it to him, and he cheered up.  In the bin were several different Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures, which is what I thought I was going to get, but I accidentally picked up a large transformer.  I was about to put it back, but I noticed that there was a Wolverine (from X-Men) action figure that was a part of the set, and I was very excited at my find, so I kept it.  Mike grabbed a sweet Leonardo action figure (TMNT).  We were both pleased with our prizes and we walked outside and sat at the bus stop (even though I had driven to the library initially).  We began playing with our toys.

Then I awoke.

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