Saturday, September 26, 2015

Dream #542 (September 26, 2015) Rich Calvin, Bro Mike adventure

So bizarre.

I dreamt that I was visiting Calvin Whetstone.  In the dream he lived with his parents in a huge and fancy house on a vast property of painting-like grassy pastures and woods.  There were white fences running all around and within the property, and their arrangement didn't make much sense to me.  They had dozens of old expensive cars and pure bred dogs.

For some reason I was spending the night with Calvin in his bedroom.  He slept on a mattress on the floor and I just had a sleeping bag.  There was a divider between us and I had a CRT TV on my half of the room.  I turned it on and played the VHS that was in the built-in VHS player and watched a claymation Calvin discuss a song from his newly released worship album (the album a thing from reality).  I was amazed at how excellent the claymation was, and a bit jealous that Calvin could create something so fantastic with no previous experience.  However, the stop-motion video was followed by a terribly shot 90s style punk-band music video, though perhaps it was intentionally created to look bad.

I asked Calvin how he got into stop-motion, but the question wasn't answered.  Calvin's mom walked into the bedroom to check in on us and see if we needed anything.  She was wearing a turquoise skirt, turquoise high-heels, and no shirt or top whatsoever.  I don't know what Calvin's mom looks like in real life, but this woman was tall and had long blonde hair and a chest like mine (aka, the chest of a 12-year-old boy).  It was so strange, though she didn't seem to think it was a big deal at all.  After she left the room (which took longer than Calvin and I wished), Calvin expressed his painful embarrassment at his mother's behavior, but in the dream I didn't care at all and said that if men can go topless without women caring, then women should be able to go topless without men caring (how wonderfully feminist of my subconscious self).

Anyway, I went to sleep.

When I awoke, the property had become a war zone.  Some invaders from a nonexistent country had taken over the Whetstone estate and were using it as a military base.  A few gunmen burst into the bedroom and kidnapped Calvin.  Fortunately for me they didn't check behind the divider.  I looked out the window as soon as they left so that I could see the chaos.  I saw that not too far off was a huge crater with a tunnel from which large tank-like vehicles were emerging and disappearing into.

I snuck out of the house and ventured into the tunnel, ducking behind rocks and dirt mounds as tankish vehicles passed.  It was pure darkness after a bit until at last I reached a wooden door in the dirt wall at the end of the tunnel.  I opened it up and found The Kingpin from the 90s Spider-Man cartoon telling a few of his henchmen to patrol the area.  I also saw my brother Mike tied to a post.

As soon as the henchmen and Kingpin left the room, I untied Mike.  Instead of expressing distress, he asked me if I wanted to play my melodica while he played the djembe.  I told him we could if we escaped this military base.  Without warning, Kingpin returned and called his henchmen in to destroy us.  Mike and I climbed up the pole to which he had been tied and made our way into a room above that room through a skinny hole in the ceiling with a circular trap door.

We made it just in time, though Kingpin's head was sticking up out of the hole as we tried to close the trap door.  He seemed immune to pain as Mike and I tried to stomp his head down the hole.  Luckily his body was too big to get all the way through, so he was only able to shout profanities at us without doing any physical harm.

Mike and I fought off a couple of henchmen, then took over a 4-wheeler that one of them was riding and we fled the scene.  Mike drove while I rode behind.  I found a camera in my pocket so I started shooting video of the chase scene that then took place.  Mike rocketed through scarily dark tunnels while simultaneously dodging other 4-wheeler-riding henchmen that were trying to crash into us.  It was seriously impressive.

Finally Mike was able to lose our pursuers and we hid out in a beautiful blue cave with a small lake inside of it.  There happened to be a melodica and a djembe there on the shore and Mike and I proceeded to jam out for a solid half of an hour.  Then Mike said he wanted to explore a bit more, so we took a hike.

After walking through many dark and shapeless passageways we came upon a metal door with a crank to open it.  I opened it up and found a futuristically furnished room with a bunch of people sitting in fancy metal chairs in a circle in the center of the room.  It looked like the Jedi council or something, though it turned out to be the Prairie Camp staff (and a few other people whom I do not know in real life) having a meeting.  Mike Phipps stood up and threw a dart at a futuristic, holographic dart board.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dream #541 (September 22, 2015) Feature Film at Weird Camp

Typically odd.

I dreamt that I was visiting what in my dream was called Prairie Camp, though it didn't at all resemble the Prairie Camp with which I am familiar in real life.  David Badertscher was the caretaker there, and he gave me a tour of the camp upon my arrival.

As usual, the dream took place during a nighttime twilight.  There were tons of densely packed trees with a few cabins seemingly arbitrarily built here and there.  There were tons of huge pond-sized puddles from some bizarre acid rain that had recently occurred.  There were a few tents and campers set up, but none of them seemed occupied.  There was, however, a huge community playground where hundreds of people were gathered.

David showed me the cabin I was to stay in.  It was weirdly long and narrow, musty and dusty, damp and dark.  The carpet was black and the wood beams were painted red.  He left me there alone as I started to make my bed (which was a bunkbed, and I chose the top bunk - see Dream #538 in which I also had a bunkbed).  I was utterly freaked out by a pair of Scooby-Doo-sized insects that had chewed through the screen door and were making their way toward me.  They were brick red and brown, had praying-mantis-like claws and dozens of legs.  They had no visible eyes on their heads, and they had pincers in front of their jagged-toothed-mouths.  In other words, they were horrifying.

I grabbed my pillow and shooed them outside, which was much easier than I had anticipated, to my relief.  I watched out of the doorway as they made their way back into one of the acid rain puddles and disappeared.

I was soon met by a film director and his producer.  They were apparently shooting a feature film at Prairie Camp, and wanted to set up a shot in my cabin.  They asked my permission, and I agreed.

I watched as they and their crew set up the lighting and started blocking the scene.  The lead actress, a few minutes into shooting, had a temper tantrum (brought on by absolutely nothing) and quit.  The director desperately needed somebody to take her place.  He walked outside and found my friend Carrie going for a walk and asked her if she would act.  She told him that she wasn't very good, but agreed to do it anyway.

I asked Carrie if I could stick around and watch her perform, and she said 'yes.'  To everyone's surprise, she was absolutely fantastic and gave an incredible performance.  She acted out this weird and dark scene during which she poured black oil all over her head and walked about the cabin in a manic state, occasionally improvising and interacting with her environment.  In the dream I never understood the context of the scene or the premise of the movie.

The character she was playing originally had just a small roll in the film, but the director liked Carrie so much that he decided to add more scenes with her.  I thought that was a bit odd, but still pretty cool that she had that opportunity.  I thought it would be cool if I could work on the film as well, so I asked the producer if they needed anyone else on the crew.  He told me they already had too many amateurs.  Ouch.

After everyone left, Carrie stuck around for a bit and I asked her how she liked acting.  She said it was "awesome to be the best at something."  It seemed to be getting to her head a bit, and she was treating me like I was some acquaintance from a former life.  I couldn't really stand it, so I left.

I met up with my brother Mike and Kody Heffelfinger at the playground.  Most of the hundreds of other people there were in a nearby field watching an extravagant fireworks show, though there were a few kids remaining playing on the jungle gym.  I joined the kids and entered their imaginary game; we pretended that we were knights fighting evil invisible creatures with equally invisible swords.  Mike and Kody were making fun of me, saying that adults can't play on the playground with kids who are also strangers.  They were probably right, but I was having a ton of fun.

All of this was disrupted by the film crew coming and taking over the playground for their next series of shots.  Carrie was there and had so much makeup and prosthetics on that I could barely recognize her (she almost looked like Shirley Temple, strangely enough).  In this scene, she had to swallow some purple potion out of a glass bottle and pretend that she was transforming into a dragon.

It was kind of fun to watch, but I didn't want to be entertained by people who had insulted me, so I left.

I found a crazy middle-aged woman preaching to a group of adults from various walks of life.  She had a built-in megaphone in her face (it was terribly disturbing) and she kept warning everyone of the sins of America.  I noticed that she had a human heart in her hand, and she was squeezing it like a stress ball as she yelled.

Then I awoke.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dream #540 (September 21, 2015) Basketball Reunion, Discussion

Always with the basketball dreams.

I dreamt that the old high school basketball team form Oregon-Davis High School (state champs!) (in 1A ball) reunited a year after high school graduation.  We found out that we were all still eligible to play for another year because the rules had changed.  Even though this technically would've taken place in 2008, all of the players, including myself, were who we are presently (September, 2015).

We got together in a dimly lit room that had its floor, walls, and ceiling colored in a dull grey carpet.  Even the furniture was carpeted.  Some of the guys were playing some ATV Playstation game as we were chatting about various things.  Some of the guys were joking around with Austin about the Green Bay Packers or something.  Justin was sitting by himself in a corner, looking forlorn.  I went over to talk to him and Nathan joined me.  He talked a bit about selling cars and marriage, etc.  I'm not sure why he looked sad.  Things seemed to be going great for him.

At last Coach walked in with his assistant Ryan.  Coach pulled out a black binder and asked us if we remembered the plays.  We laughed and shook our heads.  He lead us all out to the parking lot which had a full-sized wooden court in the middle of it and we started running through some stuff.  All of us were surprised that nobody had forgotten a single play.  Also, Coach was surprised that I had become a decent ball player somehow.

We took a short bus to our first game at some small school.  We all listened to our own music on the way.

Upon arrival, we went into the school's swimming pool, which had been emptied, and changed into our flashy red uniforms.  We all wanted to be more excited than we were to be playing together again.

We walked onto the court and began warming up, doing various layup and shooting drills.  My warmup suit smelled like dill pickles.  The court was really short.  The three-point lines extended almost all the way to half court.  We were playing some small school, and they were supposed to be terrible, so I was sure to get some playing time.

From the get-go, we were dominating the other team.  I sat the bench and cheered my teammates on throughout the first quarter.  Brandon and Adam both had a couple sweet dunks.

Then I transferred to a different dream.

I was in a large circle of bearded men with long hair.  David Dodd Lee (DDL) was leading a discussion group about poetry and for some reason we were all discussing centaurs.  I asked DDL how often that mythical creature inspired his poetry, and he said, "All the time!"

Then I awoke.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dream #539 (September 20, 2015) Bus Trip to OCB

A mere dream.

I began the dream in Redeemer Missionary Church, though it was far larger than it is in real life.  The sanctuary had a stage in the center of it with rows of pews forming an octagon around it.  The basement of the church resembled the musicians' practice rooms at Bethel College.  I was walking in and out of the rooms as various cellists, violinists, and violists auditioned to play on my next album.  I was struggling to find anybody who could fulfill my vision, so I rejected everyone.

I walked into the sanctuary where a sort of prayer service was being held.  A young woman was there praying aloud for all to hear.  She was thanking God for my existence and for all the great times she had with me.  I found this strange and a bit comical because I hardly even knew this woman and didn't really have any desire to know her more.  I walked past a few more rows and sat down by Reed and Jess Lyons.  I leaned over and told them about the prayer I just heard and how absurd it ways.  Jess began to laugh and for some reason the breath of this laugh hit me and caused a stinging sensation in my whole face.  it also smelled like a harshly strong mint.  I quickly leaned back and began to massage my face, trying to relieve the pain.

After I listened to Pastor Jason speak for a bit, my mom and brother Matt came up to me and said it was time to go.

We walked out to the parking lot (which, in the dream, was huge and surrounded only by cropless fields) and stood before a large white bus.  My mom told me to board it.  She and Matt both rode in some fancy blue SUV in front of the bus.

The other bus passengers were all young adults with whom I was not familiar.  I sat in the only empty seat and began playing my harmonica to pass the time.

An ambiguous amount of time passed.  I turned and looked out of the rear window of the bus and saw my dad's car following behind us.  I got out of my seat and walked to the back of the bus to get a better look.  He was waving his arms at me, seemingly trying to get the bus to pull over.

I ran up to the driver and instructed him to let me out, which she did.  As soon as I got out, my dad zoomed right passed me and the bus took off, leaving me there alone.

The traffic on this highway was insane, both because there were many cars and because the cars were traveling at incomprehensible speeds.  I needed to cross to the other side of the highway to reach my dad, who had done a U-turn and pulled off over there.  Several times I took a step out and had to leap back to safety.  After a burst of courage, I made it to the median, but then looked on in horror as a car, followed by a semi, were both accelerating toward me in the median.  I took a wild dash toward the other side of the road and narrowly avoided getting hit.

When I finally reached my dad's car, he was nowhere to be found.  However, the keys were still in the vehicle, so I decided to take it to where I needed to go (see Dream #537 in which I found and drove off in my brother Mike's car without him being there; what's going on here?).

The place I needed to go was apparently Old Country Buffet.  This particular OCB had several arcade games inside, though it still had the aesthetic style of any old OCB.  It was kind of interesting, as if the visitors to the restaurant had all brought their own arcade game and placed it wherever they wanted.

I sat down by Mom and Matt and told them of my near-death experience on the highway.  Mom gave me a couple quarters to try my hand at the claw machine.  I was a bit embarrassed by this at first, pretending to deny her offer, but deep down I really did want to play and didn't have any change on me, so I took it from her and walked over to the game, followed by Matt.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Dream #538 (September 19, 2015) Mega Church Pastor Slam

Here we go.

I dreamt that I was living with Kyle and Kody Heffelfinger in a house just a bit larger than the one they have in real life in a subdivision just a bit more vast than real life.  The atmosphere was an eternal twilight no matter what time of day it was supposed to be.

At the start of the dream, it was Saturday night and I was packing my things because I was going to move into this large dormitory that also housed a huge mega church.  Kody told me he wanted to play in the community Start Wars event before I left, so we went and got our lightsabers and ran out into the street.  Many other subdivision dwellers were out on the street with their lightsabers, pretending to have an epic battle.  Some were throwing Nerf debris acting as if they had the Force.  Kody and I went on a rampage, destroying any other lightsaber wielder in our path.

After about an hour of this, Kyle drove through the street that was supposed to be blocked off and told me and Kody that we needed to go home so we could eat dinner (pizza).  We obeyed.

I went to sleep after dinner and the next morning took my things to the dormitory/church.  I wandered about looking for a room that suited me.  Finally, on the second highest floor, I found this room with an extremely high ceiling and an unnecessarily huge bunkbed.  It was perfect.  I asked the leader of the establishment, who happened to be my college friend Ashley Miller, if I could have the room, and she said it was certainly available.  I set my bags down and crawled into the bed to take a little nap.

Soon after that church began, so I went down into the sanctuary.  It was dark and seemed to be the size of a stadium.  When the pastor took the stage, I recognized him (not from real life but from the dream world) to be a terrible televangelist who seemed to be all about money and fancy possessions.  He owned several nice cars, a huge house, a helicopter, a jet, etc.  He preached some bogus sermon about how it is God's will that we have plenty.

I couldn't stand it.  After the sermon, I went up to Ashley's office and asked her how she could put up with such garbage.  Then the preacher himself walked in.  I believe his name was Chris.  He was wearing a pin stripped suit and had gelled black hair.  He then began starting to laugh at my complaints and proceeded to mock me.  Then I became furious and started shouting at him, accusing him of being a "false prophet" and "disturbingly and filthily greedy" and more.  I was yelling at a volume that I have never yelled at in my life. The room became quiet when I finished.  Then Chris asked, "This man is living here?" as he walked out of the room arrogantly.

I turned to Ashley for her support, but she looked disappointed in me.  Had I been too harsh?

I went back to my room only to find that Chris had leased it to a young college-aged gal.  I was trying to get my things, but she had a ton of friends and family in her room for a "house-warming party" so it was difficult to get around.  I grabbed only my backpack and found a room on a lower floor.

This room was terribly tiny and I had to share it with six other people.  It smelled like sardines had been sitting inside of a catfish smothered in year-old gravy.  I began working on something on my laptop computer, but then I decided that I wanted to write a note to Chris apologizing for my harsh tone, but still showing concern for his stance on wealth.  However, I needed paper, so I went to my old room to try to find my other bag which contained my notebook.

I finally made my way through the crowd and grabbed my duffel bag.  I pulled out my notebook and pen and began writing the letter right there amidst the chaos.  Another church service was soon about to start, and I discovered that the room I was in also doubled as a greeting room for members of the church, so writing proved to be difficult.  Chris was actually standing just a few feet from me, making comments about me to some of the others there.  Somebody bumped me, causing my papers to fly out of my notebook.  I started gathering them when Chris yelled at me, accusing of taking things that weren't mine.  "This homeless-looking guy is trying to steal from you people!"

He grabbed a piece of paper that had a poem of mine written on it and tried to give it to some woman as if it were hers and not mine.  I tried taking it back, but he kept pulling it away from me like I was a cat and the paper was a string.  The woman then took the poem and handed it back to me.  Finally a supporter!

I jumped ahead in time to some outdoor activity involving candles and balancing and teamwork.  Chris was leading the activity, then, noticing that I was doing well, "accidentally" caused me to fall and break my candle stick.  I was fed up with him, so I walked away proclaiming, "I'm done!"  Chris proceeded to mock me and get all the other guys partaking in the activity to also make fun of me for being a quitter.  I still wanted to write him that note, but he was making it so much harder for me to do.

Then I awoke.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Dream #537 (September 18, 2015) Country Home Visit

A pleasant dream.

I was walking along the side of a country road in Michigan that ran through beautiful green fields with no cars or homes in sight.  After what felt like an hour of walking, I found my brother Mike's white Ford Tempo parked alongside one of the fields.  I happened to have the keys in my pocket, so I started it up and drove down the road.

After a while a gold car started approaching me from behind.  It accelerated until finally it slammed into the Tempo, causing me to spin off the road and wreck the car.  I surprisingly not in the least bit upset and I went over to talk to the teenage male who had caused the wreck.  He had a blonde bowl cut and thick-rimmed glasses and loved his iPhone.

I soon found out that he was really interested in film, so we chatted about that for a while.  We both had nowhere to go because our cars were undrivable.  To make this more complicated, there was no cellphone reception, so we just walked together for a bit.

Finally a blue car drove by and we flagged it down.  It turned out to be Devon, the father of some friends of mine and he invited the two of us to come and stay at his house with his family.  We both accepted, but shortly after that, the teen's girlfriend pulled up and offered him a ride.  He went with her, but said they would come and visit in a couple hours or so.

I went with Devon and chatted about communal living and how it could be implemented into American culture.  When we arrived at his home, all of his kids were in his living room playing some sort of seemingly hilarious party game.  We both joined in and had a wonderfully fun time, in spite of my lack of understanding of the game being played, if it even was a game.

After that, we all decided that we wanted to eat tacos, so we relocated to the kitchen and began prepping the meal.  I was in charge of creating the tortilla shells from scratch.  I'm not really sure how I was doing it successfully and so quickly, but I was pretty darn skilled at my task.  It was a bit like a cartoon, for we were all tossing ingredients and dishes to each other and never dropping them as we all sang a cheerful tune in harmony and in unison.

When the meal was nearly finished, the doorbell rang.  For some reason I answered it and found the teenage boy with his girlfriend there.  He immediately pulled out his phone and showed me a film that he had shot and edited since he last saw me.  I prepared myself to act amused, but to my surprise it was actually incredible.  I was blown away by the production value and the creativity and the speed at which it was created.  It was some short film about a boy who drove a mini taxi around and created changes in weather by punching floating boxes (Super Mario style) around town.  He then suggested that we create something together someday soon, and I wholeheartedly agreed.  He seemed like a fun guy to work with.

I then returned to tortilla shell creating, and I finished up the last few that needed to be made.  The kitchen we worked in was rather small, but it somehow comfortably fit all of us (there were 10 of us in there). There was a dusty window that allowed some very diffused light into the room, which gave everything a nice soft glow.

We all gathered around the table and said a prayer, then began a wonderfully musical feast.  I was seated next to a friend of mine.  I looked at her and she patted me on the head, shrugged, then walked away from the table.  I didn't know what that meant.  I watched her as she went and sat on the living room floor alone, staring at the ground.

After a few moments of contemplation, I also left the table and sat near her, asking her if everything was alright.  She looked up and smiled at me, then patted me on the head again, then began skipping around the room.  I was both amused and confused.

I then thought about how insanely delicious those tacos were.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dream #536 (September 17, 2015) Matisyahu Film, Sweatpants Basketball, and Losing Sanity

This dream had three very different parts.  The last was quite haunting.

In the first dream, I was directing a feature film.  The world I worked in was perpetually night which at least made for consistent lighting.  I was setting up a shot in a semi-demolished building and for some reason I was smoking a cigarette (maybe that's what feature film directors do).

I was discussing the upcoming shot with my assistant director Andrew DeSelm and my Director of Photography Dan McCullum.  I had a crane that was going to drop down into the building and do an overhead track of Matis as he climbed over the debris.  Andrew was working with the set decorator to put trash/large debris in all the right places.  I tried to start blocking out the scene with Matis, but he was busy smoking a certain substance, so I had trouble getting his attention.

I decided to go outside to talk with my gaffer, Dan Jeter, about the exterior lighting setup.  We had dozens of HMI's blasting into the building at various angles, casting interesting shadows over the scene.  Dan updated me on how much time he needed to finish, and I returned to talk to Matis.

After blocking the scene, we shot it, and got the complex shot perfect on the third take.  That was the last shot at that location, so everyone began to pack up, and I rode off with Matis to the next set, which was a home interior.  Matis and I discussed the look of the house as I gave him a tour.  There were mostly pastel colors throughout the home, with occasional dashes of a saturated green.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was standing on the sidelines of the Oregon-Davis Elementary gymnasium with my brother Matt.  Our team was playing in the championship game and our coach, a random guy from the Dominican Republic, refused to putt Matt and me in the game.

I really wanted to play, and I actually thought I could do better than the people in the game, but the coach was too distracted to hear me out.  He really wasn't even paying any attention to the game but instead playing some brightly colored child's game on his iPad (or similar tablet) with the sound on.

Finally in the 4th quarter, when we were down by 10, I convinced him to let my brother and me play. For some reason every player on the court, including me, was wearing thick red sweatpants with other sweatpants tucked inside of both legs so that everyone's legs looked really chunky-fluffy.  I tried to figure out why this was the case.  Maybe we were supporting some sort of disease research?

Anyway, Matt and I started out our time on the court very well.  Right away we had a double-team that led to a forced turnover and a basket for our team.  We helped tie the game up with a couple minutes left to go.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

In this particular dream, my name was Matt, and another version of me who was named Joe was also in the dream.  Even though I was my own older brother, I didn't resemble my older brother in real life in any way.

I was on the brink of insanity in this dream.  I knew I was going crazy, but I could stop it from getting worse.  In the start of the dream, I was walking around my parents' living room breaking various porcelain and glass decorations and rubbing my fingers over the broken edges, causing my fingers to cut and bleed in various spots.

Then I jumped ahead in time and I was running around outside wearing only a blue cape.

Then I found myself lying on the bathroom floor and my mom and dad were trying to get me to respond.  I wanted to respond, but I couldn't.  I had just ingested a large amount of medicine and mouthwash.

I jumped even further into the future and I had my own apartment.  I had rigged up a machine to pump the blood out of my body into a large plastic bag.  I started screaming about how I needed to remove all the impurities from my system as my sister (who doesn't exist in real life) tried to stop me.  I overpowered her and threw her across the room, causing her to blackout.  Then I hooked myself up to the machine and began pumping out large amounts of blood, all the while shouting about how I was casting out all impurities.

Eventually I began to lose consciousness.  My plastic bag, which held several gallons of blood, was nearly full.  I kept fading in and out of consciousness.  Finally my mom, dad, and brother rushed in and pulled me off the the machine, causing blood to pour all over the ground.  My brother figured out a way to reverse the blood flow and send it back into my body, which he began to do.  My vision turned mostly white and my thoughts became so fuzzy.  My consciousness left my body and I was able to look from a higher perspective at my family trying to save my life.

I started to wake up in real life, but I stayed in the dream for a bit longer.  I was asking myself why I had to dream such a disturbing/disgusting dream, and I think I might have nearly passed out in real life from the amount of blood that I thought I'd lost, which was all over that kitchen floor and all over my shaking body.

I finally began to pull away from the dream and into a weird half-conscious state.  I almost felt as if I were looking down on myself lying in my bed in real life.

Then at last I awoke.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dream #535 (August 1, 2015) Tim Johnson, Matisyahu in Kalamazoo

This doesn't at all reflect my view of Matisyahu.

I started out the dream at Koontz Lake Missionary church.  Tim Johnson was running some huge even there and I was supposed to direct the camera operators for him during it.  I had finished setting up my station and introducing myself to the ops when I realized I was really hungry.  I went out to the parking lot with Tim and asked if I could go grab dinner before the event started.  Tim hesitated then said, "You have an hour."

I got in my car and, for some reason, headed to Kalamazoo, which is over 100 miles away.  Tim Johnson was probably none too pleased when he realized I wouldn't make it back it time, but I never made it back at all so I don't know what his reaction was.

I went to Bell's Brewery in Kalamazoo and ordered a soy burger.  Then I saw that Matisyahu and his assistant David were also there.  They were dining in a private room and they let me in to dine with them.

Suddenly Matisyahu began singing in some weird language, and it seemed as if he no longer had control of his own body.  This went on for a while until Jeremy Robinson, a friend of mine from Oregon-Davis High School, burst in and, after quickly assessing the situation, proceeded to cast a demon out of Matis.  It was rather crazy.  Matis thanked Jeremy and begin praising God.  Jeremy turned to me and said, "You could've done that, but you were just standing there."

Then Jeremy left and I followed him.  We joined some huge parade of people marching down a winding sidewalk leading out of Kalamazoo.  There were hundreds of men, women, and children, and they were carrying enough stuff to last them a few days.  The atmosphere was a deep and saturated blue, and the houses that I could see off in the distance displayed beautiful orange lights.

Then I awoke.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dream #534 (June 12, 2015) Tom Cruise and a Van


I dreamt that I was simultaneously watching and taking part in a 90's action movie starring Tom Cruise.  The weird thing was that I was the female lead starring alongside Tom.  At some points during the dream, the story felt real.  At other points, I felt as if I were acting (as a female character but not as a female), and at still other points I felt as if I were watching everything unfold.

Anyway, I was the daughter of parents from a well known/respected royal couple, and their only offspring.  They were very protective of me, something I resented deeply.  They wouldn't let me go out on my own even.  At the beginning of the dream I had snuck away from them in a college town and was listening to some punk music as I made my way to the college (my plan was to sneak into a lecture and sit in on it).  I had shortish dyed black hair, a purple backpack with a few patches and buttons on it, and some punk-ish clothes.

As I neared the school, I heard my dad's voice call me from his vehicle not far behind me.  I started running from him.  Moments later, a big grey van sped through town as if it were fleeing from something.  The driver slammed on the breaks next to me.  Tom Cruise leaned his head out the window and told me to get in.  Being the rebellious girl I was, I did exactly as he said.

Tom then swerved around traffic until he made it to the freeway.  Once he was the I asked him a few questions about what he was doing, and he gave me some generic answers about putting an end to some evil corporation.

We talked about a few other random things, then we ended up at some factory.  I stayed in the van whilst Tom ran about sabotaging the place.  We sped away.  Tom told me he needed a safe place to hide away, and I said my parent's mansion would be good for that, so that is where we went.

Tom reluctantly joined me as I went inside.  I introduced him to the family, and we had an awkward dinner.  My dad asked him tons of questions, and he usually gave some sort of witty and vague answer to them.  I caught my dad trying to secretly phone the police when he excused himself to go to the bathroom, so I grabbed Tom and led him out of there.

As we were making our way out to the van, Bill Fashbaugh (a real-life friend of mine) met us there and said he wanted to drive for a while.  Tom and I weren't opposed, so we sat in the backseat as Bill drove.

A ways down the road, there was supposed to be a 'make-out' scene.  At this point I was conscious that I was a male acting as a female in a movie, so Tom and I pretended to make out in a rather comical way, making the crew and other cast laugh.

Suddenly I was back to believing the movie was real, and Bill swerved off the road and flipped the van because he was trying to cook macaroni and cheese in the passenger seat.  Tom, Bill, and I all stumbled out of the vehicle unscathed, but the macaroni had flown quite a distance and hit a group of business women having a late-night coffee meeting (one of whom was played by Tina Fey for some reason).  Tina's character also happened to be a police officer, so she began investigating.

Bill, Tom, and I all acted as if we were merely passers by who had witness the scene, and we rushed to the women to make sure they were ok.  Tina seemed a bit suspicious, but she didn't act on her suspicions at first.

Bill managed to pick-pocket one of the ladies, and Tom pick-pocketed two of the others, and we started walking quickly toward their cars.  Tom dropped one of the sets of keys on the way, which made Tina realize that hers were missing.

I said, "We only have two sets of keys and their are four cars to choose from.  Which one is the right one?"

Then I awoke, a male once again.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dream #533 (February 23, 2015) Celebrity Prisoner

Perhaps this could be a reality TV show.

I dreamt that I was selected to be on a show entitled Celebrity Prisoner in which D-List celebrities (somehow I was a celebrity in my dream) were put in a prison built specifically for the show.  The show was to be taped over the course of several months.  I had never heard of any of the other celebrities except for Mike Tyson.

As much as I loathe reality television, I thought it could be a lot of fun to get paid to be a prisoner (I'm not sure how that seemed fun to me), so I accepted the role and went to prison.  One of my cellmates was a tall and muscular guy and the other was a tall and lanky fella.  I befriended them immediately and we all decided that we would spend the majority of the show trying to break out of prison.  We thought it would add good entertainment value and be genuinely fun.

After a couple weeks I was the first to discover a flaw in the prison set.  On one of the walls of the recreation center, behind a couple matts, was some wiring that jutted out the wall.  I started pulling on the wire, which ripped a 3-foot hole in the wall, revealing a large hallow space beyond it.  I covered it up and informed my cellmates of my discovery that night at bedtime.

The next day, the three of us went to the rec room.  My cellmates provided a distraction (they acted as if they were feuding) whilst I slipped into the hole to explore the darkness.  I soon discovered a tunnel.  I walked through it for about a quarter of a mile, and I ended up on a mountain by a beach.  I ran back quickly to find my cellmates, but unfortunately only the lanky one was there (the other had been taken to a solitary room).  Lanky joined me and we walked out onto the beach together.

We saw a couple snowmobiles riding out on the water (defying gravity, etc.).  I parted ways with Lanky.  He stayed on the beach and I went into town to enjoy my newfound freedom.

My first stop was the library.  Unfortunately the prisoners from Celebrity Prisoner had been brought there for a field trip (except my muscular roommate, who was still in solitary confinement).  Instead of fleeing the scene, though, I thought I would try to get on camera without being caught by the prison guards.  As the prisoners filed through the aisles, I would pop my head around them every once in a while, hoping to jut my way into a shot.

At last I made eye contact with one of the camera operators.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dream #532 (January 28, 2015) Kindergarten Again

I often return to school in my dreams.

I got a call from Oregon-Davis Jr./Sr. High School.  A woman informed me that there were no known records of me ever passing kindergarten and that I had to return to school to complete it in order for the rest of my schooling to count.  In this dreamed I had my own little house and a dog.

I drove over to the school (which looks absolutely nothing like it does in the real world) and talked with the principal.  She enrolled me and soon enough I was in class playing with homemade Playdough made from peanut butter (such a thing actually exists).  I sang songs with the other kids in the class, learned about colors, and had plenty of play time.

Even though I enjoyed it quite a bit, I realized that I wouldn't have time to go to school every day and work.  I had a meeting with the principal and told her as much and she said she could meet with me again the next day, so I went back to class.

A giant game of hide-and-seek then took place.  In the dream, the kindergarteners had their own little building, so the whole place was fair game for hiding.  I went through several corridors and found an empty classroom where I hid for quite a while.

After a bit I became bored and decided to explore the room.  I pulled out some of the worksheets about letters and numbers and studied them briefly.  Then I found the crayons and watercolors and started working with them.

Suddenly the P.E. teacher caught me playing with the toys I wasn't supposed to play with during hide and seek and she dragged me to the principal's office.  The principal then told me that there was no way around me redoing kindergarten if I wanted to keep my high school and college diplomas.  The only compromise they could make was that I put in 80 hours of kindergarten in two weeks.

Then I realized that I didn't even need either diploma, and my degree is useless for what I do, so I told her that I didn't care and I walked out.

I went home to my dog, a breed with which I'm not familiar in the real world.  He was brown.

Then I awoke.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Dream #531 (January 10, 2015)

I've missed a lot of good dreams.

I parked my gold Buick LeSabre in the indoor parking lot of Megaplay (an arcade in Mishawaka, IN, though it looks nothing like what it did in my dream, and there is certainly not an indoor parking lot).  The arcade was massive and slick.  There were two stories of arcade games that one could see in any standard arcade (though they were a bit more awesome with many more lights and flashy things).

In the start of the dream, the place was looking like it would close its doors for good at any point.  People weren't interested in arcades at all, so it was a lonely and depressing place.  Accompanied only by the owner of Megaplay (who resembled the real-life owner of a Chik-fil-a in Fort Wayne, IN), I played some ski ball, as well as a few rounds of pinball and a round of X-Men.  I saw a group of teenagers enter and I walked over to them.  I began to pretend like playing arcade games was the coolest thing ever.  I began jumping about and hollering.  Then I started a chant (I wish I could remember the words), and all the teens joined in.  I wasn't sure if they were mocking me or actually sincerely pumped about the arcade.

I soon left and drove home.

Several months, maybe even more than a year passed in my dream.  I received an invitation in the mail stating that I was invited to stay overnight at Megaplay.  I was surprised that the place hadn't shut down yet, so I decided to go.

When I arrived (I was wearing a suit and tie for some reason; I think I was perhaps a successful businessman at this point in my life in my dream), all the indoor parking was full, so I parked down by a river that ran right behind the establishment.  There were dozens of RV's and campers parked in the back, and people were grilling, playing frisbee, and fishing.  I walked inside and found the owner.  He came up to me and patted me on the back, thanking me for "getting the young people excited about arcading."  But then and brought me closer to him and whispered to me, "but the gangs have gotten a bit out of control."

As if on cue a group of rough looking fellas all wearing matching bandanas (some carrying guns, others carrying baseball bats) entered and began trashing random vehicles parked in the arcade.  They all gathered around me and began spitting at me and mocking my appearance.  They also insulted the owner, who simply put up with it and did everything asked of him (including standing on his head for a minute).  Then they proceeded to play some arcades, though some took to climbing the machines and dangling from the balcony.

Shortly after that, a group of teens wearing blue bandanas entered and started shouting out insults to the red bandana teens.  Things escalated, and several fist and knife fights broke out.

I fled to the outdoors.  Apparently the gangs had blocked all the exits (the outdoor camping area was all fenced in), so I was unable to leave.  I grabbed my sleeping bag out of my car and found a place to hide (I didn't feel safe in my car).  I slept in the hollow of a tree.

The next morning I awoke to a grey twilight and a thick fog.  I immediately tried to find my car to see if it had been damaged, but it was nowhere to be found.  After wandering about in the fog for quite a while, I ran into a fisherman who told me some of the history of the Megaplay gang violence.  I also discovered that Megaplay was the center of the city of Mishawaka and had somehow taken judicial power over the area.  It was weird.

After the chat I found that my car was nearby.  I entered it, started it, and pulled out of the parking spot.

Suddenly two blue bandana boys jumped out of a tree onto my car, each armed with a baseball bat.  I jumped out of my car.

Then I awoke.