Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dream #532 (January 28, 2015) Kindergarten Again

I often return to school in my dreams.

I got a call from Oregon-Davis Jr./Sr. High School.  A woman informed me that there were no known records of me ever passing kindergarten and that I had to return to school to complete it in order for the rest of my schooling to count.  In this dreamed I had my own little house and a dog.

I drove over to the school (which looks absolutely nothing like it does in the real world) and talked with the principal.  She enrolled me and soon enough I was in class playing with homemade Playdough made from peanut butter (such a thing actually exists).  I sang songs with the other kids in the class, learned about colors, and had plenty of play time.

Even though I enjoyed it quite a bit, I realized that I wouldn't have time to go to school every day and work.  I had a meeting with the principal and told her as much and she said she could meet with me again the next day, so I went back to class.

A giant game of hide-and-seek then took place.  In the dream, the kindergarteners had their own little building, so the whole place was fair game for hiding.  I went through several corridors and found an empty classroom where I hid for quite a while.

After a bit I became bored and decided to explore the room.  I pulled out some of the worksheets about letters and numbers and studied them briefly.  Then I found the crayons and watercolors and started working with them.

Suddenly the P.E. teacher caught me playing with the toys I wasn't supposed to play with during hide and seek and she dragged me to the principal's office.  The principal then told me that there was no way around me redoing kindergarten if I wanted to keep my high school and college diplomas.  The only compromise they could make was that I put in 80 hours of kindergarten in two weeks.

Then I realized that I didn't even need either diploma, and my degree is useless for what I do, so I told her that I didn't care and I walked out.

I went home to my dog, a breed with which I'm not familiar in the real world.  He was brown.

Then I awoke.

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