Friday, September 23, 2011

Dream #415 (September 23, 2011)

Am I getting back into my dream grove?  It may be too early to tell.

In the first part of my dream, I was working with Conner Bland (he works with me at Remedylive and is the host of a show called The Pulse Party).  Just like at Remedy, I was shooting him doing his 'stand-up' (basically him talking about random stuff for a minute and a half).  We were at a school, which was several stories high, and we were on the seventh story.  I was using Remedy's JVC camera, and I didn't have anything but the rooms fluorescent lights to work with, so the lighting didn't look too great, but the segments turned out alright.

For the third segment, Conner thought it would be funny if he stood outside the window, so he crawled out on the ledge, shut the window behind him, and began talking.  A few seconds into his 'stand up,' the wind picked up, and rain began to pour down with great force, nearly knocking Conner off the ledge.  I kept taping, because I thought it would look interesting, instead of helping out my friend.

Finally he was able to open the window and come safely back inside, but he was very angry with me when I asked him if he was alright.  He decided to quit his job right then and there, and he took the elevator down.

I had to stay the night in that room, so I began preparing for a long evening/night alone.

I walked over to an old wooden piano and decided to play it.  I pulled the bench from on top of it and opened up the lid.  Instead of revealing the typical keys, I revealed a small synthesizer.  It was weird.  I love synthesizers, but I was a bit upset when I saw that instead of the piano keys I was hoping for.

I walked over to an organ that was across the room (I don't know why this classroom had a piano and an organ in it, everything else looked like a typical elementary school room), and I discovered the same thing under its lid: a synthesizer.

I decided just to play that, but it didn't work.

I was frustrated, so I pulled out my sleeping bag and tried to go to bed, even though it was only about seven o'clock.  Just as I was closing my eyes, I heard a bunch of students come into the room.  I opened my eyes and saw nobody.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was riding in a bus full of Jr. High students through Goshen, IN cornfields.  The driver (a large man in a US Postal Service outfit) asked the students where they wanted to eat lunch.  I heard many shout, "Burger King!" or "McDonald's!"  I was sitting near the front of the bus, and I said, "Martin's Supermarket!"  The driver heard me the clearest and said, "Martin's it is."  I believe most of the other kids were disappointed.

We arrived at Martin's and the driver opened the door.  I was the only one who got out.  Then the drive left and drove the kids to the Taco Bell across the street.

I didn't mind eating alone, because Martin's food sounded good to me.  When I was about to enter the store, a crazy man named Dan (that I knew only in the dream) came to me carrying a broom (he was also wearing a Martin's uniform).  He started saying crazy things to me, and I told him I had to leave.  I then walked into the parking lot, not knowing where I was going.

Then I entered yet another dream.

I was in a park late at night with Amy Ennis, Rachel Phipps, Carrie Badertscher, Mike and Matt Baughman (my brothers), and Amber Kreider.  We were there to celebrate Rachel's birthday.  Amy had thrown the party, and we were the only ones who showed up (I'm not sure why Matt was there, but I was glad for it).  We were sitting around a small card table that was lit only by an oil lamp.  We were playing a game of poker, and Amy was dominating.

I soon became bored, so Matt, Mike, and I began to play Small World (a nifty board game).

After a while, I decided to walked down by the pond that was near our table and observe the street lights and stars reflecting from it.

Then I heard everyone else leave and go into the house (a small house in the middle of a Chicago-like city), so I followed.

Inside there were two sand volleyball courts, and we began to play.  Carrie and Amber didn't join us, for they said they wanted to work on cutting the cake.  Amy, though she was pregnant, was the most into the game.  She started out serving, and she delivered such powerful hits that nobody could return them.

After several aces, the back door to the apartment opened.  I turned and looked and saw a whole bunch of elderly people walk in carrying loads of presents wrapped in red and neon green.

Rachel ran to meet them and began opening her gifts immediately.  The first four gifts were giant hymnals (about three feet by to feet or so, and at least a foot thick).  Then she opened up a regular-sized book, then a couple different large picture frames, and more.  I took one of the hymnals and pulled out a large kitchen knife that I happened to be carrying and began cutting out large sections of hymns.  At the time I thought I was doing something logical.

When Rachel and Matt saw me doing this, they both became angry with me (I can sort of understand Rachel being upset, but I'm not sure why Matt cared).

I apologized then walked over to Mike and asked him why Mike Phipps (Rachel's husband) wasn't there.  He told me that Amy forgot to invite him, and that he was in Goshen with a group of high school students (I believe the same ones from the previous dream).

Then I awoke.

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