Monday, September 21, 2015

Dream #540 (September 21, 2015) Basketball Reunion, Discussion

Always with the basketball dreams.

I dreamt that the old high school basketball team form Oregon-Davis High School (state champs!) (in 1A ball) reunited a year after high school graduation.  We found out that we were all still eligible to play for another year because the rules had changed.  Even though this technically would've taken place in 2008, all of the players, including myself, were who we are presently (September, 2015).

We got together in a dimly lit room that had its floor, walls, and ceiling colored in a dull grey carpet.  Even the furniture was carpeted.  Some of the guys were playing some ATV Playstation game as we were chatting about various things.  Some of the guys were joking around with Austin about the Green Bay Packers or something.  Justin was sitting by himself in a corner, looking forlorn.  I went over to talk to him and Nathan joined me.  He talked a bit about selling cars and marriage, etc.  I'm not sure why he looked sad.  Things seemed to be going great for him.

At last Coach walked in with his assistant Ryan.  Coach pulled out a black binder and asked us if we remembered the plays.  We laughed and shook our heads.  He lead us all out to the parking lot which had a full-sized wooden court in the middle of it and we started running through some stuff.  All of us were surprised that nobody had forgotten a single play.  Also, Coach was surprised that I had become a decent ball player somehow.

We took a short bus to our first game at some small school.  We all listened to our own music on the way.

Upon arrival, we went into the school's swimming pool, which had been emptied, and changed into our flashy red uniforms.  We all wanted to be more excited than we were to be playing together again.

We walked onto the court and began warming up, doing various layup and shooting drills.  My warmup suit smelled like dill pickles.  The court was really short.  The three-point lines extended almost all the way to half court.  We were playing some small school, and they were supposed to be terrible, so I was sure to get some playing time.

From the get-go, we were dominating the other team.  I sat the bench and cheered my teammates on throughout the first quarter.  Brandon and Adam both had a couple sweet dunks.

Then I transferred to a different dream.

I was in a large circle of bearded men with long hair.  David Dodd Lee (DDL) was leading a discussion group about poetry and for some reason we were all discussing centaurs.  I asked DDL how often that mythical creature inspired his poetry, and he said, "All the time!"

Then I awoke.

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