Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dream #420 (October 27, 2011)

Twas crazy.

The dream began inside an old blue car.  I was driving it through an empty city, and I was alone.  It was still dark outside, for it was very early morning.

I eventually arrived at my destination: David and Carrie Badertscher's house.  I walked inside and found that Jeff and Amber were also there with their little daughter Lucy (David, Carrie, Jeff, and Amber I all got to know during my years at Prairie Camp).  Lucy was playing with Stella (Dave and Carrie's young daughter).  They had little blocks and trucks spread all over the floor.  I wanted to join them, but it was time for all of us to leave.

Shortly after I arrived, everyone greeted me, then grabbed his/her luggage (I too had my luggage) and walked out the door.  We rode in a van (driven by David) to an unreal airport.  There were moving walkways that spiraled up and up, hundreds of feet into the air, and they ran straight into several different planes, which seemed to be parked randomly throughout the entire place.  There was very little security there.

We hopped onto one moving walkway and made our long, twisted way up to our grayish blue plane.  We got in, sat down, and the plane took off as if it were waiting for only us.  The flight didn't take long, and I enjoyed some peanuts and pretzels on the way.  I read and wrote most of the way without saying a word.

When we arrived, at our destination, we rented a little car (we all fit, for at some point, Lucy, Stella, Jeff, and Amber all disappeared from my dream.  I believe they rented a different car, but I'm not sure).  After filling it up with gas, we drove to the conference center (where a youth workers convention was being held).  We were lucky and got rooms in the conference center hotel.  Most others had to stay a block down from the center at an old, eerie hotel.

We attended one big conference that evening (it was all a blur, for I don't believe it played in my head in real time), after which we attended a large dinner in a fancy dining hall.  There were tons of people in line, and I talked with David while waiting.  He told me about spaghetti's curing qualities (that's what was on the menu for dinner).  Apparently spaghetti had certain chemicals that could combat brain disfunction (which would come in handy later).

It was our turn to eat, finally, and I discovered that the food was being served by Jeff Sweeney (former little league coach of mine and father of a former classmate of mine).  I talked to him for a little while about how he was doing, then David and I got our food, ate it, then went to sleep in our respective rooms.

The next morning I awoke to an empty hotel.  Everyone had fled for some reason.  I went to David's room and found that he and Carrie were gone as well.

I rode down the elevator to the lobby and discovered why everyone had fled.  The hotel was filled with zombies.  As I looked at the people, I recognized most of them as ones who I saw go down the block to the other hotel.  I made the assumption that something went wrong over there, and and everyone who had come to the conference from that place had become zombies on the way.

Their mouths were covered in vomit, and their skin was clammy and pale green.  They looked at me, and they looked hungry (several of them were trying to break into the dining hall, which was being boarded up by Jeff Sweeney.  I ran over to him and he quickly let me in, slamming the door behind me.  I told him what David had told me the day before about spaghetti and its healing qualities.  Then we got the idea to feed it to the zombies, so we cooked up several huge pots of it (pots that I could sit in and not be seen) and threw it out to the zombies.

Sure enough, the zombies fought over the food and devoured it all.  After a few minutes they all started to turn back to natural colors.  We had healed them!  I sat down in the corner of the dining hall and put my head in my hands.

Then I shot back in time.  I was again in David and Carrie's house, getting ready to make the trip.  However, David, Carrie, Jeff, Amber, Lucy, and Stella were not present.  In their stead were Frank Harris (a friend of mine from school who passed away about a year ago), Ryan Jackson, BJ Woods, and Jeremy Robinson.  They were all eating dinner when and looking at blueprints when I arrived.  They looked up at me and suddenly the room changed and we were in the hotel.  Frank and BJ were getting ready to leave for the other, eerie hotel, but I told them not to go, for people who stayed there turned to zombies.  They said they would be careful, then they left.  I soon went to bed.

When I awoke, I found that Frank had slept in my room after all.  He awoke right after I did, and he showed me writing that he had on his arm.  I couldn't quite make it out, and before I could get a closer look, he ran downstairs.

I followed him all the way to the lobby and outside the hotel, where he pointed up at the roof of the eerie hotel where BJ and Ryan were standing, zombified (I'm not sure how I could see that far; it's like I had a telephoto lens).  Then he showed me the writing on his arm, which said SHAWN NILES.  In the dream, Shawn had died last year instead of Frank.  Then Frank said his ghost was among us and began to cry.  I looked back to the eerie hotel and thought to myself, "It must be their continental breakfast that is turning people into zombies."

I went to the kitchen to prepare some spaghetti.

Then I awoke.

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