Friday, October 28, 2011

Dream #421 (October 28, 2011)

Yet another odd dream.

In the pre-beginning of my dream, I was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church.  It was Christmas Eve, and I was wearing a red sweater.  I sat in a pew by Kyle Heffelfinger, and Norm (the youth pastor) and my dad approached me and asked if the lights they had purchased for the church were of good quality.

Then, in the true beginning of the dream I was with my parents and my brother Mike at my parents' house.  We had just finished packing a picnic basket with food and we all got into the Buick Lesabre and my dad drove us away.

The drive only lasted a few minutes, for we were soon in a green park.  We parked the car and took our picnic basket to a pavilion not far from the lot.  We were the only ones in the pavilion, though there were several other cars.

After I finished eating some chips, I noticed where everyone was, and I went to where they were.  I arrived at a set of wooden stairs that led up to a lion on display, kept separate from the public only by a wooden fence (not a thick one, at that).  My dad followed me up, and we asked the lion tamer if this was safe.  He assured me that it was.

Then the lion began to talk.  He was telling the audience of a story about when he was just a cub.  He told us of his favorite toy, and how he would play with it for long hours.  Then he demonstrated how he bit it, and put his mouth around a man's leg (this man was sitting in a wheel-chair, for the leg the lion put his mouth around was in a cast).  I was shocked, but then I realized that the lion had not sunk his teeth into the man.

After that, the lion went on and on about that toy, and it was actually quite boring (even though he was a lion talking).  I looked up and saw that there were some fun-looking dunes off in the distance, which looked much more amusing.  I went back down to the car to get my coat.

After I got it, I seemed to forget what I was doing, for I walked over to a nearby building and entered it.  There I found a great feast going on.  My dad also followed me in there, and we saw the lights that my dad and Norm had talked about in the beginning of the dream.  My dad went over to one of the masters of the banquet and talked to him about those.  I, in the meantime, was still hungry, for I had only eaten potato chips.  I walked over to a table and began eating a leftover piece of cherry pie, thinking nothing of it.  I saw Neil Silveus across the room, so I picked up the rest of the pie and began carrying it with me.

When one of the young ladies cleaning up saw me with the pie, she freaked out and began to call for security.  Next thing I knew, I was being hauled out into a cop car.

Then I flashed forward in my dream.  I was in prison.  However, the place in which I was imprisoned more closely resembled a hospital room than a jail cell.  My cell mate and I both had white beds that we were chained to, and we had a window that looked out onto the city from high above ground.  The man "keeping watch" over us was none other than Kid Cudi (he was sleeping in a chair behind my bed).

A few moments after I flashed forward, the guards dragged in another man into the cell and threw him at the foot of my bed.  They left a lock and key beside him for some reason, which I grabbed quickly.  Then, playing a trick on the guy that was just left with me, I put the chain tightly around his leg and locked it.  He told me to undo it, so I started to, then I acted as if the key wasn't working.  The poor fellow was claustrophobic, and he began to freak out, which made me laugh quite hard.

Suddenly, Kid Cudi woke up and began yelling at me.  He then told me that I would no longer be released that day, but I would instead have to serve grocery store time (whatever that meant).  I turned to Kid Cudi and began yelling back at him.  I informed him that I was in prison for eating pie.  Then I quoted some of his own lyrics to him and said he deserved to be in my place more than I.  That made him quite angry, and he tightened my shackles.

To avoid thinking about my current situation, I looked up at the television and saw that a Marvel movie trailer was playing.  It was supposed to be a live action film, but because they hadn't shot anything yet, they showed a bunch of clips from old cartoons, which excited me.  The final shot of the trailer was one of King Pin strapped to a bed in a jail cell that resembled the one I was currently in.

Then I jumped forward in time again to the grocery time I was serving.

I was strapped to a chair next to five other men in the middle of a grocery store.  We all watched as people were shopping.  We were there for hours and hours.  I was getting very bored, but to make my watchman angry, I acted as if I was having a great time.  It turned out that my watchman was Seth Bartlette (my boss at RemedyLIVE), and he indeed was getting annoyed at my apparent joy.  I was singing songs, whistling, and having a gay old time.

He came up to me and began scolding me, but then another watchman came and undid all of the chains of the prisoners, including me, which didn't make sense to either of us.  After thinking about it for a while, I determined that it was a sort of test, so I stayed in my chair and continued to serve my time.

I must have been right, for about a half hour the warden came up to me and congratulated me, for my good behavior had set me free.

I immediately left the store and saw that Travis Cox (a fellow I know from Prairie Camp) had just finished directing a major orchestra concert on the shore of a great beach that was right outside the grocery store.  I wanted badly to play baritone for that show (apparently I was supposed to have done so in my dream).  Travis said he was disappointed that my behavior prevented me from playing the show.  He then told me to hand over my mouthpiece, which was in my pocket.

Then I awoke.

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