Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dream #539 (September 20, 2015) Bus Trip to OCB

A mere dream.

I began the dream in Redeemer Missionary Church, though it was far larger than it is in real life.  The sanctuary had a stage in the center of it with rows of pews forming an octagon around it.  The basement of the church resembled the musicians' practice rooms at Bethel College.  I was walking in and out of the rooms as various cellists, violinists, and violists auditioned to play on my next album.  I was struggling to find anybody who could fulfill my vision, so I rejected everyone.

I walked into the sanctuary where a sort of prayer service was being held.  A young woman was there praying aloud for all to hear.  She was thanking God for my existence and for all the great times she had with me.  I found this strange and a bit comical because I hardly even knew this woman and didn't really have any desire to know her more.  I walked past a few more rows and sat down by Reed and Jess Lyons.  I leaned over and told them about the prayer I just heard and how absurd it ways.  Jess began to laugh and for some reason the breath of this laugh hit me and caused a stinging sensation in my whole face.  it also smelled like a harshly strong mint.  I quickly leaned back and began to massage my face, trying to relieve the pain.

After I listened to Pastor Jason speak for a bit, my mom and brother Matt came up to me and said it was time to go.

We walked out to the parking lot (which, in the dream, was huge and surrounded only by cropless fields) and stood before a large white bus.  My mom told me to board it.  She and Matt both rode in some fancy blue SUV in front of the bus.

The other bus passengers were all young adults with whom I was not familiar.  I sat in the only empty seat and began playing my harmonica to pass the time.

An ambiguous amount of time passed.  I turned and looked out of the rear window of the bus and saw my dad's car following behind us.  I got out of my seat and walked to the back of the bus to get a better look.  He was waving his arms at me, seemingly trying to get the bus to pull over.

I ran up to the driver and instructed him to let me out, which she did.  As soon as I got out, my dad zoomed right passed me and the bus took off, leaving me there alone.

The traffic on this highway was insane, both because there were many cars and because the cars were traveling at incomprehensible speeds.  I needed to cross to the other side of the highway to reach my dad, who had done a U-turn and pulled off over there.  Several times I took a step out and had to leap back to safety.  After a burst of courage, I made it to the median, but then looked on in horror as a car, followed by a semi, were both accelerating toward me in the median.  I took a wild dash toward the other side of the road and narrowly avoided getting hit.

When I finally reached my dad's car, he was nowhere to be found.  However, the keys were still in the vehicle, so I decided to take it to where I needed to go (see Dream #537 in which I found and drove off in my brother Mike's car without him being there; what's going on here?).

The place I needed to go was apparently Old Country Buffet.  This particular OCB had several arcade games inside, though it still had the aesthetic style of any old OCB.  It was kind of interesting, as if the visitors to the restaurant had all brought their own arcade game and placed it wherever they wanted.

I sat down by Mom and Matt and told them of my near-death experience on the highway.  Mom gave me a couple quarters to try my hand at the claw machine.  I was a bit embarrassed by this at first, pretending to deny her offer, but deep down I really did want to play and didn't have any change on me, so I took it from her and walked over to the game, followed by Matt.

Then I awoke.

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